Her Tempestuous Villain

Chapter 99 - One Day (6)

Sunye's eyes lit up as she watched the celebrations of the Spring Festival which had been set up at the National Park. SD was also impressed by the view.

Thousands of red lanterns were hung above them, floating in the breeze. The lanterns also held pouches of cherry blossom leaves which showered on the guests every hour to welcome them to the festival. A series of trees were trimmed to make an archway towards the park. Different types of shapes hung from the trees which were the animals from the Chinese Zodiac along with soiree shaped cubes which had Chinese symbols etched on them

Several mascots were wandering around the park wearing costumes of lions, dragons, white snakes and many other mythical creatures to entertain the people. The sun shone brightly above them as they walked towards the entrance.

"Caramel Candy?"

An old woman carrying a basket full of Caramel Candies offered it to them.

"Thank you," SD said, picking up several candies before paying her. He handed one to Sunye while he took one and the rest he packed away in his bag.

"For Orea," he explained when Sunye frowned. "She'll scratch my eyes out if I don't bring her these."

"How do you two know each other?" Sunye asked. They were strolling through the crowd, checking out the celebrations.

"We just do," he shrugged. "I knew her parents. They were good to me. When they died, I took over as her guardian."

He did not elaborate on how he knew her parents. Sunye did not ask any further but decided to ask Orea about it later. SD was still relishing his caramel candy while Sunye looked around at the festival. Everywhere she looked, there were mostly couples holding hands. The stalls were also catering to couples, selling most of their things in pairs.

The place was decorated with a red and yellow theme. There were a few rides like the Ferris Wheel, Merry-Go-Round, Pirate Ships, Swings and lots more. A whole street market had been recreated where the people were buying essentials or enjoying the freshly fried food. Sunye was particularly lured towards the fish sticks which were being sold in a cart.

"Can we try that?" She asked in excitement.

"I don't say no to food," SD replied. This time, Sunye paid for the fish sticks and they munched on it as they wandered around.

"You come here every year?" SD asked.

"Yeah," Sunye sighed. "I do. I made a promise to someone that I'll visit this place on his behalf."

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"Why?" SD queried. Sunye took a deep breath.

"I used to be close friends with the Crown Prince," she revealed. "Since he could not visit these places due to the strict protocols, I promised him that I'll visit all the places he wants to go to and bring him pictures. So, he gave me a list. There was only one place written on it."

"And it was the Spring Festival," SD finished for her.

Sunye nodded. "Yeah," she said. "So I come here every year on my own to fulfill that promise."

SD glanced at her. He had stopped walking and turned her to face him. Sunye was taken aback by his intense gaze. Sunye felt her heart acting wildly and she was so captivated by his uncharacteristic seriousness, that she did not push him away. He held her shoulders and pulled her a little close, not breaking their eye contact.

Putting his finger on her chin, he whispered, "You really think that's what he wanted?"

"W-what do you mean?" she stammered, her cheeks turning red. He chuckled and took a strand of her hair to play with it.

"Your friend wanted to visit this place with you," he said in his deep voice. "He wanted to make memories with you. It wasn't a promise he wanted. It was you."

Sunye was frozen by his words while he slowly grinned at her, still fiddling with her hair. In a slow motion, he tucked the strand behind her ear, softly caressing her earlobe. Sunye felt the blush on her cheeks deepen, her senses locked by his blue eyes.

His eyes…

For a brief moment, the image of what she found in his cabinet flashed in front of her. The eyes which she secretly admired...were they hurting him?

She slowly raised her hand and covered his eyelids. He was surprised by her action.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

Trying to take away your pain, she said in her thoughts. Aloud she stated, "Your eyes are distracting. Too much perversion in them."

SD laughed and caught her hand. Before she could pull back, he kissed her palm to tease her but she was simply blushing harder. Clearing her throat, she said, "There are more places to check out. Let's see what they're selling at the stalls!"

Without a word, she turned away, still red in the face while SD snickered. He followed her to one of the tents. They entered it to find glass displays of rare stones which were being sold as jewelry.

Sunye was not really interested in them but with SD next to her, she was painfully self-conscious so she was pretending to check them out. She went from one display to another, hoping that he would stand somewhere and wait but he was tailing her. In fact, he was so close that she could feel his breath against her smooth neck but he was careful not to touch her.

