Hell's Consort

Chapter 726 - The Tables Have Turned

Chapter 726 - The Tables Have Turned

Newest Chapter for Highest Tier (September 2021)


Archdemon Empress Luna


"If you still didn't believe the Empress, Your Highness, I just want to ask if it? ever cross your mind what a young princess from the Summer Courts is doing? here." Her high-pitched child-like voice stood out and caught everyone's attention.

The Summer Princess looked around, and she noticed that multiple pairs of eyes were on her.

Her dark brown eyes slightly widened in fear when they made contact with hers.

Luna nodded once to give her confidence.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It was her signal to keep going despite her young age.

Her lips curved upward when Apollyon's sister nodded back with determination etched on her features.

The Summer Princess might be the youngest speaker in the Council, but her voice deserved to be heard in the name of their cause.

"I can attest that the Goddess had visited me? and spoke to me in the dream world, asking me to accompany the Vampire King and the Empress, Your Highness. She told me herself that this mission was urgent." Her light, airy tone turned slightly deeper to mimic the voice of an adult who demanded respect, "They needed me and Xerxes' aid in their journey to find this mystical garden. We must acquire the fruit needed to save every creature from possession of even stronger demons."

Tilting her head, Queen Morgan hummed as her lips pressed into a tight line.? "Stronger demons?"

"Archdemons." Princess Sapphire clarified as she threw Ravin and Sloth a glance. "Someone had set them free this Material Realm. If we don't locate that garden in? your Courts, the world will burn at the Archdemons' feet." She added urgently, and some of the Council Members bristled on their seat in discomfort upon hearing the upcoming threat, "The Material Realm will be the new Hell and all the devils will be conjured here."? Princess Sapphire locked gazes with Queen Morgan. "This is the Realm that I live so I will protect it with last breath."

Luna could tell from her posture that the Queen was more engaged over what ideas Princess Sapphire tried to sell her.

The girl's words had piqued her interest compared to her husband.

Luna's eyes were downcast as she scowled at the Queen seated in her embellished throne-like seat as the Head of the Council.

She still stood next to Apollyon, who had risen from his seat after the stupid stunt she pulled, exposing her cleavage, which she didn't regret.

"Here. I have the map Princess Ourania made to find mythical Tree of the Four Seasons."

Princess Sapphire pulled the rolled canvas from her drawstring bag.

The cloth had a red ribbon tied around it.

It also had gone limp as a noodle due to its dampness.

Without warning, Princess Sapphire tossed the map in the Autumn Queen's direction, and her long, sharp orange nails encircled around its body.

Queen Morgan seized it perfectly with her fast reflex and hawk-like gaze.

How she still managed to be graceful as she shot up from her seat despite being caught off guard, Luna had no idea.

"You don't have to help us every step of the way, your Highness, but you can give us access to the restricted areas of your territories." Princess Sapphire amended. " Please have a look at the map and see for yourself. Princess Ourania concealed this map underneath a family portrait for a long time but we had no idea when she painted this except the fact that this had already existed even before I was born."

She gestured at it, and the Council Members' peered at? Queen Morgan as she set it on the table.

"Nobody had figured it out until recently. The Vampire King had thrown it on a tree branch one night because the family portrait offended him." Princess Sapphire's lips quirked in amusement when she looked in their direction.

Luna wondered why and her question was answered when she turned her head to see her husband's hurt flash across his face before it turned into a scowl, sending his sister a clear 'wait-until-I-get-my-bloody-hands-on-your-neck' message.

Princess Sapphire's statement must have truly offended him.

Apollyon's family was still a sensitive topic.

Luna never crossed her line as his beloved wife and just let her husband's tight-lipped nature slide.

Every time Luna prodded him for more information, he told her bits and pieces about his mother and father--information that she couldn't quite connect--before Apollyon dismissed it and changed it to his favourite subject--sex.

It wasn't surprising at all!

Whenever this discussion was brought up, Luna just went along with what he wanted and allowed him to lift her skirts to have his wicked way with her.

He was predictable like that, but he tempted her so.

Nevertheless, his sister had done the opposite and rubbed a pinch of salt to the wound in front of the Autumn Courts.

Hopefully, Queen Morgan wouldn't demand Apollyon to elaborate on his issues with his family in the Summer Courts in front of the members of her Council.

This must be Princess Sapphire's payback after Apollyon had put her to sleep when she challenged his directive.

Luna smirked.

The spymaster had desired to return to the Summer Courts when she discovered Ravin and Sloth's true nature as Archdemons.

Still, it? appeared like the six of them had miraculously gotten along during their journey to the Fall Courts.

Their group was cohesive and ready to cooperate with less resistance.

Xerxes and Princess Sapphire had no problem with Luna's Archdemon Familiars except the occasional annoyance whenever these two devils insulted her age and her capabilities as a spymaster, mocking her for being a spoiled brat like Princess Ourania.

Ravin and Sloth get into her nerves, but she handled it quite well.

Princess Sapphire must have grown up facing constant ridicule in her early life as Princess Ourania's daughter and as the youngest spymaster in the Summer Militia.

The Archdemons didn't faze her anymore.

Luna thought it was the calm before the storm when Princess Sapphire executed her revenge on Apollyon like it was nothing.

It was smooth and subtle, and Luna's? Archdemon Familiars will be next.

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