Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 158: It still hit me?

Chapter 158: It still hit me?

A tiny bit shocked, yet still happy. Alex nodded and walked towards Hana. She turned around and sighed, "You must have gotten a lot done today. I'm sure Buster was the one who fought you as well. That man learned some new techniques so he was excited to try them." She spoke slowly. 

Alex looked at Hana and replied, "Indeed! It was amazing. I was totally surprised. Didn't expect him to use his powers in that way, however, I was still at least able to block them and not let them hurt me. However, Even if He didn't have that, I still lost to him in overall power."

Hana walked into the hotel as she spoke, "hmm, That makes sense. If you ask me, I'd say that You would take a few weeks before you can beat him. Well, could be months or just days. Depends on how you train as well as other external factors. Those factors are the actual important things that help you grow so I would say that you should train on your own as much as you can. That's another reason why I'm offering to train with you today. You probably got orders to stay inside from Ryan He's like an over protective parent who doesn't let their child do anything." She rolled her eyes.

Hana looked at Alex once and then opened the elevator doors. She looked into the camera and said, "Do it." Hana then continued with what she was saying before, "Back to Ryan, He doesn't want to lose up on an awakened who has the ability and potential to reach the S rank in the future. Hell, you might be higher. Well, I know that you will but not them. So they don't want to lose someone like you, explaining their reasons behind these instructions but they don't seem to understand that growth doesn't happen when you're just stuck in your room, waiting for something to happen." She seemed annoyed.

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Alex awkwardly laughed as he didn't know what to say. Hana was right but he understood why the others were in fear. He looked at the elevator door and sighed, "It wouldn't have mattered though. I was thinking of sneaking out anyways. I can't let myself be stuck inside. I want to grow as much as I can, being unable to save myself or those near me is something that I don't want to experience again." Alex tightened his fists.

He had always tried to keep the memories of almost dying in the gates at the back of his mind. Watching as others like himself got massacred mindlessly. It was a haunting memory that Alex has tried to brush off or just ignore but he found himself thinking about it again. He gritted his teeth and with a slightly aggressive tone he spoke, "I need to get more powerful" 

Hana looked at Alex with furrowed eyebrows. However, She didn't say anything. She looked at him turned to the doors as they slowly opened. Alex and Hana walked into the Small train. It was silent for a while until Hana spoke, "Power is a weird thing. If you have a blessing, You'll be as powerful as you imagine. However, Depending on how that power came, your entire self can change. A man who has been righteous his entire life can become a murderer if he was greedy for power and didn't care how he got it. And at the same time, A mentally messed up man is prone to anger and destruction can become a man of honor and righteousness if he gains power from a good source" She seemed to be serious when she spoke.

Alex nodded, He understood what Hana meant. 

Hana turned to Alex and then nodded, "I don't think that I need to be that worried about you however, I would say that you will need to think more from now on before acting. You haven't done anything yet but looking at the source of your powers Sooner or later I'd say that you will become a little problematic." A slight smile appeared on her face as she looked at Alex's reaction.

Alex turned to Hana in a slight surprise and smiled, "I don't know what to say about that but I guess thank you for the warning. I'll try to control it?" He laughed as well.

The two entered the training facility. They went straight to the arena and stood in the center, a few dozen meters far away from each other. Alex had his hands on his guns and Hana seemed to be relaxed as if there was nothing that could hurt her.

'Haha! Boy, This is the perfect time to use that new thing that I thought of. Get ready, She looks like she wants you to attack first so we'll start off slow. This battle will probably last a minute maximum however, We'll get her to be a tiny bit serious with us.' Hades seemed to be excited. He told Alex what to do.

Alex nodded and smiled. He looked towards Hana and relaxed his gun. Hades had a plan and Alex wanted to follow it properly. He jumped back and started running towards Hana to get as much momentum as possible. Alex then grabbed the guns and threw them forwards. Hana, Who was still in a relaxed position was slightly confused by what Alex was doing but let him continue on with it. She was confident enough to dodge whatever he would throw at her. 

All of a sudden the guns started to change, Alex jumped forward and caught the Guns which combined and turned into a spere. Taking the momentum of the jump, Alex rushed towards Hana to strike her in the guts. However, As expected Hana caught the top of the spear and sighed, "This was a blatant move. I am surprised by the weapons changing but still, It was a simple and predictable one."  Her voice was cold.

Alex didn't look disappointed even if his attack was caught, He was actually happy. Alex smiled and pressed a small trigger that appeared near his finger. A small hold appeared below the spear blade which shot a bullet. Hana, slightly taken back, turned her head to dodge the bulled. However, A small drop of blood dripped down his face.

Alex jumped back and smiled, "At least I got you at that one." He was happy.

Hana, touched her cheeks and stared at Alex's weapon. 'That bullet I Dodged it entirely yet it still hit me"

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