Her Tempestuous Villain

Chapter 4 - A Coup

The clanking of her heels echoed throughout the entire mansion. The guards were eyeing the voluptuous brunette who was walking towards them. She wore a hat and her pale skin shone like pearls. The girl was wearing high heels and a red, skin tight dress which highlighted her curves. She was in her early twenties, enjoying the pinnacle of youth.

As soon as she approached the door, the guards stopped her.


"You can't go in without permission," one of them said. "This is a private property."

"Perhaps this will change your mind," the girl claimed. She took out a card from her purse. The guards stared at the card then at the girl, unable to fathom how she would know the big boss around there.

"Only the President's inner circle can carry this," the guard stated, peering at her suspiciously.

"I am well aware of that," she said with a smile. "After all, I have access to all his…inner stuff."

The last part of her sentence was provocative and she licked her lips with her tongue. The guards immediately stepped aside and let her enter the mansion. They watched the girl enter and strut straight towards the master bedroom.

"That old geezer is gonna pay a hefty price someday," one of the guards muttered. "Bringing so many women here."

"He pays hefty prices for these escorts anyway," the other guard sighed. "Perverted old git! Always showing off his might."

They were the elite guards of their country's President. The whole country was on the brink of a war because someone had leaked their President's corrupted practices, leading to a domino effect. Rebels took up arms against him, demanding his resignation but the elite guards and army were cracking down on them. The whole nation was in a chaos, flinging between the rebels and government forces.

The streets were being showered in blood while fighting broke out almost everyday, killing many innocent civilians. The anger within the common folks was bubbling, reaching new levels while rebels radicalized the young and impressionable youths into their cause. They were claiming to free the nation from the clutches of a tyrant but ironically, were authoritarians themselves, not hesitating to kill anyone opposing their ideology.

All through this, their President, Rihan Naim, was still corrupted. He had moved to his private villa all alone without his wife and family. The man was a lecherous pervert who had sex with escorts and prostitutes almost daily. His wife knew everything but turned a blind eye to it. She wanted to remain the First Lady of the country, so she ignored her husband's infidelity.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He did not care whether the country burned or not as long as he held absolute power over it.

The girl named Heera was slowly making her way towards the bedroom where the President was waiting for her. The man was in his sixties with thinning white hair and a large belly. He was short in stature but held a dominating aura which was enough to make many countries kneel to him. His country may be small but it was the hub of the most important natural resource: oil.

He used this to his advantage and made many countries kneel before him. And now, Heera was going to make him kneel before her.

"Are you ready, Mr. President?" she asked in a sultry tone.

The old man was visibly gulping at the sight of that young body. He liked his women that way, petite and firm. The girl in front of him was the perfect mix of sexy and innocent, making him crazy with lust. Heera walked towards a window and opened it.

"The brush of the cool air will make it even better," she winked. Rihan could only stare at the dark beauty who was seducing him with her eyes. He wanted to rip off that dress and screw her senseless but the wait made everything even better.

She slowly made her way towards him, her steps catlike. The President drew a sharp breath when she slowly began to unbutton his shirt.

"A wily one, aren't you?" Rihan leered. Heera smiled at him and leaned closer to his ears.

"Let's make it a little interesting," she teased. Rihan watched as she took out a pair of handcuffs. The President smirked. The girl knew him well. She slowly made her way towards the door and closed it to curtain the activities they were about to indulge in.

From outside, the guards could hear the loud music coming from the President's room. They knew the routine very well. This 'music' was turned on whenever he was in his chamber with a woman.

"What a rascal!" one of the guards commented. "The whole country is dying of starvation and war while he's screwing around."

"Shhh!" the other guard warned. "Don't let him hear you. Don't you know what he does to his opposers?"

"He can't hear a thing!" the first guard scoffed. "Sometimes, I wish that the rebels get the better of him and just…"

He faked choking noises in an attempt to act as a dying man.

"Ah, but this guy is resilient," the second guard sighed. "He killed his entire family in order to be here. I've heard that he got some help from one of the big shots in Country K."

"Country K?" the other guard whispered. "Impossible! Country K is supposed to be neutral, are they not? They don't dab into all this!"

"You don't know anything then," the guard shuddered. "Almost twnety five years ago, Country K was a constitutional monarchy. The Emperor of that time was a just and fair man. He had been ruling the country with an iron heart and yet, was known as one of the kindest people ever living. His son was set to be his successor. Everything was going well but the Emperor had many enemies. His own cabinet was not happy with him. They did not want an Emperor but sought powers for themselves. When the Emperor found out, he wanted to put them in jail for treason."

"So they assassinated him," the guard went on. "Killed his entire family. No one was left alive. After getting rid of their Emperor, the new government used their power to fund wars and mafia cartels all over the country. The economy rapidly expanded but so did the crime rates. No one could stand against them. Only recently, a major Cartel was busted by a mercenary group named Abyss. Even though the Cartel was very powerful its destruction ended up profiting many of the politicians. They were able to capitalize on its failure and quickly seized all of the Cartel's property."

"And these politicians funded our President," he concluded. "With their help, he got rid of his brother, who wanted a nationalist policy. Country K has many interests in this land. There was no way they would have given up their power here!"

The other guard shook his head in dismay. People in power were scum and corrupted to the point they would incite wars in other countries for their own gain.

"Humanity is dead," he sighed. They did not talk any further but kept a guard on their President's nocturnal activities. Finally, after four hours, the music stopped.

​ The woman came out of the room. Her hair was ruffled and some of the buttons on her shirt were torn but she was aloof. Wearing the large black sunglasses, she nodded at the guards.

"He's sleeping," she stated.

"He'll probably not wake up for the next few hours," one of the guards muttered as the woman walked away from them. The guards had strict instructions not to disturb the president while he slept.

Outside, once the girl was out of sight of the mansion, she dialed a number on her phone.

"It's done," she said to the person on the other end: SD.

SD smirked and hung up. He leaned back against his chair, reflecting on his ingenious idea. All he had to do was have Heera rub some untraceable poison on her skin for the President to taste and the task was done.

He glanced at the clock.

"Tick tock, tick tock," he chanted as he waited for the news to arrive.

A few hours later, a maid walked into the President's room and screamed. He was lying on the bed, naked and cuffed to the bed. His face was blue and his skin had turned cold.

The President was dead. And by the time the police began their investigation to catch the hooker the President was with, Heera had already left the country in SD's private jet.

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