High-Class Mob

Chapter 149: Oh, No

Chapter 149: Oh, No

“Apostle Krisa, it’s time to go.” Ellaine urged Krisa as she stood outside the mansion gates.

Krisa had spent two days with Julius, all to ease her mind and draw her out of the darkness. After having been brought back to the light, it was finally time for Krisa to leave.

Julius escorted Krisa out of the mansion to Ellaine.

“I’ll see you later, Apostle Krisa,” Julius said with a smile as Krisa nodded her head with expectance in her eyes.

“Apostle Krisa, please hurry. Apostle Horus sent a Messenger Hawk; it appears that it is an urgent matter.” Ellaine informed Krisa.

Julius glared at Ellaine, but it did nothing other than getting a laugh from his older sister he so much detested.

Ellaine took Krisa away from the rest. While traveling through the illusion filled Forest, and Krisa couldn’t help but asked, “Mistress Ellaine, do you and Julius have a bad relationship? Do you not like him, perhaps?”

“Oh? I love him, our adopted siblings, and our Mother as well.” Ellaine didn’t even think about it.

“Then…do you think you can help them get more Purple Tear Flower? I cannot help but be saddened by Mistress Lea’s plight and the rest’s current position in the family.”

Ellaine casually turned his head towards Krisa, and with her smile being retained, she spoke once more, “I want to, but I was the one who gave our mother that void in her head so Julius wouldn’t accept my help for they think I’ll only try to further hasten Mother’s death.”

“…you placed the void in her mind?” Krisa…felt anger and confusion.

Ellaine saw Krisa’s bewildered expression, and it only further fueled the playful cat’s giggling, “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t implant one in your mind.”

Ellaine’s laughter sent shivers down Krisa’s spine.

Ellaine failed to care as she remembered something she wanted to something Krisa to confirm something, “Apostle Krisa, is it true that everyone other than humans is a slave in the East Continent? I heard Dwarves and Beastmen get treated harsher than everyone else.”

Krisa took time to answer, for she was still trying to recollect herself, but in the end, she furiously shook her head, “That is not true, the East is the Paradise the Goddesses’ Children pulled from the bottom of the Ocean for us to step on. Our continent may not be perfect, but it is close to perfection as it could get.”

“…is that so?” Ellaine laughed. She was intrigued. A day of moving later, the two women reached the edge of the Forest.

Ellaine would head out as well; this time around, she would be assisting Krisa with her duties. They have two destinations, first would a quick trip down south to the Magical Beast Forest, and the other would be to the Empire of Kalionse.

They stopped, and Ellaine threw a bag at Krisa.

“What is this?”

“Please change your costume. The Regalus Kingdom ordered the other Four Powers to report anyone that resembled the description they handed all over the continent. Though you may pass as a Dracian Nun in a single glance, two or three glances over, hundreds of guards would be hunting us.”

“Why didn’t you say earlier? I could have changed in the mansion, no problem.” Krisa asked.

“No reason, I just thought you could change on the way…like right now.”

“Huh! I shall not let anyone see my bare body. I am the Apostle of the Goddess Light; I must remain pure!”

“Hmm? Well, I saw you giving Julius the funny looks earlier, so…perhaps yyou’d be fine if he’s the one looking.” Ellaine recalled how Krisa locked eyes with her brother. A sly smirk emerged.

Krisa’s face reddened from both anger and embarrassment, “What nonsense, Sir Julius is a but a gentlemanly child! He is nothing but a boy in my eyes!”

“So, if he was older, it’s all good?”

“…of course not. Such a relationship is no good. It corrodes the mind and corrupts the psyche. Please refrain from ever speaking of this.” Krisa quickly attempted to salvage her pride.

But, the tiny pause she made was enough for Ellaine’s grin to reach ear to ear, “Julius’s body may be that of a child, but mentally, he’s already over a hundred years old.”

“…” Krisa remained silent. Her face flushed as the thought of elicit hand holding emerged, ‘Krisa, such thoughts is not wanted. Erase them! You are sinful, sinful, I tell you.’ she ordered herself.

‘Hehe, such a pure maiden. Seeing her like this will make you dismiss the fact she claimed thousands of lives. Sigh, such youth.’

Ellaine sighed at the youthful Ellaine. Krisa was physically older than Ellaine, but mentally…other than the Dragons and oldest Magical Beast dwelling in their caves, Ellaine could be considered the most senior.

‘Such youth indeed…I at least would have loved to fall in love like them.’ Ellaine playfully commented. They soon reached a place where two feathered beasts were waiting for them.

