Heyday Love: A Heaven-sent Husband

Chapter 506 - A Sensible Child

Chapter 506 A Sensible Child

They turned their heads and saw that the one who was talking had a lollipop in his mouth. Seeing the stick, they suddenly understood what was in the center of the target.

Zhang Hai immediately shook his head, saying, “I won’t battle with you, you madman.”

In his mind, Buzzard was a madman. His dart skill topped the world! No one could beat him.

Xiaoniao’s face clouded.

Leon studied the center of the target for a while and said, “Zhang Hai, you know him?”

“One of my boss’s subordinates. He and I are old acquaintances. He is a special forces soldier. This is his unique skill.” And then Zhang Hai pointed to the target.

“Cool!” Leon exclaimed and then said to Xiaoniao, “Bro, don’t you want to drink? Fine, I’ll buy you two drinks today.”

Xiaoniao’s eyes lit up, “I want to drink imported liquor, high-grade!”

“Ha-ha!” Leon laughed, replying, “People in China often drink beer and high-alcohol liquor. That suits me fine! High-grade liquor? Fine!”

With that, Leon pulled them to the bar, “A bottle of Remy Martin cognac!”

The liquor was served with ice and a dozen soft drinks. The bartender prepared one-third and left the remaining two-thirds for them to drink directly.

Xiaoniao first took some sips of it and then downed it.

“Hey, boy, hold your horses! Imported liquor has a strong aftereffect. Don’t drink too much of it at one time. Or you may be so drunk!” Zhang Hai reminded him worriedly.

“This liquor hardly makes me drunk.” And then Xiaoniao took another deep draught of liquor.

“You!” Zhang Hai goggled, shook his head, and said, “Fine, if you get so drunk, I won’t send you back.”

“No need.”

Seeing Xiaoniao drinking liquor like water, Zhang Hai frowned. Just now he had drunk more than ten glasses of beer. If he continued to drink imported liquor, he would definitely sleep all day tomorrow. Liquor could not stand in the way of the task which was quite important.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

However, Leon looked at Xiaoniao with interest and drank to Xiaoniao from time to time. Soon, the bottle of Remy Martin cognac went empty.

Leon ordered another bottle of it. This time Xiaoniao poured it directly into the cup. He didn’t even bother to let the bartender mix it.

Seeing how Xiaoniao drank the liquor, Zhang Hai reminded him with fear, “Hey, you need to get up early tomorrow morning! Don’t forget your task!”

Xiaoniao paused and drank the glass of liquor in one gulp, replying, “After this bottle.”

After this bottle?

Zhang Hai rolled his eyes. Just at that moment, his cell phone rang.

The call was from Li Baoer’s home.

Zhang Hai took his cell phone to a quiet place and then pressed the answering key.

“Uncle Zhang Hai, now are you free? Eh, it’s so noisy. Are you busy now? I won’t disturb you if you are busy.”

Zhenzhen’s voice came from the other end of the line. Zhang Hai answered, “No, Zhenzhen, I’m not busy. What do you need?”

Zhenzhen hesitated for a moment at the other end of the line. And then she said, “If you are free, can you come to my house and help me carry something? There aren’t many things, but they’re a little heavy...”

“Sure. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” Zhang Hai hung up his cell phone, walked into the hall, and patted Leon on the shoulder, “Sorry, a friend of mine asked for my help. I gotta go now.”

With this, Zhang Hai turned around, preparing to leave.

“Wait!” Leon grabbed Zhang Hai, “Come on, there’s no reason for you to be excused. I didn’t pressure you into drinking at all. Why are you escaping?”

“I’m not. I do have something to attend to...”

“Let me guess.” Leon cut Zhang Hai off, raised a finger, and said, “The call was from a woman, right?”

Zhang Hai raised his brows, “A girl!”

“That’s the same! She asked you to go to her house?”

“Right, but...”

“Now I get it!” Leon patted his thigh and said, “You are going to play the field! Just say it if you are going to do such things. Go to your friend’s house? Nonsense! Tell you what, you are not allowed to go there. Get the girl out!”

“...” Zhang Hai looked helpless and said honestly, “That girl is only eight years old. Her mother is a good friend of my sister-in-law. She just asked me to go there and help her carry something. Believe it or not.”

“An eight-year-old girl?” Leon scratched his head and said suspiciously, “No, no, no. She’s only eight years old. Why are you rushing? Besides, an eight-year-old girl is so naive! You’ll rush to her house just because she called you? I don’t buy it! I really don’t believe it!”

Zhang Hai rolled his eyes at Leon, saying, “Come with me if you don’t believe my words. See if I was lying.”

Seeing that Zhang Hai was so sure about it, Leon got interested for no reason, “Fine. I’ll go. But listen, if you lie, you will pay for the liquor tonight!”

“I don’t have to lie to you about this!” Zhang Hai thought it was amusing, “Xiaoniao’s still here. How about paying for the liquor now? Come on, I’ll never lie to you. If she’s not just a little girl, I’ll return you the money! There’s no way I can run away. Just rest assured!”

Leon paid the money with his card and Zhang Hai got into Leon’s car. Under the guidance of Zhang Hai, they came to Li Baoer’s apartment in less than ten minutes.

