Hell's Consort

Chapter 823 - Broken Record

Newest Chapter of Highest Tier (December 2021)


Vampire King Apollyon


"What brings you here, Archdemon?" Apollyon snarled as he burst through the door. He only made a single stride from the hallway to enter the parlour room but he was prepared to interrogate the Archdemon like a f*cking criminal.

He might be Luna's familiar turned second-in-command but Apollyon wouldn't trust the Archdemon to make good decisions for the Order of the Selcis.

Hell, he couldn't even trust the bastard to steal his wife away from him the moment he got her alone.

As both of them monitored the war games side-by-side,? all Ravin did was talk about his delusions about Luna that he was starting to sound like a broken record.

There was no cure to his obsession but Apollyon can't help but feel threatened every time his mindless chatter filled his ears.

The Archdemon of Gluttony had shared a physical vessel with him before so he should get used to his thoughts being spoken out loud but it was just unbearable.

It was truly a different kind of Hell.? Yet,? it never failed to get a blazing rise out of him that he gave him a flying kick in that smug face without warning.

In the end,? both of them joined the war games and split the Order of the Selcis into two to justify their barbaric brawls and indulge their thirst for each other's blood… and it wasn't in the vampiric kind.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

They were unstoppable in the arena.

For once, Apollyon was glad that Luna was seven months pregnant and she didn't have to witness it.

Her pregnancy had made her squeamish with the sight of spilt blood during fights, making her vomit. It was dangerous to offend her delicate sensibilities.

Apollyon and Queen Morgan had already spoken about this matter but it appeared like the Autumn Queen trusted Ravin and dismissed his suggestion.

He might as well be wasting his own saliva.

He began to wonder if Ravin had put Queen Morgan under his spell or was Queen Morgan was lenient on him.

Apollyon found out that the scoundrel had told her about the binding oaths he swore to Luna as his Master.

What kind of discussions had they partaken behind the scenes?

He did not fail to notice that the Archdemon had a fixation on Queen Morgan's movements and whereabouts lately. What secrets was the bastard hiding with the Queen?

Apollyon was determined not to be indisposed during the final battle between him and Luxen.

Hopefully,? the Second Great War between Faeries and Demons wouldn't push through.

If they managed to get the Archangels' divine assistance, then the battle wouldn't even last an hour.? The Demonic Legion summoned from Hell will be completely obliterated.

From Hecate's silence, Apollyon can already tell that she was risk-averse to changing the course of Fate.

The Gods and the Goddesses will watch from the sidelines while the demons wait for the right time to invade the Autumn Courts.

The new demons flew lazily outside the barriers like massive shadow birds were waiting for something to happen but he didn't know what and why they weren't attacking yet.

Perhaps, once the Autumn Courts made the mistake of letting their guard down, then the second wave of the siege will occur.

The Autumn Fairfolk should find no reason to worry for the entire spring Militia were armed with not only artilleries but with military tactics that they had practised over and over.

"Vampire King." Apollyon's hands hardened as he watched? Ravin seated on a chair while crossing his legs. His hands rested on top of his knees confidently. "Don't you find it awkward? to ask me that question? when I live with here?"

This man had the audacity to return to Hazelnut Manor after he made it clear that he wasn't needed in the Estate.

'He and Xerxes would be better off resuming the hunt of that damned Garden.' Apollyon thought with gritted teeth as his hand clenched on the knob before he fully closed the door and leaned against it.

Time was running out so he should spend that more with Luna as long as he was able.

"You appeared like you already killed me a thousand times in your head."? Ravin's smirk turned into a thin, sinister line.? "It's unfortunate that you can't enact that bloody fantasy you have of me."

"Now, that you couldn't have Luna, are you giving up on her love to choose Apollyon instead?" Perplexed, Apollyon raised an eyebrow as his gaze searched where the voice came from.

He had no idea that Sloth was there in the parlour room if he didn't speak up behind the tall plants that he had watered at the small indoor garden behind the couches.

Every leaf seemed pretty rare when Apollyon glanced at them.

The blades of grass had grown abnormally long from the pots they were placed in.

Well, Sloth implied it first.

There was always that one individual who can turn a brutal threat into something lewd.

It was only right that he make his brother suffer from his awkward remark.

"You aren't funny, Sloth." Ravin glowered over his shoulder and said out loud in the uncomfortable silence. "Don't even suggest such an abomination." The Archdemon still talked as if Apollyon had simply camouflaged through the walls and turned invisible. "Possessing the Vampire King seemed to be such a brilliant idea before but the only reason I am here because of Amare."

"You are more intimate with him since you have been inside his body." Sloth pointed out.

Caught off guard,? Apollyon's eyes widened at how ridiculous that sounded.

He almost erupted in a guffaw but he pursed his lips and covered his twitching mouth with his palm.

Apollyon should be fuming from Sloth's random and idiotic comments but he would gladly choose this any time of the day than hearing Luna's name mentioned in Ravin's dirty mouth.

He didn't want to admit this but Apollyon was getting used to his taunting yet empty words but the moment he mentioned Luna…

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