Hell's Consort

Chapter 730 - Three Fates

Chapter 730 - Three Fates

[Author's Note] {I am writing this on the first part so that nobody could skip this announcement}

Hello. It is September 30, 2021! I have a long letter from your ancestors for the Top 3 People who gave me Golden Tickets for you. As you know, I am a part-time tarot reader. :) I will be not be reading your future (it depends on your request. Tell me in the comment section), but I will tell you the words you need to hear/see right now. I told you I would be giving gifts, didn't I?? So, I will be keeping my promise about rewards. I was supposed to provide customized resin necklaces of Apollyon and Luna, but the international shipping costs from a third world country is very expensive. VERY EXPENSIVE HUHUHUHU:,( I can already buy a silver wristwatch from the price alone. I was supposed to give out personalized necklaces, and 100 grams of organic flower and loose tea leaves every month to my Top 3 GT contributors if I reached Top 25 in FL, but I think that is impossible now since I am far from the rankings, but it's alright. Perhaps, in my next book, it would be possible for all the people who gave me golden tickets. Thanks for your support. I am Rank 118 in the overall rankings for September 2021. I love you guys. To my Top Golden Ticket Contributors, if you can send me your email address in the comment section below.

1. Ginger Burns =19 GT

2. Leslie Cox =13 GT

3. Womp_Jonesy = 9 GT

It's almost Halloween. Please give me your email address and prepare to be spooked about what I am about to reveal.

P.S. Sorry for the edits. It's annoying, but I had to put loose information out there before the plot twist.

Thanks for Understanding and for your patience.

If you read the chapter, you will realize why I kept extending it until all of you see it.

Newest Chapter for Highest Tier (September 2021)

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Archdemon Empress Luna


"No need because I have my own oracle to consult." Queen Morgan got up from her throne and replied evenly before calling her Cadre's notice. "Kotari, Sylvain and Jora. I command you to remove all the pitchers, glasses, teacups and teapots from the table and put them inside the cabinets for the meantime. It's? time to discuss this with our Seers while the Council is present."

Her chest tightened, and butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she waited.

Her foot tapped on the floor with impatience.

'Seers? What did she mean by Seers?' These thoughts rushed through Luna's mind as she looked at her husband seated beside her, and Apollyon also mirrored her questioning glance. Luna also turned to stare at Ravin and Sloth, but it seemed like the two had no idea what the Autumn Queen was talking about from their half-shrug. Did Queen Morgan have Oracles in her Court similar to Princess Ourania?

If so, where did she get them from?

As Queen Morgan said, Luna peered at the faces around him, especially those who wore their hood, waiting for the Seers to reveal themselves.

After Queen Morgan's Fae protectors did her bidding to put the set of crockery into the wooden cabinets at the side, the elliptical surface of their table, which was made of glass, vanished as if they dissolved into the water which replaced them.

"Oh my Goddess!" Hand flying to her chest, Luna squealed and almost catapulted herself and the chair backwards when three yellowish faces rose from the pool that had formed in front of her. "That scared me."

To her surprise, the oblong table had turned into a small pool by magic as the dark liquid sloshed around its golden rim of the mysterious creatures' every movement, floating leisurely with just their heads exposed.

She vaguely noticed her husband behind her.

His arm was wrapped around her waist just in case Luna would run and break the wall to escape the Council Room because of her fear of these floating heads.

They were moving, alright, but why weren't these creatures opening their eyes or, worse, talking to them?

Holding her breath, her legs weakened in both fear and anticipation.

Perhaps, it was for the better.

Luna didn't want to deal with them at all.

All of the Council Members, Queen Morgan and her Cadre, appeared calm and collected as they peered into the unknown creatures swimming in the dark blue water with their…

Still, Luna couldn't see these creatures' limbs.

Frown lines marred her forehead as she came closer to figure out if they were just detached heads and how can they move in that situation.

It appeared as if everyone except their group had already witnessed this abomination.

They must have gotten used to their oracle's dramatic method to make themselves known.

Biting her lip, Luna bent over slightly without touching the table and letting her hair fall onto their wrinkled faces as she rubbed her chin in thought.

Another thing that didn't make sense to her was that these three Faeries with large and hooked noses and long white hairs was locked under the table all this time after the glass surface suddenly broke and dissolved by magic.

Luna recalled that it wasn't only her that jumped out of her seat, muttering a few curses because Apollyon, Xerxes and Princess Sapphire did it as well.

Nothing surprised the Archdemon Familiars as they glanced down at it with mild interest, completely unfazed.

Maybe, they had witnessed stranger things in Hell other than these three faces.

Luna's brows knitted in confusion.

The thing that made these floating heads even more horrifying was that they appeared very much alike when it came to their faces.

She hadn't seen their limbs yet, and the dark and murky water made it even worse than it was hard to decipher what their body looked like underneath when she couldn't even see past their neck.

When would they open their eyes and talk?

Well, that was if they could even talk.

One of the seers that were close to her opened her eyes, showing midnight black pupils, and spoke in an eerie feeble voice, "An unstoppable chain of events has been set into motion. A destiny that can't be avoided."

She flashed her a smile full of pity, and Luna didn't know what to feel.

Her heart was painfully caught in her throat.

What are they even trying to tell her with all these cryptic statements?

The next one followed, and Luna met the other Seer's gaze as she told her, "What goes up must come down."

What goes around comes around." The last one uttered, her expression was one of doom.

"What are these creatures?"? Luna didn't dare to avert her gaze, afraid that she might disrespect the Seers without meaning to.

If Queen Morgan was still doubtful, perhaps, they could ask for help from the three and convince them about the fulfilment of Hecate's mission instead.

"They are the spinners of the wheel of fortune, weaving the fabric of a creature's life. We call them Moirai. The Apportioners. These are the three daughters of Nyx." Queen Morgan answered softly as if she was careful not to scare these floating, talking, yellow heads to prevent them from swimming back underwater. Moirai, huh? She felt a kick in her stomach and thought that it was her heiress who did it. Did Leo think it sounded familiar too?

They were the ones who needed these creatures' help so it would be best to get in their good graces.

"The role of the Moirai was to ensure that every being, mortal and divine, lived out their destiny as it was assigned to them by the laws of the Heavens, swearing their oaths together with the Erinyes on the River of Styx found in the Underworld." Queen Morgan faced her while the three Fates listened to her, wearing a tight-lipped smile of agreement.? "Destiny can span their entire lifetime for mortals and immortals who are vulnerable to murders and diseases. Each creature is represented as a thread spun from a spindle. Clotho spun the thread of life, Lachesis measured its allotted length, and Atropos cut it off with her shears.. They had the power to give life and? take it away, so it would be best if you don't piss them off, Luna."

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