Leon parked the car and they walked upstairs.

“Leon, listen. You gotta pay more attention later. Baoer is also pregnant like my sister-in-law and Zhenzhen is really only eight years old. There’s just a woman and a girl at home.”

Leon didn’t speak. He was a little drunk. He wanted to know what the eight-year-old child looked like. Her call actually made Zhang Hai that nervous.

They walked outside the door and Zhang Hai rang the doorbell. The door was soon opened and the girl who opened the door stunned Leon.

The body... God, she was really eight years old!

Zhenzhen didn’t expect to see two persons. She was a bit taken aback and then greeted sweetly, “Hello! Please come in.”

Zhang Hai stroked Zhenzhen’s head, turned to Lyon, and said, “I’d like to introduce you to this little girl. She is Zhenzhen. And as for this handsome foreign chap, Zhenzhen, you can call him Leon.”

“Hi, Brother Leon!”

“... Hello.” Leon blinked his eyes. The girl in front of him was only eight years old, but her behavior showed that she was so mature that one could hardly tell that she was just eight years old. It shocked him a lot.

They entered the room. The room was not big. Only Zhenzhen lived here. Zhenzhen brought over some tea and snacks, put them down, and said, “Brother Zhang Hai, Brother Leon, I’m really sorry to ask you two to come. There’s something I can’t do at home. I won’t waste you too much time.”

“Come on, what are you talking about?” Zhang Hai took a sip of tea and took a few bites of the snacks, which could help him sober up, “By the way, where’s your mother?”

“Still working in the office.”

“I see. What do you want me to do?”

Xiaoniao drank up the liquor in his glass and poured some more liquor into it. Xiaoniao took a look at the bottle and saw that he had drunk two thirds of the liquor.

He hadn’t drunk such liquor for a long time.

His job required him to stay awake at any time. Seeing Zhang Hai and Leon compare their dart skills and listening to the cheers of the people in the bar tonight, he would like to drink some liquor today.

In the past, he could well hold his liquor. He had a high tolerance for alcohol and he hardly got drunk. So, these two bottles of liquor tonight did not affect him at all.

Leon would have to use a large sum of money to get him drunk.

What he feared was that he had low blood sugar, which was quite serious. Alcohol consumed sugar very quickly so he couldn’t drink too much.

He had to eat while drinking. Otherwise, he would soon get drunk.

He had eaten all the snacks brought by the waiter. There was still a third of the liquor. It seemed that he needed to order more snacks.

He turned his eyes and paused. He put his hand on the glass.

The person who appeared at the corner looked very much like Huo Zhanpeng.

No, this person was exactly Huo Zhanpeng! Though he tried to disguise himself and wore a big pair of sunglasses, Xiaoniao recognized him.

Xiaoniao was good at recognizing people.

Several people sat beside Huo Zhanpeng and his eyes focused on the woman next to him. After talking to the woman for a few moments, Huo Zhanpeng stood up and the woman followed him.

Xiaoniao intuitively thought something was not right. He drank up all the liquor in the glass and followed them.

With Leon’s help, Zhang Hai completed the task Zhenzhen assigned, which was moving the bed.

Zhenzhen’s bed was close to the window. It was a little inconvenient when it was windy and rainy. She was too small to move the big bed alone. And Baoer was pregnant so she couldn’t do it either. She didn’t have any friends so she decided to call Zhang Hai after some consideration.

It used to be Feng Le, but now it was Zhang Hai. She got on well with Uncle Yi’s guards.

“Here, right?” Zhang Hai clapped his hands, saying.

“Mmm!” Zhenzhen nodded, saying, “Yes, that’s it. Thank you, Brother Zhang Hai.”

“It’s nothing. Is there anything else?”

“No, just moving the bed. Brother Zhang Hai, Brother Leon, thanks a lot. You may leave now.”

“Oh? You wanna dismiss us right after the task?”

Zhenzhen hastily shook her head and replied, “No, Brother Zhang Hai, don’t get me wrong. You two have the smell of liquor so it’s sure that you were having a good time outside. Thanks a lot for coming here to help me. How can I continue to detain you? Go and continue to play. Thank you very much. You’ve really helped me out tonight.”

Leon’s eyes blinked when Zhenzhen said those to them. She was really a polite kid.

“OK, we’ll leave now. Just call me if you need any help in the future. I’ll be here at any second.” Zhang Hai stroked Zhenzhen’s head again. It was nothing to him. He was just afraid that Leon was not used to it. The foreign chap had been muddled since he entered the house. Zhang Hai didn’t know what was in his mind.

After leaving Baoer’s house, Zhang Hai got into the car and shouted as if he suddenly thought of something, “Oh, no! We’ve just had a drink! Leon, don’t drive. We’ll be in trouble if being caught by the police. We will be detained for 15 days for drunk driving.”

“Don’t worry about it. I have diplomatic immunity. At most, I’ll just be sent to the police station. I’ll come out soon.” Leon said as if there was nothing at all. But he accelerated, “Zhang Hai, are you going back to the bar? It’s still early! Why don’t you get me some girls? Or let me get you some?”

Speaking of which, Zhenzhen, who was only eight years old, impressed him a lot.

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