The seller was an old woman in her sixties but she was quite refined and dignified. The stones she used on the jewelry were authentic and even to Sunye's inexperienced eyes, it was obvious that the jewelry were handcrafted with a lot of love and consideration.

The old woman had been observing the couple for a while. The tall blue eyed man seemed to be looking at the woman in such a way that it was as if she was the only person left on earth. And the young woman also looked flabbergasted, hiding her face from him while he lingered close to her. In the eyes of the old woman, they seemed to be in the first stages of love.

"Are you two looking for jewelry?" she asked politely.

"N-n-no!" Sunye stammered. "We're just looking-"

"Do you have anything which might suit her?" SD asked. "She's shy so she can't choose."

"What?" Sunye exclaimed. "No-"

"Ahh…" the old woman understood, cutting through her words. "I know just the thing!"

She disappeared at the back. Sunye turned on SD.

"These are too expensive!" she scolded him. "I'm not even interested in jewelry!"

"It's from me," he said smugly. "Something for you to remember me by when you're alone in bed, desperate for me."

He leaned in closer to add, "It can be the only thing you'll be wearing while you're thinking about me."

"Why you-" Sunye growled but the old woman had returned, holding a small box. She placed it in front of them and opened it. Sunye, who was about to politely refuse, stopped midway.

Inside the box, was a simple turquoise locket encased in a thin star while the chain was made of silver. The locket was shaped like a crescent moon, sleek and smooth. The star was studded with small blue amethyst, sparkling elegantly under the light. It was not over the top and soothing to the eyes. SD was not looking at the jewelry but at Sunye, who was awed by the simple accessory.

"Turquoise is the symbol for enduring love," the old woman said wisely. "It is for those who have gone through many trials and tribulations only for the sake of that one person they had loved. The couple who are blessed by the powers of the turquoise stone will have unwavering love for each other. And those feelings will lead them to their beloved."

"Thanks," Sunye said, tearing her eyes away from the stone with great difficulty. "But I think we should leave-"

SD wordlessly grabbed her shoulders and turned her to face the mirror.

"What are you doing?" she yelped but he picked up the necklace and put it around her neck.

"Shut up and try it on," he told her. Sunye was embarrassed when he moved her long hair, exposing her neck to him. His warm breath touched her skin, making her even more red in the face. Her palms were sweaty with nervousness and she was unsure of how to react. Her heart and body were betraying her rationality, pulling her closer to him.

They looked at each other through the mirror, his blue eyes scrutinizing her. The locket was secured around her neck. Unconsciously, she touched it, her heart beating so fast that she was afraid it would explode.

SD leaned into her ear to whisper, "Beautiful."

The old woman cleared her throat to break the couple from their reverie. Coming back to her senses, Sunye stepped a little farther away from him, still blushing.

"Do you want the locket?" SD asked her. Sunye bit her lip and slowly nodded. It was not because of its design or her particular fondness to it. She realized that she wanted it because he was giving it to her.

"We'll take it," SD said, giving the old woman his credit card. The woman smiled and made the bill for them.

"Should I pack it for you, my dear?" She asked but Sunye shook her head.

"I'll wear it," she stated with a smile. She sneaked a glance at SD and to her slight delight, he was also blushing like her. Was she also having the same effect on him as he had on her?

They thanked the old woman and slowly walked out of the tent.

Sunye lowered her head and muttered, "Thank you."

"You wanted something," he said. "How can I refuse?"

"But it's so expensive," she replied. "I made you spend all that money on this-"

"Thanks to this, I got to see something even more expensive," he remarked.

My smile? She wondered.

He lazily grinned at her and added, "An image of you inside my head where you're wearing nothing else other than this necklace."

Sunye's nerve twitched but she put on a smile. "You know what, I think I will try that tonight," she smirked. "Except, you won't be able to see me like that."

SD gulped when she stepped forward and added in a low tone, "Just me wearing this necklace, all naked. But you will never be able to see that sight. How sad, right?"

His eyes gaped in shock while Sunye walked away, feeling triumphant.

This is not good for my heart, he lamented.

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