Hell's Consort

Chapter 589 - We Will Begin

Chapter 589 - We Will Begin

Newest Chapter For Highest Tier (July 2021)


Archdemon Empress Luna


"Are you ready, Luna?" Apollyon asked her once he finished drawing the summoning circle on the royal suite's red velvet carpets.

As she remained seated on the edge of the canopied bed, her eyes flitted to the splatters of slimy blood here and there--marked on the floor and the walls--including her limbs.

Something poured out of the grimoire, similar to a dark reddish waterfall, until it flooded the whole place.

Later on, it turned into formless yet fluid-like gunk of blood that can take shape with anything it wanted.

To get rid of Caelano, who transferred its servitude from Apollyon's mother to Lilith at its own whims,? the strange bloody thing separated into smaller goops before it sunk into her pores and cleansed her from the Fury's darkness.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He also told her about a black spider coming out of her mouth.

She groaned in disgust, and Apollyon paused to let her adapt to the image.

It was either she swallow hard or gag in front of Apollyon.

Goosebumps rose from her arms when she heard about the arachnids crawling on her form.

Hands and toes curling, the sensation felt so raw, real, and vivid that it felt like a muscle memory--even if she could barely recall.

Her body remembered, but her mind thought that the clusters of spiders breaking out from the sore holes on the expanse of her pale chest were mere illusions.

As he heard the story earlier from her husband, Luna can't help but shiver as if cold, ghastly fingers were running up and down her spine while she laid on their canopied bed surrounded by comfortable blankets and pillows.

His deep baritone was relaxing and more than pleasant.

He could pass as a traveling bard for a King—actually, no.

Apollyon was her storyteller, and she was a special patron for this newfound talent of his from how easy he owned her undivided attention.

Nevertheless, her husband must be bored of her limited reaction due to overfatigue.

She was either blinking in shock, opening her mouth for a long yawn, and releasing an occasional short gasp from the duration of the tragic and scary bedtime story filled with ghosts and monsters.

Luna's eyes widened many times in fear as she imagined the scenarios Apollyon relived for her benefit.? After that, her husband demanded that she rest for a longer period to prepare for their next exhaustive activity.

Unfortunately, it wasn't sexual congress but an evocation to make an Archdemon of Gluttony, her slave.

As her husband gently stroked her forehead, Luna's eyes easily fell shut after a couple of minutes while her husband droned on and on.

His husky murmurs became inaudible as they faded from her ears like a song from a faraway land.? But why would she be afraid of her own shadow—her own kind?

It didn't make sense.

As her husband gently stroked her forehead, Luna's eyes easily fell shut after a couple of minutes while her husband droned on and on.

His husky murmurs became inaudible as they faded from her ears like a song from a faraway land.

She clutched the grimoire's hardbound cover, scratching its leather case with her fingernails in agitation.

Luna was a brave Vampire Empress who wasn't scared of anyone, even to this other parasitic Archdemon sucking off her baby's nutrients.

It was her mate's blood on her veins that kept them alive and healthy and Lilith had the audacity to share Apollyon with her in this manner?

She scowled.

Hell to the No!

"It is done, dear husband." With the grimoire in her hands, Luna got up from the bed and stalked towards him. "I am checking the summoning field. Making the same mistake twice will be a stupid choice. Not an error."

According to the Vampire King, what had occurred for the whole day was like living in a nightmare. In Luna's opinion, it felt like she woke up from peaceful darkness where time didn't exist, only to wake up just in time for the dust to settle.

Yet, things hadn't ended for their convenience.

The excitement just started.

Hours had gone by quickly, and the early morning had quickly shifted to twilight without her notice.

Lilith took a huge chunk of her memory that she could only come up with a blank the whole time she took the reins.

"You have learned from the past." Apollyon stood there at the center of the magic circle with one hand on his hips while holding a stick with a tiny flame at the end.

He had finished lighting up the candles he asked for the innkeeper's servants to deliver. "Hopefully, you will not be opening a portal from Hell and bringing the demons here yourself instead of Lilith."

Luna frowned as a ceremonial dagger appeared in her grasp. "Don't even seek something dangerous as that, or you will jinx the ritual."

"It was a jest, wife." Smoke and incense from the burning candles formed curlicues in the air as they covered her husband's face. "You look serious as if this is a matter of life and death."

Luna snorted. "I have suffered the consequences of summoning two Archdemons turning me into their mate. Never again."

"Alright." Apollyon stepped closer as his hand lifted his face to caress her jaw. "What will be our sacrifice?" He motioned at the locked double doors with a thumb. "You want me to kill a criminal? at the tavern downstairs?"

Apollyon was apathetic about the chances of destroying the whole inn for summoning Ravin, claiming that the Innkeeper of Vinca will be paying his debt in full for getting rid of his curse.

Luna wondered if it was Hecate who turned the Summer Fae into one as a punishment since she just realized that the Underworld Goddess had an affinity to those sickly green amphibians.

"No need," Luna replied as she gave the grimoire to Apollyon so that he could hold them for her. "An Archdemon blood in a vampire's body will be enough to do wonders."

"Stay out of the circle, husband." She sliced deep wounds on her wrists twice. "We will begin."

Luna started chanting.

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