Hell's Consort

Chapter 886 I Saw An Angel

Newest Chapter for Highest Tier (May 2022)


Archdemon of Lust

Prince Luxen of the Second Circle of Hell


"The Garden of the Four Seasons disappears in the presence of demons. You did a good job keeping Merle from finding it herself, Beelzebub. But at least we know that it is located where we are. All the Rules of the Heaven were determined to keep the demons out and alienate us." Luxen scowled as he continued, "If the Archangels decided to show up around here, the collective energy of these beings will hopefully reveal this Garden through their presence, giving the caretaker an illusion that she and her ward is safe."

"Then, we will destroy it afterwards." He folded his arms over his chest and jutted his chin with arrogance, "The Demon King had done it before. I can do it as well."

"We had a common goal to kill Ravin, Prince Luxen, and that is my priority. You can either destroy the Garden of the Four Seasons to prevent the Heavenly Realm from interfering with your plans to make this Realm yours or you can kill the Vampire King first and take your mate back from him. Do as you please." Beelzebub, then, turned his head to the side to look him in the eye. "You have to let me destroy Ravin in the tournament in Hell first and foremost. I am still bound to my oath to return the favor you have done for me and serve you forever as the new King of the entire Realms. You can start with your world domination without me for the meantime."

Luxen smirked. "You are stronger than the Dukes we have brought here. I'm sure it's enough for you defeat my brother and take his throne."

As if he sensed something strange in the atmosphere, Beelzebub paused to look around.

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Frown lines marred his forehead.

"Ravin is near but I sense another angel around playing hide-and-seek."


Princess Sapphire of the Summer Courts


Xerxes sped up and caught Princess Sapphire when she tried to Queen Morgan's side. He grabbed her elbow and spun her around to face her. "It's time to get out of here, Princess Sapphire. We must stick to the plan we had, do you understand?"

Frustrated, he squeezed her elbow so hard that Princess Sapphire winced from the pain.

Xerxes glanced down at the hand that held her arm and quickly released her.

She didn't have to examine her skin to realize that Xerxes' had left a bruise.

The look of desperation, the shock then followed by remorse in those few seconds was enough.

He stood still and lowered his head.

The blond hair covering his forehead and the hood of his cloak almost hiding half of his face made his expressions unreadable.

"I apologize, Princess, but you must keep your word."

Xerxes raised his head to glare at her before pulling her closer.

From the way his insolent arm snaked behind her back and on the back of her thighs on the other, it appeared like Xerxes was determined to toss her over his shoulder like a caveman and carry her out of there.

Princess Sapphire pushed him off her to thwart his plans.

"But we must save Queen Morgan!" That is what she was aiming for. "She is hurt."

"She can recover. She isn't the Queen of the Autumn Courts for nothing. We must escape."

Princess Sapphire caught something in her peripheral vision but it wasn't the female Archangel--the Tree of the Four Seasons' caretaker-- from her mother's painting.

She blinked.

Was she mistaken?

She swore it in her life that it was a male Angel floating behind Xerxes.

A few white feathers had fallen everytime he flapped his beautiful wings.

Why was he here at such an...er... inconvenient time?

Did he bring his kind to help them get out of this sticky situation?

She glanced at her sorroundings in search for the rest but no other Angels were there except for him.

Will selling him out make him speak?

The feather-winged angel smiled as if he could read her mind.

Her eyes went round with shock as they continued to stare at each other.

"Xerxes! Behind you!" Princess Sapphire shouted as she pointed a finger at the Angel flying behind him.

"Don't resort to some petty tricks, Princess. It's not the time." Xerxes said flatly.

He was tired of dealing with her crap.

"No. Really." She kept her narrowed eyes on the blond-haired angel who seemed apathetic to the bloodshed around them.

Maybe, the Heavenly Realms had washed their hands off any kinds of responsibility in the Material Realm.

But weren't they suposed to stop their Archnemesis from destroying their Highest God's Creation?

"Don't take me for a fool. You're coming with me no matter what."

"I told you that there is an angel behind you."

"An angel? You're lying." Nevertheless, Xerxes finally gave in and chose to believe her.

But when he looked over his shoulder, the angel vanished as if he wasn't even there in the first place. Princess Sapphire shook her head doubtfully when he faced her again.

He placed his hands on her shoulders and whispered, "There is no one behind me but snow and lifeless Fae Knights with broken wings, bones and dreams."

Princess Sapphire made the mistake of tilting her head to the side to peek at what had become of them.

She swallowed hard.

If she and Xerxes weren 't careful, they would be next.

He tucked a finger below her chin and urged her to look into his eyes. "I already told you not to fool around."

Unfortunately, she couldn't bear to leave Queen Morgan behind.

She will be a vulnerable target if the demons found out she was playing dead.

It seemed like she wasn't even that important to both Beelzebub and that Archdemon of Lust.

These High-ranking demons were more interested in Ravin, her brother and wiping out the Fae Militia's numbers so that they could take over this Kingdom with ease.

Jora was leading the Fae Militia by himself and that wasn't enough to win this battle.

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