Her Tempestuous Villain

Chapter 51 - Out Of The Shadows

Sunye sighed, checking herself out in the mirror. She was quite nervous about the dinner not only because she was about to meet the Prime Minister of the country but rather the fact she was about to come face to face with her old acquaintance.

The memories of Lee were hazy in her mind. She was barely eight years old when she first saw him but his cold eyes had scared her at that time. It was hard to pinpoint why she disliked him but the man had a certain way with words which she found quite creepy. Even though he smiled and was kind to her, she used to avoid him.

Meeting him after so many years was awkward. Would he even remember her? Then again, his son might have informed him that the survivor of the palace coup was working for his firm so he might recall something about Sunye.

For the dinner, she chose to wear a simple blue cocktail dress with leggings to cover her thighs. She put minimal makeup and opted for a nude shade lipstick. For jewelry, she adorned a pair of diamond studs and a matching locket. Jonghyun had texted her that he would pick her up from her home and she eagerly waited for him. A part of her mind wondered if the blue eyed Lucifer would be there but she immediately dismissed it.

Of course he would be there. That guy would not miss out on the fun of seeing her being grilled by the Prime Minister. He lived to torment her.

But she also could not help being a little thankful for his presence. Even though she would never admit it, for some reason, she felt safe around him. His antics might have almost led her to being assaulted by the mafia but she knew that he would come for her when she was in trouble. If there was one thing SD was good at, it was in keeping his word. A promise was not a mere promise to him but a duty he would vehemently follow even if his life was on stake.

And knowing the type of coward he was, he would rather fulfill the promise than die.

What are you thinking of, SD? She wondered. Her heart was troubled while her mind was flashing her the images of the first time they had met. It was impossible to imagine a time when SD was not around. As if the years between the coup and SD's appearance never took place. Those gap years were muddled and a blur. Her mind skipped from the coup to her first meeting with SD on an instinct.

She remembered that night eight years ago as if it was yesterday.


*Eight Years Ago*


Sunye forced herself to smile as the camera flashed in front of her. She was sitting with a group of students in blue graduation gowns and caps, smiling radiantly at the camera. Sunye was not fond of smiling but it was their graduation and she had to reluctantly socialize with people.

One of her friends, Jung Sua, turned around to call Sunye to sit with her.

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"Sunye!" she called. "Come and sit here with me!"

She ushered her to sit beside her. Sunye nodded and walked around the students to take a seat next to Sua. The latter was beaming and upon seeing Sunye's sullen mood, she nudged her in the rib.

"Cheer up!" she giggled. "It's our graduation day! Finally after four years of grueling law studies, we're free!"

"We're going to enter the workforce," Sunye grimaced. "How are we free?"

"Don't be such a killjoy!" Sua groaned. Sunye's straightforwardness was sometimes burdensome. The girl just did not know how to have fun.

"You already got a job at Yang's office!" Sua reminded her. "One of the oldest and best prosecutors in the country! Didn't he headhunt you himself? He must have heard about your skills!"

"Yeah…" Sunye was still not sure what he saw in her. She felt that she was inadequate as a prosecutor but Yang must have seen something in her. The man was not easy to please and yet, he picked Sunye to train her under his guidance. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity and Sunye was not about to mess it up.

"We're going to party tonight!" Sua exclaimed. "I sooo want to hook up with someone! I haven't slept with a guy in ages!"

"Is that all you can think about?" Sunye frowned.

"Honey, screwing someone takes the tension and stress out of me!" Sua explained. "Our bodies have needs and the more we hold it in the more depressed we get. I don't wanna end up like you!"

"Like me?" Sunye echoed.

"Sunye, don't take it the wrong way," Sua began. "But you're kind of...frustrated."

Frustrated? With what?

"Have you ever kissed a guy and thought that you'd want to just passionately make love to him right there and then?" Sua asked. "Or went to a bar and flirted with someone just for fun? Or even held a guy's hand?"

