Hell's Consort

Chapter 812 - Stop Hiding From Me

Newest Chapter of Highest Tier (December 2021)


Vampire King Apollyon


"You haven't drank from my blood in three months, though." He felt Luna touch his arm when she pointed that out.

She was keeping track, huh?

"I don't want to make you feel worse that it is. You forget that I am a pure blood so I can keep my thirst under control for as long as I want to." Apollyon said as he stared into her dark green eyes that were so deep and full of desire that they could go on forever.

The sight didn't fail to arouse him. "You don't have to worry about me."

Now that she got up from the bed without difficulty and felt like she was frozen in her room, Apollyon could easily cut her long silver hair before he called for the maidservants to prepare her bath.

The sight of her flush and rosy cheeks as she glanced down at the rumpled sheets over her large tummy made his heart expand and exhale with relief.

From the death gray shifting to the vibrant silver moonbeams reflecting on her smooth pearly skin every time he traveled with her under the night sky, Apollyon could see that her natural pallor had returned.

The improvement of an Archdemon-Vampire, drinking ichor that belonged to her Archdemon Mate, which Apollyon disliked to admit, mixed with his was incredibly drastic that he considered it a miracle.

His eyes had slightly in disbelief when he saw Luna so sick and fragile earlier as if she was in her deathbed, appearing like her physical vessel had given up on her.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Apollyon swore that his beloved looked like she would deteriorate into ashes at any given moment.

It scared him so much that the fear made him set his ego aside to prioritize her and allow the Familiar to help.

Yet, by just drinking his blood mixed with Ravin's, she recovered so quickly, looking as if every cell in her body had regenerated in a year and then, fitting that into a single minute.

He acknowledged it humbly to himself that his blood, alone, couldn't cure Luna as fast as this, and he was grateful for Ravin's existence even if he would offer every gold he owned just for that once-in-a-lifetime chance to get rid of this bastard from his beloved's life.

Yet, if it wasn't for their mating bond, Ravin and Sloth can rely on the binding contract as her Familiar to help Luna with their Archdemon blood but not to this great extent.

Strong blood bonds and mental links between mates can move mountains.

He doubted that a god or a goddess could perform this phenomenon.

He can compare Luna's swift healing with the unique blood magic— a combination of multiple mates of different species.

If the concerned Fae maidservants in Hazelnut Manor could see their Princess' initial condition as opposed to now, they would surely faint from shock the instant they entered the room to serve her.

Most of them were well-aware of the curse that had fallen on her, as mentioned by the Three Fates.

They knew the gist, but other than that, they had no further information.

As much as he hated relying on the Archdemon for help, Apollyon was glad he did it.

No regrets.

His left arm stretched to return the leather canteen to the bedside table to keep Queen Morgan's gift there.

Next, he climbed out of bed.

Midway through the process of clutching one of his beloved's multiple blankets and wrapping its hem around his waist before fixing them into place, Luna's fingers hang unto that thin, snug space between the blanket's material and the abdominal hair close to his pubic region.

Flinching at the sudden unexpected contact when her fingernails brushed against his thickening shaft, it didn't take his manhood to stand in attention.

Unfortunately, there was nothing that could be done about this.

Having sexual congress with a pregnant wife of seven months expected to give birth to two babies might send his wife to an early death.

'No. No. No.' Apollyon thought in panic. 'That shouldn't happen.' Then, as his eyelids closed shut, he prayed for the gods and goddesses to give him self-control despite the unbridled lust he felt deep in his bones.

Luna asked him where he was going, but he only managed to rasp a throaty response while her mischievous hand slowly moved downward, cupping his hardening rod with her palm.

From out-of-nowhere, Luna was in the mood for this? Apollyon was surprised at how quick his wife could change her attitudes like the moon phases, blushing like she was this shy girl around him all of a sudden and being clingy the next.

He reassured her that he wouldn't leave her side and stay in bed with her for a few minutes before calling for the maidservants.

As he watched her with hooded eyes, they proceeded to talk about unimportant stuff that wasn't related to the dirty things they had started doing.

Groaning, Apollyon had pushed his erection against her palm in slow thrusting motions that he had longed to do inside his wife's sweet tight quim.

Since Luna had gotten pregnant along with the demon invasion in the Material Realm, there was no sense in thinking about pleasure or where he could acquire the next sexual gratification because he was preoccupied with a lot of things, making him forget that he was a man with lustful needs.

With this prolonged abstinence, Apollyon would assume that he might accidentally revert into a virgin.

Fingers circling her wrist, Apollyon stroked and scratched her soft skin with his thumb as if urging her to do more of this.

Luna tilted her head at him teasingly. "Do you think I should put this in my mouth, Apollyon?"

Something told him that this wasn't going to end well because there was a high chance that he wouldn't be satisfied even if he finished in her mouth.

His cum dripping in those scarlet lips would drive him mad enough to make the mistake of pushing her down and driving his cock inside her.


Apollyon gave her a long, piercing gaze as he pulled her hand from the blanket that had almost dropped down around his waist, forcing her to let go. "This isn't the time."

"I didn't realize you were naked in bed until you aren't anymore."

"I know what you are doing." He squeezed her hand, released it, and he raised her chin with a finger. "You are trying to distract me because you don't want to take that bath."

Luna averted her gaze but not without catching her emerald eyes almost turning jet black with want."You don't want me to continue, then?"

It shocked him, reminding him of his sexual craving reflected in that sensual gaze.

There was a pause before he ground out, "No. Let' get you out of those blankets."

Apollyon expected his beloved lady to protest the loss of the hoarded blankets she had buried herself in like the corpse she insisted she became.

Still, it seemed like Luna could deal with the cold now as a typical vampire should.


He began to pull the thin veils that were tucked inside the scarves around her neck. She didn't seem to mind as she turned her gaze away, but Apollyon had to be careful.

Even if she looked healthy,? Luna was still sick from the inside because Lilith's soul was still in there somewhere.

She might have figured out how to curb the Archdmemon's presence from taking over her physical vessel, but these cloths she had swaddled herself in like she was a newborn baby weren't armors that would prevent her from falling apart.

She was in her hell, and Apollyon wanted to be her salvation.

It appeared like she already realized that this collection of quilts and scarves didn't make a difference anymore.

His wife was wonderful now, and she hadn't caught any chill from outside since the funeral pyre at the corner had served its purpose.

Apollyon tossed the sheets, the veils, and the scarves to the ground until she was bare.

His wife was a beautiful goddess who had her hand over her protruding stomach while the other cradled the bottom protectively.

Her thick silver mane was parted over her shoulders to cover her perfect chest—breasts that he was the only man allowed to see.

The image made him suck in a breath, rekindling his libido over and over that he wanted nothing more than pressing them against his chest.

Since it was impossible to do that,? burying his nose at that generous cleavage would do. Apollyon's gaze left her chest to examine her serene countenance—from her silver winged eyebrow, dark green eyes, aquiline nose, to her scarlet lips panting with need.

His scrutiny skipped the reddish clots and bruises on her neck that his fangs had caused.

It was a pity that he couldn't risk temptation, especially if Luna were right in his face, looking like a full-course meal handed to him in a silver platter.

This was also the reason why he agreed on staying in the Autumn Palace for six agonizing days, only to return to Hazelnut Manor on the seventh to meet his wife once a week.

Then, he would return to Queen Morgan with Xerxes and Ravin to aid the search of the Garden of the Four Seasons.

He abhorred enjoying pleasure at his wife's expense.

He found that it was best to avoid Luna than to see her and tried to resist her allure.

It also made his life difficult to see her suffer and he couldn't do anything about it.

Now, he could.

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