Their destination? Magical Beast Forest.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“Young master Colt, who’s the young man? Huh!? Don’t tell me he’s another…”

“Please, enough of that joke, Miss Vyra. I have already heard that from everyone who saw Arte.”

Colt was in the back garden with Vyra, who finally had the chance to step out of her room. It was now the fourth of November, and Colt was already raring to go back home.

However, some matters kept him from doing so. One of these matters was earlier today when Jin left with Trist to spread the cure he named [Blue Droplet].

He called it that because the cure formed was blue in color; thus, it was called the Blue Droplet. Colt didn’t say anything, for he was glad there was another who had shit naming sense.

“So, who is he, Young Master Colt? Everyone was surprised to see you bringing home someone like him, and now, he’s already wielding a sword as if he is training to become a Knight…now that I see it closely, I think his moves are not half bad.” Vyra said as she finished her tea.

Colt also finished his as he gave a short answer, “Well when I first met him, he was radiating with a strange aura. It appears I picked up a talent, huh. I have eyes for talent, I supposed.”

“The Young Master did recruit my husband and sister-in-law, and I must say that the two of them are top of the line talents.”

‘Other than Sera, who I got lucky with, Jin and Arte were destined to be talented.’ Colt thought otherwise.

While they were talking, Colt clapped his hands as he called out to the har working Arte.

“Arte, you should clean up now. We are leaving in two hours.”

Arte turned to him and nodded his head without so much as saying a word.

“It appears he’s the mysterious, silent kind of gentleman, Young Master. Add to that the mana around him and his pursuit of martial arts, he is indeed shrouded in mystery.”

Vyra praised the boy.

Ate was popular in the Tiger Manor. When Arte returned to Colt in the manor, everyone was shocked to see someone so handsome and young being brought to them.

They thought that he was either Colt’s secret brother or Colt’s secret son…both of which the Young Master did not like.

Colt explained the situation to them with a soft expression, and after learning of his painful past, everyone became sympathetic to Arte, which caused the boy to blush like a ripe tomato.

Under the wind’s cool breeze, Vyra and Colt enjoyed their time under the shade of the open pagoda. As they watched the Chick and its Generals’ tearful farewells, Colt sighed whilst rubbing the belly of a flabby lazy cat.

“Is something the matter, Young Master?”

“Well, I just hoped we encounter nothing on the way. I want to go back home as soon as possible.”

“Is there an occasion?”

“My eldest daughter’s birthday is coming soon. I promised to get her a good gift; I even planned on catching her something good.” Colt was disappointed.

He had nothing for Filla’s birthday other than a few smiles and hugs. After the celebration…Colt and Count had a rather bothersome talk.

The Count had actually promised Filla a Mansion on the Magical Beast Forest, and now, Colt could only imagine what that spoiler of a Grandfather would give Hylda.

“What were you planning on giving her, Young Master?”

“She said she wanted a Soul Partner, so I was planning on using these two to help me get the King of the Magical Beast Forest. I wanted to get her a Dragon.”

“…Young Master, I am pretty sure you are speaking of it lightly because you do not know, but Dragons are mighty creatures I don’t think it will submit to a human or any other humanoid being. As far as I know, there are only seven people who managed to control a Dragon. All of them almost died as they tried to form a contract.”

Colt raised his brows, “I think that number should be eight now, Risa, my Young Sister, already bonded with the King of the Magical Beast Forest; that’s why I can’t give Hylda the Dragon I wanted to give her.”

Vyra’s mouth was left hanging as she failed to comprehend what’s happening, “Do you mean to say you now have a Dragon Wielder in your household?”

“That’s correct…but the Dragon just eats and sleeps just like her; it’s not a big deal.”

Vyra heard Colt, and she quickly settled her heart to not affect her child.

“It appears I am quite fortunate to be going to the south this time around. I was a child when I last saw a Dragon.”

“Is that so… don’t expect too much, okay?”

Jin left to cure others, and the Capital was rid of the virus. However, Vyra didn’t like its air as trouble was brewing.

Feriar was having a struggle against the Nobles as he tried to take control domination of everyone else.

Vyra didn’t want to be in such an environment. Ancient Elves believes that it would affect the child in the womb; thus, Vyra decided to go to the Edgeworth Fief with Colt.

Two hours passed, and the carriages were finally prepared. Arte came out just on time.

Mary arrived just before they were about to leave. She too wanted to go to the Edgeworth Fief to esca…serve Colt.

Colt already knew half the truth.

With the carriages already loaded, Colt boarded together with Arte and his partners.

