Hell's Consort

Chapter 858 Male Gaze Not Allowed

Newest Chapter for the Highest Tier (February 2022)


Archdemon of Sloth

  Prince of the Seventh Circle of Hell


Drawing his lips back to cover his teeth, Sloth pushed his tongue back into his mouth and blew, producing a resounding whistle powerful enough to catch the demonic beast's attention outside the Kingdom's barriers.

He wasn't disappointed by the skill Princess Sapphire had taught him when the dragon responded with an ear-splitting "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~"

Sloth flinched at the pathetic roar before he shook his head in amusement.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The whelp might have matured into this majestic creature but he still hadn't shed his distasteful signature screech.

As he scrambled to get up from the Empress' side, he raised his head heavenward, his hands resting on his hips in anticipation.

Rere lit up the dark night in this burning plume of fire.

The dragon's shiny green scales underneath his leathery wings were as bright as stained glass, making him appear more glorious to look at in the winter sun.

Rere soared heavenward to gain momentum before he descended with a laser-like focus on their location at the forest floor.

As he grew closer, the dragon's big, round eyes were as innocent as an angel but his appearance was as frightening as a demon.

His large red wings were spread so wide as it beat into this urgent rhythm.

Rere might not understand the recent events that had transpired at Hazelnut Household but Sloth could tell that he was excited and eager to follow them around and fulfill their commands to the best of his abilities.

At that moment, Sloth was also compelled to check up on her sister-in-law to make sure the massage he did for her did its magic.

Lune had calmed down but for the most part but she was still breathing hard as she lay on her back with her legs parted and knees bent underneath the skirts of her blood-stained gown.

She made small pained moans that were louder than the crickets chirping at night.

It was hard to read her emotions from her expression since she had covered her eyes with a forearm.

Yet, she immediately lifted them from her brows upon hearing the loud flaps of Rere's wings.

Her tear-filled eyes widened in shock when she saw the midwife's shoulders clutched by the dragon's claws.

"Rere." Sloth panicked a little when he saw the panic in her eyes when she gave him an accusing scowl. "Drop the—I mean, bring the birth attendant beside the Empress!"

Rere affirmed the command with a loud purr that was closer to a growl and all of a sudden, she released the old matron in the air.

He was about to catch the grandmother in his arms but she used her transparent Fae wings immediately to help her land on her feet.

The birth attendant didn't seem fazed as she righted her clothes in front of him while Sloth stared her down.

She simply shrugged, wiped the cold sweat off her leathery face, and gathered the long silver-white hair in her wrinkly hands that had escaped from its ties.

Rere had managed to snag a birth attendant who must have left her youth at Hazelnut Manor.

He remembered that this woman was the oldest among the group.

So this was how old people look up close.

They were so different from Archdemons who can be as young and fresh as the spring petals.

They can also have the freedom to appear quite mature to gain the respect of their fellow Archdemons.

The Archdemon Kind was truly a superior lot compared to Fae but here he was, slaving himself just so he could stay in this Realm and live happily with Lune.

Fair folk was immortals but they could still age depending on the intensity of the Fae magic they possessed.

Can this birth attendant do her job properly with those rickety bones?

She might be knowledgeable and well trained in childbirth but should Rere have dragged a younger woman from the female midwives?

"You, lady." Sloth pointed at her. "Please do something about the creatures inside her. They are acting up and kicking their mother to death with their little feet."

"Yes, my lord." The birth attendant had warm grey eyes and the sight of her face seemed to put Lune at ease.

She walked so… slowly towards her that it made him irritated, reminding him how slow he could be compared to this grandma.

"Make her feel better right now, quickly, or I'll cut your head off."

Women were always destined to suffer during childbirth and there was no way of escaping that fate unless they died before the babies could come out.

At least, Lune's chances would increase after he brought the birth attendant like his brother had told him to.

"Yes, my Lord." The birth attendant examined her. Sloth stayed by their side the entire time while the woman checked under her skirts to see if one of the babies managed to get out.  "The slit had begun to dilate but not quite. She is not ready yet since it would open and close by itself.  The Empress is preparing for the main event."

He had no idea what she was talking about but he simply nodded so as not to expose his ignorance.

"My Lord, you shouldn't be with her while she is having contractions."  The birth attendant's voice was cool and calm as if she had seen everything there was to witness about births as nature intended and ones where not everyone had survived. "Childbirth is not a good sight to see for a lord like you."

"Don't worry my delicate sensibilities will not be offended and I would like to keep my eyes open for what I'm about to see."

"My Lord. It is improper."

"Let me. I haven't seen anything like this before."

Out of nowhere, Sloth could sense Princess Ourania around the boundary between the territory of Hazelnut Manor to the next.

Well, isn't it lovely?

It was time to make their presence known unless Queen Morgan knew that they were hiding in the forest.

"Alright, I'm going somewhere to give both of you the privacy from the male gaze," Sloth announced. "If she somehow dies or just even one of the babies when I return, I'll kill you with the Empress as well. She will need her own servant in Hell and she needed to stop doing things on her own."

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