Hell's Consort

Chapter 658 - Curb Your Spite

Chapter 658 - Curb Your Spite

Newest Chapter For Highest Tier (August 2021)


Archdemon Empress Luna


Like Apollyon, the Archdemons had the ability for teleportation, too, but only if it was related to their missions and obeying her command as to their Master.

Most of the objects they brought from the Summer Castle were drenched, but they can still be utilized if they placed them near another bonfire to dry.

Flames crackled at the centre of their camp as the men did their best to clean the floor and arrange their things to make the place seem warm, cosy and personal.

Sloth can hear no more complaints from Luna for his silliness since the Archdemon Familiar had shut down.

His eyelids fluttered shut as he allowed himself to fall next to Princess Sapphire and the snoring whelp as he succumbed to his first love—sleep.

The only people left who were wide awake were? Apollyon, Ravin, Xerxes and her. She didn't have the heart to wake her lazy Archdemon Familiar up since he had been through a lot after the day of his binding.

He was forced to be a champion-- killing Sir Tristan and making Princess Ourania and King Oberon suffer for their insolence against the Seventh Prince of Hell—in exchange for playing with bees.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The bastard even concocted a? ridiculous story about being one of the Ghoul Princes visiting the Summer Courts to justify his behaviour of eating eyeballs in front of the spectators in Colloseum.

What was worse than that story is those Summer Faeries believed they were true.

Luna could only shake her head as she recalled today' events.

They all had it tough, and this simpleton deserved rest, so she might as well give him that as a bribe for his loyalty.

Animal scat,? clumps of fur and chewed bones loitered around the cave that Luna assumed that a wild animal had lived in this place based on the animal tracks and the claw marks on the stone.

Hopefully, it wasn't a bear or a mountain lion.

Luna still hadn't returned the blue-feather necklace Ravin gave her as she coiled the cord around her hand, still confused about what the Archdemon of Gluttony had told her.

She was well-aware of the fact that Archdemons didn't dream.

If she followed that logic, that would mean? Ravin's consciousness had seen the real thing.

She bit the inside of her cheek as she leaned her back to the stone walls.

The Archdemon claimed that he saw Archangels he couldn't recognize, but the Archangel drew in Princess Ourania's artwork, Archangel Ariel, which Sloth had spoken about, wasn't one of those heavenly beings.

If Ravin claimed that his daydream took him to the Garden of the Four Seasons when he came in contact with this blue feather, how come that it didn't happen to her?

Did it choose Ravin specifically as what Hecate's herald told them--that he was the only one who could lead them to this mythical garden?

Frowning, Luna threw Ravin a sideways glance as she pondered about him overhearing the Archangel's discussion and that he couldn't remember them afterwards.

There should be something else that he hadn't revealed to her yet.

Ravin caught her throwing glances in his direction.

He? angled his head at her like a wolf and asked, "Don't you have any plans to return that necklace to me, Amare?"

"Here. This is yours." Luna tossed the blue-feathered necklace in the air, and Ravin tossed it. "For a while, I'm trying to replicate the daydream you have, but nothing happened to me."

"Maybe, I was special. That is why Hecate sent me to help you, right? I like the notion that I am useful to you." He rested one hand on his hip as he looked down at her with arrogance. "You would never try to dispose of me or send me back to Hell no matter what I do or say."

Luna's lips curved upward, wondering where the Archdemon gathered this audacity from. "Don't be arrogant, Ravin. You know how I have the habit of doing the exact opposite of what you want."

"This is why I like you, Amare. Your unpredictability is both the poison and antidote to my life. You kept me on my toes."

It was Apollyon's turn to snort as he sat down next to her while he faced Ravin, "My wife could easily freeze you while I rip each of your toes from your feet."

"Apollyon. Apollyon." He gave them a thoughtful nod as if he agreed with the threat and would even revel in it to spite his husband. "You never fought fairly since I only see you hiding from Amare's skirts just because she is our Master." Whenever Ravin tried to make Apollyon jealous, her mind just desired to fly off somewhere. She just wished her ears would block his shameless words before they even reached her. "You can't hurt me."

There was a short flare of outrage at the back of her mind before it vanished.

That was definitely her husband's suppressed emotions.

Apollyon didn't want to fall for his bait again.

He wasn't stupid, but then again, Apollyon was incredibly pissed.

She applauded Apollyon's self-control when her husband shrugged it off? as if he dismissed the Archdemon as delusional,? "Keep on dreaming, Ravin and never wake up."

"Who would have ever thought that the one evil creature you were trying to get rid of in the first place was the first one who could help you find the cure to rid you of another Archdemon? The Archdemon of Envy?"? The Archdemon of Gluttony put his hands behind his back as he continued to taunt her husband.

Luna was tempted to roll her eyes because this sh*t was getting old!

Exhausted with their banters since she couldn't figure out if they were playful or serious, Luna rested her head on her husband's shoulder.

"How do we trigger Luna to make Lilith take over her physical vessel and push her back down when needed?"

As she lifted her head and straightened her posture, Luna's half-hooded eyes were now awake and alert.

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