Hell's Consort

Chapter 649 - You, Sick, Sick F*ck!

Chapter 649 - You, Sick, Sick F*ck!

Newest Chapter For Highest Tier (August 2021)


Archdemon Empress Luna


The bonfire was lit in the center as the five of them gathered around it, bathing their grim countenance in such a golden light amid the darkness similar to the sun in the night.

The flames warmed the air and got rid of the chills in their bones.

Then Luna realized that they weren't five but four. Sloth was nowhere to be found.

What was he doing?

Maybe, her Familiar had slept somewhere?

"Where is Sloth?" Luna glanced around, looking for the Archdemon.

Her eyes widened in shock when she found her Familiar emerging from the woods with his one hand carrying the Fae General's head by the hair.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He froze when he heard his name, raised his hand and flashed her a? tight-lipped smile.

"I am here, Lune."

Luna scowled and pointed at the head in question, "Could you stop carrying the Fae General's head as if it belonged to you? It's not a toy!"

"I'm not playing with it." His pinched lips morphed into a cute pout, "It's a war prize."

Oh Goddess, help her!

Luna shook her head.

Sloth was more problematic than Ravin!

"Well,? you weren't the one who killed him, so it's not your prize!"

"The men-at-arms in charge of the colosseum took Sir Tristan's head with them, so I need a replacement."

"Throw it away." Luna hugged herself for comfort.

Instead of helping her to make the Archdemon understand, Apollyon's smoldering blue eyes stole a peek at her plump breasts, which created a nice cleavage

She asked herself why she made Sloth her Familiar.

Luna should have sent him back to Hell, "It makes me nauseous."

"No. It must be the pregnancy making you nauseous."

This time Sloth's smile showed pearly white teeth.

She finally snapped as her breaths made a mist in the air. "It isn't the pregnancy, you sick fuck."

"It's just blood dripping from its neck. A vampire can handle it. There is no stench, and it? isn't rotten." He insisted, "If the stench offend? your senses in the future, I can use magic to get rid of it when I carry—"

Luna gritted her teeth, "Will you insist on carrying that every day?"

"If I could wear it as a necklace, I would." Now, the Archdemon proceeded to swing the detached head back and forth as the blood had gushed out of his neck unto the forest floor,? "I loved the sheer terror evident in the eyes of our enemies. Make them scream? and run in the opposite direction."

She averted her gaze in disgust while she covered her mouth with a palm just in case she vomited in front of their small group.

Luna couldn't handle this anymore.

She had watched the beheading twice in front of her eyes, and no, it wasn't lovelier the second time around.

This would be the first time she would admit to herself that the Archdemon of Sloth, whom she considered harmless from the start, was capable of this indifference, just utter disregard for other creature's lives.

Wait, she had seen this in Hell before when Sloth killed the imp for no reason!

It scared her how her Familiar could do something ruthless such as beheading Sir Tristan and piercing his black armored chest, was enough to do the task. Yet, the lazy Archdemon chose to traumatize her more by eating the courtier's eyes as punishment for turning a blind eye about Fae Magic used in the arena that? Sloth assumed the royal adviser might as well be blind.

Sloth wasn't satisfied and even paralyzed Princess Ourania and infected the Summer King with a slow and fatal disease.

Luna bit her cheek.

Honestly, her husband had a similar attitude, but she blamed the Archdemon of Gluttony's influence— the Blood Beast's possession—for that.

She would have liked to delude herself that Apollyon was too warmhearted to become an Archdemon.

Hopefully, the gods and goddesses wouldn't give him chances to turn into one.

"I command you to throw the Fae General's head right now, Sloth!"

Sloth stomped his foot towards the waterfalls and casually dropped the Fae General's head there like a rebellious kid.

Speechless, Luna decided not to bathe in those waters ever again!


Xerxes threw the wooden sticks he had gathered from the forest floor into the blazing fire.

It rose like a flower opening heavenwards, which sent glorious sparks into the starry black.

"Are we moving to another location later at dawn?"

"No. We stay the night here." Apollyon said.

"And the Summer Militia?"

Luna remembered how? Apollyon had beheaded the Fae general in front of her, and she shivered. "If the headless body of the Fae General wasn't enough? to send them a message to leave us alone, then I had no idea what is."

"No. The Summer Militia wouldn't dare chase us if they informed the King and Queen." Princess Sapphire brought her arms closer to it to warm her cold skin.? "We are leaving the Summer Courts, so it doesn't matter."

"What would your mother think if she found out you are coming with us?"

"Well, our mother can keep on thinking. I will do what I want, and nothing can stop me." Princess Sapphire whispered as she gathered? her legs closer to her body while she leaned her head to her knees, "In addition to that, I can't refuse Hecate's request when she took the time to show herself to me and explain the things I need to know regarding Hephaestus and our mother."

"The goddess told you everything?"

"Yes. All of it." Princess Sapphire's dark brown eyes were dangerously bright as she stared blankly at the flames reflected on her pupils, "The Goddess spoke the truth, and I finally understood. It was the first time that confusion hadn't clouded my mind. So I decided to go and leave the Kingdom. The instant I became the best spymaster in the Kingdom is the moment they lost their authority over me. I also felt safer if Xerxes is around. I don't know if my Queen Titania would appreciate her granddaughter for bringing her adoptive son with me."

"The Queen had taken me in as your protector, Princess Sapphire. Not the other way around." Xerxes reminded her. "Are we even prepared for this journey?"

"Let's see Princess Ourania's paintings first." Apollyon answered, "Those things might give us some clues on how to proceed."

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