Her Tempestuous Villain

Chapter 8 - The Man With Blue Eyes

​ When Sunye was five years old, she had witnessed her parents' murder in the hands of an infamous gangster who once ran the most dangerous Cartel in the country. As a result, she not only lost her parents, but was also separated from her brother, Kwon Jiwon who was only three years old. All she had was a locket with a picture of her and baby Jiwon.

Sunye managed to escape but ended up being hit by a car which belonged to the late Emperor of the country. Since the Emperor himself was driving, he could not risk a scandal so he had Sunye treated by his private medical team. She recovered from her injuries but lost all her memories and was adopted by the Head Chef of the Imperial family. There, she befriended the Crown Prince, Kim San who was her only friend and her first love.


But three years later, the palace was under a coup causing Sunye and her adoptive family to flee. She tried to find San but he was nowhere to be found. Later, when they returned to the site, they only found his bloodied clothes and shoes. The whole family was dead.

Sunye lived in relative misery but managed to pass her law exams and worked her way to become a prosecutor. It was only last year, when she ran into the country's most popular idol, KJ, and his wife Mirae. KJ turned out to be none other than her brother Jiwon and even though they had reunited for a brief time, their time was cut short.

The Cartel which had killed their parents, came after KJ and his family which forced KJ to destroy them for once and for all. Even though the Cartel was gone, KJ wanted to leave the country to live a peaceful life.

During all this, Sunye had to work to protect her brother and the only way to do it was to sell her soul to the devil aka SD. Being the most infamous information broker who worked with the law and also against the law, he was the only one who could help them track down their parents' killer.

Sunye first encountered him years ago at a party when she passed her law exam and then ran into him during a trial where he extorted exorbitant sum of money from her firm in order to supply an information on a criminal.

From the outside, SD was no doubt a very gorgeous guy. The same age as Sunye, he had jet black hair with a sharp, chiseled jawline. He oozed a raw charm which made many women come under his spell and he was notorious for his playboy lifestyle. But his most striking features were his eyes.

The deep crystal blue eyes seemed to peer into one's soul and when he talked in his deep voice, it felt as if her put the listener under a spell.

But Sunye soon learnt that looks were deceiving. Because behind that handsome face, lay a madman who was unpredictable and cunning. No one knew what he wanted nor what he thought which only made him more dangerous.

He was not an easy man to deal with and if the deal went wrong, SD would not hesitate to sell crucial information to the enemies. He knew everything about the people he worked along with storing information on almost all the major criminals and influential figures in the country. No one knew what he wanted nor where he came from.

All they needed to do was buy his information.

As a result of his resourcefulness, Sunye was forced to take his help in getting information on the Cartel and also to help KJ escape the country. She was not keen to do it because after working with him several times, she knew that he was a sly wolf who would turn on them any minute as long as it served his purpose.

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In return, SD had extracted the promise of two tasks which Sunye would have to do for him.

And now, he was back for his payment.

"What do I have to do?" she asked in a steely voice.

SD did not reply but took out a file from his bag and put it in front of her. Sunye slipped it open and frowned.

"This is..." she began. "This is the case about the doctor who apparently killed his elderly patients to get their money."

"Doctor Lim Byungsoo," SD said. "Forty eight years old. Been a practicing cardiologist for the past twenty one years. Accused of killing his patients after making them re-write their wills to transfer all their money in his name."

"The patients died months after the surgery," Sunye replied. "And they were of sane mind when they transferred their wills to the doctor's trust fund. They went on to live normally afterwards before they succumbed to their illnesses. Moreover, the surgeries they went through were successful. There isn't any evidence to show that they died of unnatural causes. The doctor has a strong case against him. Any prosecutor taking up this case is suicidal!"

"I know," SD smirked. "Which is why you will take it up because you're the only one who can prove him to be guilty."

"Why me?" Sunye asked. "Any other prosecutor could do it!"

"But they're not you."

"Forget it SD!" she exclaimed. "I'm not taking this up. Besides, this case went to LN Partners already-"

"If I'm not wrong," SD interrupted her. "Aren't they poaching you?"

Sunye stared at him in shock. "How do-"

"How do I know that?" SD scoffed. "I'm an information broker, Sunye. It's what I do. Collect information on my favorite people."

"You mean you're a stalker," Sunye stated.

"I'm an observer," SD corrected. "I just happen to have some people tailed."

"That's against the law!"

"Sue me."

She glared at his smirking face which was only increasing her volatile temper. SD had no qualms in using underhanded methods to get what he wanted and she knew that better than anyone.

"This case belongs to LN Partners," she repeated. "Since it's with a rival company, I cannot take it up."

"Well then," SD said. "Join them."

"It's not simple!"

"You owe me two tasks, Han Sunye," SD reminded her. "If you don't take it up, I'll expose your brother's whereabouts to the media. They'll be thrilled to find out information about the former top star of the country. And also, his remaining enemies will find out where he is. I'm sure they'll be thrilled to have a little…reunion."

Sunye clenched her fists into a ball. "You're a sick psycho," she muttered.

"I'm simply asking you to fess up my payment," he shrugged. "You can do it the easy way or the hard way. There's no in-between."

Sunye was now in a dilemma. She worked for so many years at her current workplace and she was not in the mood to leave it. They were about to offer her a director post and she was ready to take it up.

But the damn information broker ruined her plans.

"If I lose this case, then I won't do any other task you tell me to do," she warned.

SD stood up and buttoned his shirt. "You won't lose, hun," he winked. "Just check the medicines."

With that, he turned on his heels to leave the cabin, leaving a bewildered Sunye behind.

Sunye buried her head in her hands, trying to see a way out.

"Damn him!" she cursed.

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