Hell's Consort

Chapter 603 - For Show

Chapter 603 - For Show

Newest Chapter in Highest Tier (July 2021)


Archdemon Empress Luna


Later that night, Apollyon, Luna and her two Archdemon Familiars, Ravin and Sloth, went to the Summer Castle to seek an audience with King Oberon and Queen Titania, hoping that their offer to accommodate them as guests in their Castle still stands.

The Summer Monarch might think that they were fickle, so quick to change minds, but she didn't care as long as they had a place to stay before they travelled to find this secret garden Hecate's herald told them to find.

It was a shame that they were kicked out by the Vinca Innkeeper, himself, despite her lifting Hecate's curse but, it was alright.

Luna didn't expect Henry to pay her back for that since her decision to help Henry was sincere even if her husband said otherwise.

They stayed at the royal suite for almost a week.

It was supposed to be a plan to trap the Summer Fae to be indebted to her for the rest of his life.

Well, it worked.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It went on smoothly until she summoned Ravin and Luxen that evening.

Their group exited the office with hangdog expressions.

Her husband called? Henry ungrateful under his breath after shamelessly accepting all that gold bars from Ravin in front of them and for refusing to fulfil? their last wish to stay in the building for one last night but the innkeeper had shut down their attempts at negotiation.

Anyway, they had no right to complain when the building's damages were their fault.

Apollyon demanded spare rooms to occupy in the Vinca Inn temporarily so that they didn't have to bring their things elsewhere in the dark.

Henry refused.

From the wicked gleam in Apollyon's blue eyes, he appeared like he was ready to strangle him right then and there.

"Every misfortune can be a blessing in disguise." Luna reminded Apollyon when she noticed that he was brooding beside her by the entrance.

He was still annoyed about Henry's attitude after the guards reported the incident.

They didn't ask about what happened.

They just straight up told them that they needed to take responsibility for it.

Luna agreed but her husband didn't if the deep frown lines on his forehead were any indication.

She held his large hand and didn't let go. "Maybe, it was for the better."

Apollyon can use teleportation if he desired to move their belongings in the Summer Castle while the Archdemon Familiars deal with the rest.

What's the use of binding these bastards if they couldn't even utilize them?

Thinking about it right now made her annoyed that the noises around her had increased decibels.

Their problems were simple. but it got harder to think about because of Ravin and Sloth's presence.

Will they continue to be harmless or will they act out like wild demons when they got the chance, destroying this Realm for fun?

Upon their arrival to the Summer Castle, Apollyon's penchant for violence lessened compared to the time when all of them were inside the Vinca Inn's premises.

She thought it was a good thing.

He must be adjusting to the idea of docile and silent Archdemons following them around.

It was wrong of her to think that since it was the calmness before the storm.

The Summer King and Queen granted their request Apollyon and Luna needed a week to prepare for the mission.

Hopefully, at that time, Xerxes would be strong enough to accompany them on the journey.

Hecate told them that they must bring Apollyon's half-sister no matter what.

For what reason?

The Herald didn't explain.

She knew for an experience that goddesses can become very secretive.

They wouldn't reveal too much,? claiming it might change the course of events.

They can only go so far for mortals and immortals, nothing beyond that unless it had grave consequences.

Apollyon told her bluntly that night that he wasn't in the right mood to be bothered with mundane things and she was alright with that.

As the chamberlain led them to their rooms, Apollyon paused as their group graced the hallways and voiced out his desire to sleep with her out loud that she stopped, mid-stride, almost stumbling.

He surprised her, even more, when he pulled her forearm and spun her around, cupping her face and giving her torrid kisses in front of Ravin and Sloth.

She kissed him back for a few seconds before she settled a hand on her shoulder and pushed him back a little.

Of course, she always loved Apollyon's random kisses but her stomach hardened in nausea when she realized this was all just for show.

It felt somehow forced as if they were pretending to have a happy marriage in front of her Archdemon Familiars.

There was no need to prove to anyone that they were happy.

Was she showing off their relationship with Ravin somehow?

It wasn't like her Archdemon husband had feelings, right?

That would make them appear weak, Ravin told her, and they don't like that.

"I can't wait to have? you tonight." Luna noticed that Apollyon made sure that the Ravin heard that loud and clear as he gave him an inconspicuous glance in his direction.

The moment she heard his strange declaration, she rubbed her face with her palms to wipe the sweat off her forehead and buried her fingers in her hair in frustration.

Muscles turning rigid, Ravin, her supposed Archdemon husband, didn't react well to that.

His jaws were clenched as he watched her husband with cold, hard eyes.

Sloth was a silent spectator as he clutched the straw basket with Rere and his glowing mushroom inside.

Ravin's muscular legs widened in a fighting stance as his eyes glowed like golden orbs under that messy dark hair of his.

Luna could detect Ravin's emotions as her Familiar since she included them in the binding rites, thinking that it would give her great advantages to know what they felt during the situation and then, act accordingly.

Yet, the contract backfired on her.

Now, Luna can feel that Ravin preferred that she wouldn't be out of his sight... or else he would lose control.

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