Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 60 - Third Person

Anya woke up from her deep sleep feeling great. She sat on the bed stretching out her arms and looking out the window. The sky was getting dark, it was getting dark.

When she saw the clock on her nightstand, Anya gasped. She slept for three hours! ​​

What about her date with Aiden? She fell asleep and messed up her first date with Aiden. It felt like she really wanted to cry!

She had gone to great lengths to fight against Nico so that the kid wouldn't bring Aiden to the office. She did it so she could go on a date with Aiden, not to take a nap like this!

Anya hurried downstairs and looked for Aiden. However, it was not Aiden who she found below. Unexpectedly, she saw Osmanthus flowers drying in the garden.

"Anya, you are awake!" Said Hana, approaching her. The woman smiled when she saw Anya.

Anya turned and saw Hana. She immediately asked Hana about the flowers, "This Osmanthus flower..." She asked, pointing out the window.

"Aiden said that you were tired and fell asleep so he asked some of the servants to pick Osmanthus flowers and dry them so you can still bake tonight." Hana seemed happy to see Aiden's attention to Anya.

Anya could only be silent when she heard Hana's words. Aiden didn't wake her up because she was tired today even though they promised to go on a date. What good did she do that God sent her a very attentive husband?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Aiden is in his office. I will deliver this tea." Said Hana while carrying a tray with a cup of tea.

Anya immediately intercepted her and said, "Mrs. Hana, I'll just take it!"

Hana gave Anya the tray she was holding and smiled meaningfully. Anya could only feel embarrassed, 'I don't want to do anything! Just want to deliver this tea to Aiden as a thank you.'

Anya walked towards Aiden's study and knocked on the door. Without waiting for an answer from Aiden, she immediately pushed open the door and was about to go inside.

Inside, she could see Aiden sitting in his usual chair, chatting with someone. Meanwhile, Nico was sitting opposite him. The atmosphere between them was serious. It looked like they were talking about work.

When she saw Nico's figure in the room, Anya immediately reprimanded him without warning. "Nico, don't keep bothering your uncle! He needs to rest."

It never crossed her mind that Raka was also in the room. The man sat beside Nico. His body was covered by Nico's tall body so that Anya did not clearly see him.

When he heard Anya's voice, Raka immediately rose to his feet, making Anya surprised by his presence.

"Yes, Auntie. I just wanted to ask a few questions about work to Uncle. I won't interfere with your date!" Nico said while rolling his eyes. He had given up on the fact that today he would be working overtime.

Then, he turned towards Raka and gestured to him, inviting him to leave this place, "We will go first. We will not disturb you." Said Nico.

However, Raka just stayed where he was. He didn't move at all as if his feet were stuck on the ground. His eyes were on the woman with the tray in the doorway. Never once did his gaze leave her face.

Nico could feel this oddity. He looked at Raka, then Anya, and returned to Raka's face in surprise. Meanwhile, Aiden's face became increasingly furious.

"Raka, do you know my aunt?" Nico asked suspiciously. From Raka's actions, he felt that Raka knew his aunt, and vice versa.

Aiden sighed when he saw that it was Anya who knocked on his study, "Nico, go downstairs first. There is something we have to discuss." Aiden said coldly.

Nico could feel a bad feeling when he heard Aiden's command, "Uncle, did I do something wrong?"

Raka continued to force him so that he could meet with Aiden to talk about a new urban development project. But when they both arrived and met Aiden, Nico could feel the tension between Aiden and Raka.

Until finally Anya entered Aiden's study, Nico realized what really happened. The discussion on the project was just an excuse so that Raka could meet with Anya. He didn't realize this before.

"I'll take care of you later. Now get out!" The atmosphere around Aiden instantly turned cold in an instant.

Nico really wanted to cry. It seemed he had really come at a bad time today. First, he came when Aiden and Anya were fighting. Now, he seemed to be carrying a wolf in front of a tiger, waiting for their fight.

He did not know the relationship between Raka and Anya. If he said that he did all this by accident, would Aiden forgive him?

It would be better if he left this place earlier than risking his life chased by the tiger.

When he passed Anya, he looked at her begging and asking for help. 'Help me, Auntie. I don't know at all.' His lips moved silently.

Anya could only glare at Nico, annoyed that the man brought Raka to Aiden's house. Her gaze seemed to say that it was all Nico's fault.

Nico could only let his head down and go downstairs, leaving Aiden, Anya and Raka in the study. Today was really a bad day for him.

Anya didn't know how to deal with this sudden situation. Her husband and ex-boyfriend met face to face. What should she do? The three of them were in the same room, making Anya feel nervous and restless.

"Come here!" Aiden said to Anya.

Anya felt a little dizzy when she walked towards Aiden so she walked very slowly, not wanting to spill Aiden's tea, "I came to bring your tea. I didn't know that you were having guests. You can talk. I will not bother."

Aiden only snorted when he heard Anya's words, "Since we've all gathered here, it's better to be clear."

Raka could see that Anya obeyed Aiden so much that he felt that she was under Aiden's control. He started the conversation and said, "Aiden, how much does she owe you? I'll pay for everything. Let her go."

Aiden's eyes looked very cold when he heard Raka's words. He gave the man a sharp and deadly look then turned towards Anya, "Did I force you to be with me?"

Anya shuddered when she saw him. Aiden couldn't see, but how could his eyes be so sharp and terrifying like this?

When his eyes heal later and he could see again, would his gaze be any more deadly? Would Anya die when he stared daggers at her?

She was stunned by Aiden's question. Did Aiden ever force her? Since marrying Aiden, that man had never once restricted her freedom.

Before getting married, Aiden promised that Anya could do whatever she wanted. After marriage, Aiden never broke his promise even once.

Anya put Aiden's cup on the table, "Aiden really respects me. I wanted to keep selling flowers, Aiden didn't just give me permission. He even ordered his servants to help me in the garden. When I was called for a job interview, he also supported me to achieve my dreams. Aiden is a good man. He never forced me to do anything."

Aiden raised his eyebrows when he heard Anya's answer. He stretched out his hand and took the teacup, then took a slow sip, "Raka thought I forced you to marry me."

"Anya, I heard ..."

Before Raka finished his sentence, Anya cut his line, "Whatever you hear is true. I was the third person between Aiden and Natali."


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