Hell's Consort

Chapter 704 - Husband Is Sweet

Chapter 704 - Husband Is Sweet

Newest Chapter for Highest Tier (September 2021)


Archdemon Empress Luna


When Luna's eyes fluttered open, a man, tall and well-built, with beautiful Fae wings of fiery orange, captured her vision.

Lips parting in amazement, she pinched one of her cheeks to make sure if it was really her husband who had his broad, muscular back facing her.

It appeared similar to the monarch butterfly's wings she just saw in her dreams when she finally contained Lilith.

She did not doubt that the Archdemon of Envy would be back and try to take over her physical vessel, but it wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

Luna had found a way to gain control of a world where she shared consciousness with Lilith, and she took advantage of what she quickly learned.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Lilith was too slow to understand that a creature's physical vessel in the Material Realm, multiple 'consciousness,' can exist simultaneously..

Luna just found out that she could control it twice through her experiment since she was the rightful owner of her physical vessel.

There is a whole universe to be unlocked inside a physical body.

A powerful consciousness can create a world of their liking, what to do with that world, what the world would be made of, and what it could contain.

Unfortunately, that had a price to pay.

A? powerful consciousness will seek to create the perfect world in their own mind—a utopia—whether in a dream state or reality.

If a creature gets so caught up between the two, can they even tell the difference?

Few creatures who ventured out and pushed their consciousness a little too far will strive to create a fantasy replica of the Material Realm where nothing ever went wrong; where everything a creature ever needed was just one step away or one reach of a hand; where everything was under the control of consciousness no matter what.

It was the literal example of creating one's own reality.

But if every consciousness sought to be gods in their own little world, would they have any reason to stay in the Material Realm?

This is where the problem of multiple 'consciousness' starts.

Demonic possession can feel like one was having an alter ego —whether it was temporary or permanent.

If too many evil spirits or demons were attached to the body, it could be viewed as multiple personalities from an outsider's perspective.

Manipulation can be inevitable.

The conscious reality of a person's mind can be bent upon the creature who had the strongest mental capacity.

Would a creature choose to be buried and locked away in their made-up fantasy world inside their physical vessel only to be fooled by the rest of the hidden consciousness—inner demons—who wants to come out and play without their knowledge?

One thing Luna was certain of was that she was no fool.

Luna noticed that both of them were in the middle of a woodland wildflower garden.

It was different from what she created in her shared consciousness with Lilith that she felt a little bad for ruining the flowers by crushing them with her form.

The Vampire King's ears must have sensed her moving her limbs on the grass that he immediately spun around to walk towards her and knelt by her side, "Wife." He growled, staring at her. "You didn't tell me you already woke up. You are not making a sound." Frowning, he gave her further admonishment as he settled a palm on her forehead, "You should holler at me the moment? you opened your eyes."

Luna couldn't help but crack a smile at her husband's worries. "I apologize, husband.? I guess I dropped my jaw around her somewhere." Luna made a point to glance at the flowers where Apollyon laid her to rest, recuperating from the evil spirits she summoned. If she died, this would be a good place for a funeral.

As she reached one Fae wing of his and gently stroking it,? Luna gave her husband a dazzling smile and murmured, "You are so beautiful, Apollyon."

At her compliment, his eyebrows raised to his hairline before he grinned from ear to ear. "Aren't I?" She liked that childish giddiness on his face. He knew that her appreciation was true and free. "I don't want you to be smitten with me that you couldn't think straight."? She must have made his heart flutter when he looked away and his cheekbones darkened.

"Wait a minute." Flustered, Apollyon fake-coughed and cleared his throat. His eyes darkened when they returned to her, giving a pretentious scowl, "So you just realized that I'm beautiful when I just had Faerie Wings, then. Not before." Apollyon cupped her cheek with a hand and squeezed them, making her face appear like a pufferfish, "How awful!"

She let out a giggle, and she could tell that her laugh soothed him.

It was nice of her husband to indulge in teasing banters when she was in no condition to talk about what happened to them tonight with Lilith and Luxen and how she managed to evade them.

Even if her battle with the Archdemon of Lust was cut short, her limbs were so tired and spent that she could barely lift them.

Maybe, she should complement her husband more to elude further interrogation.

Luna was determined not to talk about these horrible Archdemons.

It would just ruin the remaining time she had to rest before daylight comes.

She locked her fingers on his wrist and pulled his hand away from her face so that she could speak, "You are always beautiful to me, Apollyon.The Faerie Wings just increased your handsomeness."

"Are you still attracted to me?" Luna was taken aback by that sudden question because the answer to that was obvious. Yet, she didn't think that this would take a strange turn. "Don't? you think it makes me look… feminine?"


Luna kept her face blank so as not to offend the Vampire King with a single snort.

"Feminine...like Prince Aspen."


So that was what he meant appearing feminine in her eyes!

Luna nodded in understanding,

"Flying is an awesome feeling but I would have preferred to have demon wings instead of this." He looked over his shoulder and grumbled, as he explained in a deep baritone that made her stomach warm and fuzzy inside.

She put her palm over her baby bump and gently caressed it.

Their heiress must have liked the sound of her father's voice.

"The positive part is, I could always pull them back into me and keep it out of sight if I want to and I can also push it to materialize behind me. I still doubt if my enemies would take me seriously with this pair of wings during battles." He exhaled a sigh, and she found it amusing that he would add this to the number of worries he had.

"Hmm." She bobbed her head up and down in agreement, "It didn't matter what wings you use or whether you look cool with it or not as long as you love flying itself."

Luna was about to ask him why Apollyon wouldn't will his orange Fae wings to return inside his body if he was bothered by it but he replied with, "I also found my wings beautiful so I made sure I have them behind me? to mesmerize you with the patterns."

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