Hell's Consort

Chapter 626 - Stay Out Of The Game

Chapter 626 - Stay Out Of The Game

Newest Chapter For Highest Tier (July 2021)


Archdemon Empress Luna


"I'm feeling weak."

'Did her husband just told her that he felt weak after lovemaking?' Luna's brows knitted in confusion, and then it switched to alarm in an instant.

That didn't seem normal for Apollyon to experience.

He was a powerful creature—the Vampire King!

Did she accidentally drain him from his strength because of her strong desire to win the duel with Princess Ourania?

Her teeth sank to her lower lip in concern.

Was it her fault?

Apollyon pulled apart from her just a little bit and lifted her chin with a finger so she could look at her in the eye. "It felt like you have placed a sleeping spell on me."

Her eyes widening in surprise when Apollyon adjusted to the side.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He spooned her and settled an arm around her waist.

Her husband didn't need to speak.

Luna just went with the flow and adopted her husband's gestures.

She figured out that he wanted both of them to lie on their sides and face the wall where the rectangular boxes were lined up.

Her anxiety slowly vanished when her husband's lips explored the back of her head and neck as he combed her silver hair with his fingers.

"Perhaps, another round can wake me up from this lethargy? This time I will be at the top." She remained still as her husband whispered huskily in her hair while her head rested comfortably on his outstretched bicep. "I was merely practicing on the first sexual congress, wife. I can promise I will last longer than the first."

Apollyon's semi-hard cock standing in attention as it shoved itself in her ass.

She responded with a soft, drawn-out moan.

Her mind tuned all distractions as she fixated on their positions on the bed.

She answered, resisting temptation. "I still have a duel to win,? Vampire King."

The tiny hairs on the expanse of her skin stood to their ends when the small underground chamber's temperature abruptly dropped as if ice particles were suspended in the atmosphere.

Her eyes ricocheted around the place they have entered in alarm, wondering what caused it.

Were the goosebumps caused by her sweat cooling her skin from the arduous exertion, or was it because someone invisible watched over them?

She became hypersensitive to touch and sound.

Luna couldn't figure out the purpose of this room because it didn't look like a jail cell.

At least, she figured out that the chamber was made of stone.

It wasn't empty in itself.

The cot where she and her husband laid was settled near the wall.

Three large rectangular wooden boxes were neatly arranged across them, starting from the door to the farthest end at the back.

The small chamber felt like a storage room or a crypt.

She squinted at every object in the room, pausing for a few seconds to examine what they were.

What were important things hidden inside those locked boxes?

Were they coffins?

She shuddered as she interlocked her fingers together to calm herself.

For some reason, the thought of corpses trapped inside made her shiver.

She guessed they were ancient relics that were long forgotten.

Fortunately, the guard was nowhere to be found, so they were free to do whatever they wanted here.

Should they check what was inside?

Luna thought about it for a few seconds and decided not to.

It might have stirred her curiosity, but that curiosity might kill her someday.

It was strange enough that her Archdemon Magic couldn't provide her a rough guess of what was inside even if she used her power to scan each box.

Her intuition told her that their sizes were similar that the things barely fit inside.

Yet, she couldn't recognize its form based on its aura.

They couldn't be detected by her power.

Luna carefully twisted and turned on the narrow cot to face her husband, angling her body away from the unknown wooden boxes.

The Summer Monarchs might have dangerous secrets that might lead her to her doom if she were to discover them.

Apollyon told her that thirty minutes would be enough to lie down on the narrow cot and enjoy the afterglow with him.

The heat from earlier might have dissipated as they came down from the high of their orgasms, but Luna realized that their hearts and minds were still connected as their glorious scents mingled while hugging each other.

They cuddled, kissed and talked some more.

Her nerves stirred and tingled with the need to touch and be touched.

Luna didn't care if she initiated kisses first.

Before, she would have shied away from showing her devotion to the Vampire King, afraid that he might perceive that as a weakness—giving Apollyon another avenue to force her to bend to his will.

However, Luna didn't trust her husband before.

She refused to show how much she loved him out of fear and doubt that he would somehow use her and then cast her aside when he was done playing with her like how a rich little princess would treat her oldest rag doll.

It turned out that her distress was unfounded.

How can a woman who claimed to desire real love left the doors of her heart closed and forbid anyone to enter?

She asked herself when she was forced to dive deep within her heart to examine her inner reflection.

It might be a huge risk to trust the Vampire King to love her as his mate forever, but her leap of faith had paid off.

If given another chance to travel back in time, Luna would do it again.

There was only one drawback to the past… and it was her stupid involvement with Archdemons.? Now that their bond got stronger, she wouldn't hesitate to show Apollyon how much she loved him.

She might have made mistakes, keeping her secrets and white lies back then.

Never will she allow herself to live in guilt from all the things she had hidden from her husband. They were gone for good.

"Don't interfere with your magic at the duel, husband." Her fists tightened on the fabric of Apollyon's shoulders as she gave him a determined stare, "It's against the rules, you understand?"

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