Hell's Consort

Chapter 636 - Justice

Chapter 636 - Justice

Newest Chapter for Highest Tier (August 2021)


Archdemon Empress Luna


"Will using a spoon and fork would not make me a savage in your eyes then?" Sloth laughed like the maniac that he was, and she didn't know how to react. "It's either you are on our side, or? you die."

His hand, his mouth and his black armour breastplate were dripping with the royal adviser's blood.

There was no hiding that in broad daylight.

Luna could tell that Sloth loved killing despite being laid back compared to the rest of the Archdemons she had met.

The Demon kind had no morals whatsoever.

It made sense that he didn't hold back when he was given a chance to kill, inflict pain, and cause distress to others.

Not caring about a creature's death was their primal nature.

Slight moisture built up from the corner of her eyes in angst.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Was the? Archdemon of Sloth so unruly that he even had the nerve to make a pun out of this?

She swore she would never regret bringing an Archdemon Familiar in this Realm, using them to defeat their enemies. But this fiasco convinced her to reconsider her life choices.

An ordinary Fae—who had a richer status than those seated on the upper segment—shouted at the top of his lungs. "He beheaded the future Prince of the Summer Courts!"

With a slight shake in the head and a soft sigh, Luna buried her face on Apollyon's chest as if that act was similar to burying her head in the sand and forget all of this.

She would rather turn a blind eye and erase the memory of Sloth's long arm stretching towards the courtier's face and holding it in a tight clasp as if he was merely wrapping a large rock with one hand.

After that,? his nails had elongated to claw at his eyes sockets.

Apollyon was a savage, too, but she bet that he couldn't even recreate what Sloth did.

Her husband had no affinity for human flesh or souls.

Not anymore.

Yet, the horrible image itself was already burned in her mind like a tattoo— especially when she saw the moment Sloth inconspicuously brought his face close to the courtier's mouth.

The delegates screeched their lungs out in horror when dark grey fumes began to leak out of his parted lips.

Sloth's victim groaned from the agony when his palms came in contact with the Summer Fae's skin. All of them helplessly watched the courtier's soul sucked from his vessel be eaten by the Archdemon.

Oh, Goddess!

Did the Summer Faeries figure out that he was an Archdemon?

She fisted the fabric of her husband's sleeve in dread.

The spectators were right, though.

Who in their right mind would kill a creature by hacking his eyes out and eating them in front of the audience?

Not only did the victim lose his eyesight and his soul, black and violet bruises spread throughout his body as his life force slowly diminished until the courtier was good as dead.

Sloth released the limp courtier's upper arms, and he dropped to the ground in a dull thud, leaving the middle-aged-looking Fae appearing like an empty husk with white lips, empty eye-sockets and the wrinkled expanse of his skin.

The scene was close to what she had seen at the Blood Moon Banquet when Apollyon had fed on a female slave's soul.

The Blood Beast's insatiable hunger—Ravin's— dictated how Apollyon would live his life as the Vampire King.

She thought that her experiences in the Consortium would never be brought up again.

It felt like it happened a long time ago.

Nevertheless, there was no way that she could justify her Familiar's behaviour.

She was grateful that her Familiar fulfilled his mission to keep her safe, but thousands of Summer Faeries witnessed Sir Tristan's beheading and Sloth devouring the Courtier!

How will they escape from possible imprisonment if the Summer King and Queen desired it?

"No enemy in their right mind? would gauge the courtier's eyes? out of the blue and eat them with their bare hands!" Another Summer Faerie shrieked as she threw her allegations at her Familiar. This time it was a woman's voice. It made Luna lift her head to look at the Fae. "It was a gruesome death!"

"Yes, I am not in my right mind similar to the Summer Princess." Giving her a half-shrug, Sloth responded with cold-hearted indifference. "Well, I should eat everyone's eyes, so you don't think of me as a savage... or---" Then, he smiled pleasantly at the woman and continued, "-- you could pretend that you hadn't seen anything just like all of you, especially the courtier, had done, turning a blind eye when Princess Ourania's team cheated and broke the rule."

Luna took deep breaths to prepare herself before she broke free from the safety cocoon of her husband's embrace.

As he cleared her throat, she realized it was time to turn towards the woman and look her square in the eye.

"Prince Sloan told the absolute truth. I thought that it was my fault—that I was careless at the middle of the duel due to arrogance— and I almost got killed by Sir Tristan!" Luna made her voice louder so that they could hear crystal clear. "I thought I was the only one who noticed the opponent using magic, and the Knight almost overpowered me!"

Apollyon took his time to scan the crowd.

Then, he stopped at the Royal Box to face the Summer Monarchs.

"Allowing the enemy to defy the mandate of the duel when my wife and her second did their best to follow them had put the Empress and our heir in danger. Who shall take responsibility then?" He demanded in a loud, booming voice as he rubbed his palm against his wife's lower back to comfort her. "Cheating should be declared as an obvious defeat by the royal adviser. But the f*cking bastard didn't react to it, so I thought I was mistaken! "

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