Hell's Consort

Chapter 776 - Good Morning Merle (Merles Arc)

Chapter 776 - Good Morning Merle (Merle's Arc)

Newest Chapter for Highest Tier (October 2021)


It was the first time she came into contact with a female Archangel.

The woman revealed her name to be Ariel and her?main task was to preserve Nature and the save Fairfolk.

In exchange for saving her life, the female Archangel asked her a favor that she was more than pleased to fulfill.

Merle thought she had nothing to go back to in Prince Balthasar's Militia.

The only person who knew she was a cross-dressing Knight was already dead but then, she realized how vulnerable she was if another Faerie Knight discovered that she was a female and put her in a dangerous situation.

She couldn't deal with constantly looking over her shoulder and watching her back just in case someone had attacked her and assaulted her again.

It was fortunate that Merle had left Prince Balthasar's group to pursue her own mission and look for the Tree of the Four Seasons like the Archangel had told her to.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Ariel explained that the magic fruits would help the Fair folk protect themselves from demonic possession after the dead Nephilims came back to haunt them, exacting revenge on the Faeries who destroyed their material bodies.

Prince Balthasar's Militia would be one of these demons' targets.

As a humble low-ranking Knight who rarely shows her swordsmanship to avoid Prince Balthasar's invasive attention, Merle took part in cleaning up the dead bodies of the Nephilim--the children of female Faeries and the Watchers— after the High Ranking Knights were done with their hunt.

She was grateful that the Archangel warned her of the future beforehand, forcing her to change her goals and direction, or else she might be included in the slaughter fest for trailing along with that group.

Archangel Uriel also gave her own feather as a gift so that she could gain a supernatural sight that could see past glamours of places and creatures made by these spirits.

With the fruits of the Four Seasons in her hands, Merle was one of the obstacles Prince Balthasar needed to get rid of before he becomes the King since she was the only person, aside from Archangel Uriel—who can help the Fairfolk avoid the demons attempting to steal their bodies and use them as physical vessels.

Prince Balthasar wouldn't succeed with his self-serving dreams of power and grandiose.

She wouldn't let him.

Merle's muscles tightened in readiness as if she was experiencing the same tragedy all over again.

Archangel Uriel touched her shoulder and squeezed it gently, "Are you alright, Merle?"

He might think that she was still groggy after sleeping so late but she actually did her best to keep her eyes open after feeling a bit faint and nauseous from her recollection.

"I'm alright." Merle blinked slowly. "I just had a flashback that bothered me."

Archangel Uriel let her silently fidget for a few minutes before breaking the tensed silence. "You are distressed." He murmured as he plucked the red hair strands covering her face and lifted it behind her back. "Scared."

Inhaling deeply, Merle counted from one to five and exhaled through her mouth.

Archangel Uriel settled a large hand on her hip and she flinched from the contact.

The Archangel was too considerate and he immediately got his hands off her so as not to upset her.

"It already happened a long time ago but I—-" Merle paused, hesitating, as she contemplated whether to tell him about what convinced her to search for the Tree of the Four Seasons.

She hadn't brought it up in a conversation before. Did Archangel Uriel have an idea of the Goddess Hecate's mission for her and how it was going to affect the Realm of the Heavens and the Material Realm?

"I just need a moment to calm down."

"It's in the past." Archangel Uriel said calmly as his gaze focused on her golden eyes as if he was trying to hypnotize her.

"Remember that you can always choose to remember what to feel." His voice was so soothing that her frustration dissipated when his fingertips began to caress her forehead.

"Yes, I have the power to choose what to remember and feel." Merle parroted, hoping it would help her say that out loud in her own voice, and believed it.

Merle strongly suspected that he had used Heavenly Magic on her without her consent.

Nevertheless, she didn't fight him about it and accepted his blessing with grace.

The knowledge did alleviate her anxiety somewhat and she sighed with relief.

"I can take care of you." He added softly without breaking eye contact.

"You are right. I am here with you. I'm not powerless." Merle said as she rose in her bed Smiling, Merle glanced down at him while he was lying there, "Thank you, Uriel."

He mirrored a brilliant smile at her that could rival a hot cup of chocolate in the morning.

He appeared as if he found her adorable but he wasn't sure.

"I just want to tell you that don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

A dry laugh escaped her lips.?"Yes."

Merle had longed for those words to come out of the Archangel's mouth.

Unfortunately, these loving expressions from the Archangel were reserved when she was feeling sick and tired which wasn't really that often.

The angelic bastard knew that his words could provide her with overflowing energy like some kind of herbal potion and he took advantage of that.

He would never allow her to get used to this treatment.

They spent a few minutes gazing into each other's eyes.

Perhaps, Archangel Uriel couldn't get enough of her, or was there something else he was contemplating about?

He always gazed into her eyes as if he was trying to see right through her soul every time he wakes her up in the morning.

Was this how the Archangel showed his love?

Merle blinked in the silence and the early morning ritual made all the tension in her muscles relax and open as they lay right next to each other.

The long stares turned awkward and silly that she burst into a fit of giggles.

What an awesome way to start the day with laughter!

"Good morning, Merle."

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