But as he was just about to enter, Colt heard Sera’s voice, “Teacher, please do not bother Avern while he is in the Magic Tower. His little sister lives there with him, and it is rare for them to meet as Avern had joined the Young Master’s Squadron.”

First off, Colt was not made aware that Avern was now a part of the Squadron. He thought he just hitched a ride to return to the Capital and fought with Colt as repayment. But it appears he was wrong.

Secondly, Colt didn’t hear Butler Go’s answer. Only the unsatisfied grunt of a bitter old man, ‘He’s acting like a Father who doesn’t want her daughter to get hit on.’

Butler Go had no children of his own, and unlike Neun, he remained in the Capital without any interaction with the younger generation.

Even when the previous head asked him to get a partner, he refused.

At his age, Butler Go could only see Sera as if she was his own. After all, she was the one who inherited his technique and turned it into something else…she led it to evolve.

With that grumpy grunt of his, Butler Go disappeared and escaped. Colt entered the carriage with the other three, and the group of women was on another carriage.

If Mina was here, it would be fine if there was another woman with them, but she wasn’t, so it was best to stay out of trouble. The cat would snitch on him to save its life…Colt knows it would snitch to save its fat ass.

Soon enough, their group left.

Without going for any detour and any kind of unnecessary stops, they quickly reached Wing City without so much as a problem. It was as if the Goddesses were telling him, “Thank You” for his work.

As it was November, it was already cold, and Colt should be wearing thick clothes. But he wasn’t. Instead, he donned what he always wore, his white long sleeves and black trousers.

When his carriage entered the city, the people stuck out their heads from their windows to catch a glimpse of Colt.

“The Hero has arrived!” Everyone praised.

A subtle smirked appeared on Colt’s mouth; they didn’t know how fitting their words were.

Arte didn’t know of Colt’s thoughts; thus, he thought that he was showing off his fame. Arte’s view on Colt lowered for no reason.

In a manner of minutes, they reached the mansion where everyone excitedly awaited his return.

Colt peeked from his windows and already saw the people who waited for him. To his surprise, there was no male in sight.

Mina’s presence was of course, there, no fail.

Risa had a complete and prideful smile; she was expecting something from Colt. Faerith was the same, as she held her usually pleasant smile, and as for Lyra, she was by Faerith’s side, as she tried her best to act like a lady.

In fact, it was not just her as Filla and Hylda stood by Faerith’s side with their backs straight as could be. Elegance radiated from their very presence. If the three children’s aura combined, one could reckon it would surpass Risa’s—which was not that hard these days.

Colt stepped out of the carriage and rushed to Mina’s side.

“Dear!” He gave her the gentlest but warmest hug he could give.

Mina would have tried to get to him, but Colt chose to be on the attack this time around as she was pregnant. Mina’s face flushed red as she was caught by surprise.

“Darling, so…you have missed me this much?” All her doubts disappeared, and Colt’s infidelity with a sword vanished into thin air.

As usual, Colt received the Edgeworth greeting, where everyone welcomed him one by one while Faerith smiled from behind the group.

Colt could see the smug Risa on the back, and sensing her aura, Colt reckoned she managed to succeed. There was now more extra work for him.

“Papa!” “Older Brother.”

The little ladies who were acting all elegant earlier returned to being the little kids that they were.

The two girls hugged each of his legs as they smiled at him with glee.

“So energetic.” Colt was delighted to see them like this.

“Ahem, Lyra, Filla, I thought you were elegant ladies today?” Hylda’s familiar, yet now foreign voice echoed, “I welcome your return, Father.”

Slowly, Colt lifted his head and now very much saw Hylda standing in full view for him. Hylda’s crimson hair was braided to the side, and she, even wore light make-up, further accentuating her amateurish beauty.

“How beautiful you are, my daughter.” He praised.

‘She’s all grown up.’ Colt thought that he would actually cry.

Colt and Hylda locked eyes, and after a minute, both of them burst into a peal of laughter. Hylda’s elegance disappeared with her poised bearing.

“It appears I have it in me, huh,” Hylda asked as she failed to keep up the act.

Colt raised his brows before praising, “Yes, you have; I almost didn’t recognize you and your voice. A couple more years, and I think suitors will…”

Colt paused, and as if his neck would break, he looked behind him and saw something that struck his body with lightning. On the steps of the carriage was a frozen Arte whose jaw was left unhinged.

Arte, a young man who had little to no experience with interaction with girls stared directly at Hylda. He…was smitten by her beauty.

Colt knew it was love at first sight.

Colt’s mind moved, and as if by instinct, he understood Butler Go’s reactions.

‘Oh, no.’

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