Her Tempestuous Villain

Chapter 57 - Meeting The Villain (6)

Sunye stared at him in shock. How did he know about her case? What was he doing in court?

Her head was spinning with many questions. Hyunmin smirked at her like a handsome demon who had seduced the pure village maid. Yang snarled when his eyes fell on the suited daredevil. He did not say anything but sat back on his seat, fuming.

"I should have known," he growled in a low tone. "SD!"

"SD?" Sunye echoed.

"See that blue eyed dumbass behind you?" Yang asked. "That's SD. The most notorious information broker in this country. He must be involved in this case."

"What do you mean?" Sunye began but just at that moment, the judge spoke up.

"The court will take a short recess," Jeon declared. "For lunch. We will return in one hour."

Everyone stood up and bowed as the judge walked away. Sunye turned to face her boss, her head filled with many puzzles. But before she could ask any, someone interrupted them from behind.

"Yang!" Hyunmin greeted with a smile. "Long time no see!"

"What are you doing here SD?" Yang demanded.

"Ouch!" Hyunmin or SD or whoever the hell he was pretended to be hurt upon hearing those words. "I thought you'd be happy to see me back in town! I was expecting a warm welcome."

"After how you cost me a case last time?" Yang demanded. "You actually expected a warm welcome?"

"Don't be so angry," SD shrugged. "The man turned out to be innocent. You should thank me for saving your conscience."

"You used illegal methods to find the proof!"

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"Hey, anything works in the court of law as long as you can prove it," SD stated. "And this is…"

He pretended to feign ignorance as he addressed Sunye.

"None of your business!" Yang snapped. "Let's go, Sunye."

Sunye was only able to nod. She shot one angry glare at SD/Hyunmin who pretended not to know her and followed Yang out of the courtroom.

"Who is he?" Sunye asked once they were outside.

"That's SD," Yang gritted. "Also known as the Sadistic Doctor."

Sadistic Doctor...that's the nickname his so-called patient gave him. Was he an information broker or a doctor? Sunye was confused.

"Why is he called the Sadistic Doctor?" she inquired, trying to stop her voice from quivering in anger.

"It's not his actual profession," Yang explained. "You know how people in the underworld have different code names? Mafia men use it all the time. He uses the term 'Doctor' for himself because he claims to cure people's thirst for knowledge just how a doctor heals his patient. The sadistic part has been added to his name to show his ruthlessness."

"What do you mean?"

"That man is the most dangerous man in this courtroom," Yang prophesied. "And one day he'll become the most dangerous man in this country. He has only two morals: knowledge and money. If you pay him his due, he'll give you the information you want. It could be about anything. He can tell you what your neighbors are eating right at this very moment if you pay him. And he can also tell you the codes to the nuclear bomb held by foreign powers. That is his level of network and influence. And the worst part is, he doesn't care to whom he sells his information to as long as he gets paid his due."

Sunye gulped upon hearing those words. Was he really the thoughtful and kind stranger she met last night? Or was he the villainous broker who was ready to sell his soul to the devil for knowledge? What was he planning to do with all that information anyway?

And most importantly, how did he figure out the part about the servant? It was a crucial information which the Prosecution was determined to hide because if it was leaked, the Defense would pinpoint the blame on that poor servant. So how did SD find out about this?

He got it from my phone, Sunye realized. Last night was a ruse to hack into her phone!

Anger bubbled within her. She had never felt such humiliation and disgust. Not only did he hack her phone but slept with her in order to achieve his unscrupulous goal! How could someone do that?

And she was so stupid to have fallen for his eyes! The blue eyes which she had thought beautiful were now mocking her in her mind, gloating that she had lost. How could she be so careless? Did he really feel no shame in duping her?

This is all my fault, she thought bitterly. If only I hadn't fallen for his trap.

But she could not admit this to Yang. The man called SD was pretending not to know her and he did not reveal that detail to Yang either. Which mean that SD did not want to reveal to Yang how he got that information because he would have to admit to a crime then. Hacking was a serious crime in the country and Sunye could sue him.

However, if she did that, she would also expose her carelessness and lose her career. The dilemma in front of her was grave and she wanted to kill SD for putting her in such a precarious situation.


Startled, she looked at Yang who was frowning at her. "We have to change our strategy," he went on. "I'll have to keep pressing their marital problems. They did not have any pre-nup either so the case becomes simpler for us to fight."

"Y-yes," Sunye said nervously. Does it? She wondered.

Meanwhile inside the court, Lawyer Jung and Jinhee were celebrating while SD stood with them, silent.

"We can now pin the murder on the servant," Jung was saying gleefully. "He was new and also destroyed the camera system. It was an accident but we can make it sound he was the hitman assigned to kill Heenim."

"My husband was an idiot," Jinhee scowled. "I can't believe that he would lose all our money in gambling! And he had the audacity to use my name while gambling."

"But you got rid of him," Jung pointed out.

"Yes," Jinhee gritted. "Straight up killed him with an ice prick. It melted away before the body was found. No one knew that the murder weapon was destroyed so easily."

"But you have to be careful," Jung cautioned. "The Prosecution will not back down easily. Yang is a tough cookie to fight. He won't be backing down."

Jinhee nodded while SD only rolled his eyes. He cleared his throat.

"If you're done," he began. "Then I want my payment wired to the account number I've texted you. You promised that you'll pay me as soon as it was lunch time."

"I already paid you fifty thousand for the information!" Jinhee snapped. "Why do you want fifty thousand more? It's not like you risked your life to get this data!"

SD raised his eyebrows. Jung, too, agreed with Jinhee. "SD, you're already rich," he reasoned. "Why do you want so much money? Isn't that selfish of you? You were paid half in advance. But as you can see, my client is in a miserable state now. She doesn't have a cent on her!"

SD did not say anything but he knew that Jung was lying. Jinhee had millions to her name and she had access to all her accounts. He was a simple man. If he would not get the payment upon asking once, he would not ask again. It was not his method.

He was going to do something even worse.

His silence made the duo feel triumphant. They were not really planning to pay him the full amount. In fact, they were reluctant to pay him at all but he was their best bargaining chip. All he had to do was seduce Yang's new assistant and get the information from her so that they could use it. He was not risking his life for it so why ask for so much money.

"I ask for high amounts of money because collecting information is not a one man job," he stated in a cool tone. "I have plenty of people working for me who deserve to get their dues. If you can't pay me on time, then you'll be very sorry."

"Oh yeah?" Jinhee sneered. "What are you going to do? You know nothing! You're simply a snitch we had hired to help me get acquitted."

"I broke several laws for the simple information," SD stated. "And most importantly…"

He took a step closer to her, his eyes lit with an obsessive fire which scared Jinhee.

"I took advantage of a person who is very precious to me," he said in a threatening tone. "And after all that, if you don't pay me, then the consequences will be very dangerous for you."

"We're not afraid of you!" Jinhee claimed.

"But you will be," SD winked before walking away. They watched him leave, their mouths gaped open.

"He's bluffing!" Jung assured her. "He can't harm us anymore."

"He better not," Jinhee warned. "I have to win this case and get acquitted. At all costs!"


Sunye was sitting on a bench outside, slowly chewing on her sandwich while seething at SD for his skullduggery. That man had slept with her and betrayed her trust by stealing her data. Her whole body was squirming in disgust whenever she thought of the night before and she felt that even a million baths would not rid her of his scent.

A large shadow fell on her and she looked up. Her nostrils immediately flared as she saw the blue eyed demon smirking down at her.

"Hi Han Sunye," he greeted. "I'm SD. Also known as the Sadistic Doctor. Nice to meet ya!"

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