"Er…" Sunye was confused. She was always a diligent student who worked hard and studied all day. She wanted to become a top notch prosecutor so that one day, she could punish Kim San's killer. All these years, she could not remember a single time when she had actually done anything wild.

She was the good girl. A plain jane who just wanted to be on her own. HAving fun and sleeping with someone was not her thing.

"I can't," she admitted. "I'm in love with someone else."

"Someone who is dead," Sua said in a gentle tone. She knew about Sunye's complicated past and was sympathetic towards her. But she also believed that Sunye needed to live her own life and not worry about someone who was gone.

"You can't wallow in grief forever," she went on. "Okay, you don't have to sleep with others but you can have fun, right? We can all just drink and have a good time. Then leave the bar. That's it! I know it's hard for you, but at least try to have fun! It's not that hard!"

Sunye bit her lip. She was not sure what to do. Then again, what harm would one night do?

Just then, her phone rang up. It was Mr. Yang.

"Hello, Mr. Yang," she greeted. "How are you?"

"I'm well Sunye," Yang's kind voice came from the other end. "Congratulations on your graduation!"

"Thank you, sir," she said, feeling grateful.

"Did your parents make it to the graduation?" he asked.

"Parent," she corrected. "Actually, my father got a job as chef in Country B. He wanted to come but they would not let him take a leave since it's a new job."

Ever since they had escaped the coup, Sunye lived with her adoptive father, Han Daewhi. He doted on her and since he had a good amount of savings from his time at the palace, Sunye was able to go to good schools and even secured scholarships on her own merit.

All these years, he stayed in the country as a chef in different upscale restaurants despite getting job offers from abroad. He wanted to make sure that Sunye was not alone. Once she entered college, she nagged her father to take up the job offers and follow his own dreams. Finally, he took up the offer at Country B. Even though he had to skip out on her graduation, Sunye was glad that her father was enjoying his work.

"I actually have a case for you," Yang revealed. "A big one."

"A case?" She asked in astonishment. "I'll be fighting a case?"

"You'll be my assistant prosecutor," Yang corrected. "I believe that my new recruits should get a practical experience."

"B-but I might mess up!"

Sunye was nervous. What if she made a mistake? What if it cost them the case? What if…

"It's okay to be nervous!" Yang laughed. "But don't worry! You'll simply be assisting me. I'll send you some documents over the phone. Read them and understand the evidence in the case. Be careful though. These are confidential court documents. You must handle them with care. Do not show them to anyone. There are people who would try to get access to these. So, be careful."

Sunye gulped and nodded. It was a big responsibility and she was not sure if she could handle it. But it was also the chance to prove to her boss that she was a capable prosecutor. She wanted to learn from him and could not afford to give up this chance.

"Yes sir," she said. "I'll do it."

"Good girl!" Yang laughed. "I'll mail them to you. Enjoy your graduation party!"

Sunye smiled and bid him goodbye before hanging up the phone.

"You're getting a case?" Sua squealed.

"I'll just be the assistant," Sunye smiled. "But this is a huge responsibility…"

"Oh don't worry!" Sua encouraged her. "You'll do great! Cheer up! This calls for double celebration tonight."

Sunye flashed her a genuine smile and nodded. Suddenly, an ominous feelign dawned on her and she turned around.

"What happened?" Sua asked.

"I...I just felt as if someone was watching us," Sunye mumbled.

"Relax!" Sua groaned. "There's no one. Chill!"

Sunye was not convinced. She was so sure that someone was watching them but no one stood out amidst the crowd of students and their guardians. Craning her neck, she tried to look out for anyone suspicious but there was no one.

Maybe I'm being paranoid, she told herself. Shaking away her worries, she turned towards Sua who was chattering about what to wear that night.

From a few meters away, a tall figure came into view. His blue eyes were studying the dark haired beauty who donned an ice cold expression.

A slow smile appeared on his lips. He observed her for a while before backing away to leave.

It was time to come out of the shadows.

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