Hell's Consort

Chapter 679 - Epitome Of Delusion

Chapter 679 - Epitome Of Delusion

Newest Chapter For the Highest Tier (September 2021)


Vampire King Apollyon


"You wouldn't be able to kill the baby because your soul's anchor in my wife's body is tied to hers." Apollyon's lips curled as he bared his teeth at her.

The grip on Lilith''s bare arm tightened with this deadly intent to break bones.

He held his strength back and loosened his grasp.

If he couldn't keep his emotions in check, Apollyon would be his wife's own enemy when he should be protecting her.

His cold hard gaze returned to his wife's green eyes.? "You can't fool me with that bullshit, Lilith."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Where did you even hear that ridiculous notion?" Luna asked.

For a few seconds, her countenance looked serious for something she considered ridiculous. Giving him a half-shrug, she raised a curious eyebrow as one corner of her lips turned upwards.? "You know me, Vampire King." She snorted, "Do you think I would be that stupid to attach myself to our future heir?"

His eyebrows had shot up to his hairline, and his ears couldn't have heard something more ridiculous than this one. "Our future heir?"

Nobody else from this Realm could reverse the effects of Archdemon Magic if? that person had no idea what? spell we used in the first place." Lilith explained further about the magic she used to remain in his wife's physical vessel. " I hate to break this to you, but you will never get rid of me even after the babe is born.? "

Everything went quiet from the inside and outside of him.

Lilith hadn't figured out yet that the Archdemon of Gluttony and Sloth had turned into her Archdemon Familiars to keep her under control.

She would be surprised to discover that they could contain these evil creatures from wreaking havoc in this Realm.

He also out a few pieces of information about Lilith from Sloth after spilling some of her secret spells to occupy Luna's body.

He refused to believe these lies.

"Fuck you, Lilith. Why are you doing this?" Apollyon demanded in a harsh growl.

He brought the arm he clutched closer to him until they were face to face that he could almost hear her panting.

"No. Nevermind." Shaking his head, Apollyon turned away from her and shoved her backwards. "Don't answer me because I already know. You are already out of your mind long before we even met for the first time." He couldn't bear to look at her. "You are sick in the head and there is no cure to that."

"You know what—no…." Lilith paused, weighing down her next words before she went on, "—you do realize who is the cure of my sickness, Vampire King." He could sense the pain in her tone, but maybe it was just his imagination, but she still knew the answer. "It's you."

Keeping his head down, Apollyon's arms shook, and his knuckles went white from clenching his fists too hard. "I don't want to love you."

"I am willing to be a good person for? you, Apollyon.? If I can have you, I would give you the world— any realm you wish to possess— I would help you take over these Kingdoms and stay by your side as the Empress of the Vampire. With my complex knowledge of Archdemon Magic, we will be unstoppable." Lilith-Luna promised as she rested her hands on his broad shoulders, stroking him with this false familiarity that felt like spiders were crawling all over him. "I have been an Archdemon for a long time compared to that Luna." He froze and stayed still as shivers ran down his spine. "I am better than this girl. I promise that I will be the most obedient wife you will ever dream of."

"I will cater to your every needs without fail." Her husky murmurs in Luna's voice was potent seduction that he liked to steer clear from. "I will dedicate my immortal life to becoming the perfect wife and the rightful Empress of the Vampire Realm."

If his wife could hear Lilith's promises, she would probably slap this she-devil to Hell.

"You just don't understand, do you?" Apollyon held her gaze as he slid his hands from Lilith's wrists down to her arms before jerked them away from touching any part of his skin.

Lilith was getting bolder with her touches just because she wore Luna like a bodysuit.

She wasn't a shapeshifter, but she might as well be.

Where did she get all this shameless ease of stealing someone's husband?

It was astounding that Apollyon speculated that she already did this before without remorse. "If I want you I would have chosen you the moment you sneaked into my chamber the night you summoned Ravin to ruin my life for declining your offer."

Lilith gave him a flat look as if she was offended that she was offended by her touch.

"This is what I don't understand at that time, Vampire King." She crossed her arms over her chest, and she kept her hands to herself. "Why do you accept other women from your father's Consortium in your bed when you are so quick to dismiss me when I am more alluring than them? Every Vampire wanted me--even the your father King Gwythyr--except for you."

"Did you forget that you are were hailed to be the High Priestess of Hecate? A pure maiden who will become the vessel and source of Underworld Magic for the Vampire Realm?" Apollyon began just in case she already forgot because it happened a long time ago. "I don't want anything to do with you after I heard that you were involved with King Gwythyr." He gritted out. "How can a mere human rise from out of nowhere managed to achieve a higher status in the Vampire Hierarchy if not for your charms which captivated the Vampire King?"

All of the aristocrats whispered about it behind their back, and he had no desire to touch his Father's favourite consorts and concubines.

'Then, if I didn't become the First High Priestess of the Vampire Realm, would there be a chance that you would want me?"

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