High-Class Mob

Chapter 174: A Love Story

Chapter 174: A Love Story

Colt sheathed his sword and watched the crying Lucille. He was about to open his mouth but instead chose to move his sheathed sword and block a curved blade rushing towards Lucille’s neck.

Looking around, Colt spoke, “Please, do not be alarmed, everything is fine…”

Neun, Liron, Shickly, Lopre, Risa, Mary, Sera, and even Arte gathered around Colt and Lucille. All of them had their weapons drawn, they also didn’t quite see Lucille, but the three older men in the room quickly recognized her, “Sorceress Lucille? What are you doing here?”

Neun raised his head as he asked. He was somewhat surprised to see her here.

“Why didn’t you tell us you’re coming here? I could’ve told Faerith you’d have come here; she would have been delighted to have you here with us.” Shickly followed, but Lucille didn’t even pay him any heed.

Lucille was clutching on Colt’s clothes, asking with a pained voice, “Tell me, Colt, does Mary really hate me!? Did she order you to do this!? Is she angered about my inability to go to the wedding? If so, then I had my reasons, the Tower Mages didn’t tell me anything, and I came out of my room only about a week ago!”

She was not the least bit worried about the men here; they owe her many things, especially Shickly and Liron, so why should she even worry?

Also, she was strong enough to fight back and keep her life; after all, Lucille was a Tower Master, someone at the highest level of Magic, a Grand Sorcerer.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Colt could attest to this fact…

Colt was already basically at the very edge of Phase Two Pathfinding in the way of a warrior. With his aura at the Ninth Rank and sword being so swift and sharp, it was almost impossible for most warriors to block.

Given that he was not in his greatest form as he was yet to grow tired, his sword was duller than ever before but still, he was pretty confident with his strength.

However, he was stopped by a crying Lucille.

He would have felt bad about himself, but looking down on the one who stopped him without even breaking a sweat, ‘She’s also Mina’s teacher and the one who taught Mina how to use Healing Mana in a way similar to a berserker.’ Colt could still remember Mina’s moves; she was unhesitating and was ruthless… at least half of that stemmed from the fact she was mentored by Lucille — looks can be deceiving.

Colt felt bad for Lucille. The Grand Sorcerer showed no signs of calming down, her tears streamed down her face, and she was even showing signs of choking, then more people appeared in that room, and one of these people was Mina.

“MINAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Don’t hate Teacher, okay? The idiots from the Magic Tower did all those stupid things. If I had known, I would have rushed here even I had to set up a Supreme Flight Spell.” Lucille saw her disciple and quickly threw Colt to the side and crawled towards her.

Mina felt her clothes being tugged by Lucille, “Teacher? When did you get here? The other Seniors of the Magic Tower said you rejected my invite as you were too focused on your research. I even received a gift.”

“That’s the schemes of the idiots; they didn’t want to knock on my doors just because I broke their arms last time; they bothered me. Don’t worry, those who tricked you were all punished. The Magic Tower may have crumbled a little in the process, but nothing of value was lost.”

Mina looked at her Teacher’s sight and sighed. The student carefully ran her hand through the hair of the aged Sorceress and then spoke with a sigh, “All right, I forgive Teacher. Do not worry about missing my wedding day. It could not be helped. Besides, we have it recorded in a crystal so Teacher can watch for later.”

“Really?” Lucille’s face brightened, and then, little by little, she began smiling energetically. She looked around and then saw the people around her and asked, “Hmm? Oh, Shickly, Liron, what are you two doing here?”

That day, the Edgeworths were forced to call in the constructors to repair the destroyed room; Sera was placed in taking care of the damages, while in the back garden, Lucille put a temperature regulation spell that encompassed about fifty meters, giving them the chance to have tea outside in the middle of winter.

Other than Vyra, who excused herself for the day, and Jin, who went to assist his wife, everyone was present, trying to enjoy the warm temperature outside without being near a fire.

Lucille was seated next to Mina as she was quietly giving her student a health examination. She was checking the baby inside Mina’s belly, and after a while, she made a conclusion, “You’re about to give birth in three to two days.”

“Are you sure about that information, Miss Cille?” Colt asked for confirmation.

Lucille turned to him and waved her hand, “Of course I am. Who do you think you’re talking to, kid. I am an expert in using Combat Healing Magic and medical practices. I know my way around a human body. In my youthful days, when I was living in my demon village, I was actually referred to as the Village Healer, so I was forced to learn a lot of things.

“I helped others give birth and made plenty of examinations, so I’m pretty sure I know what I’m doing.” Colt was looking at her doubtfully, and as she became indignant.

But Lucille didn’t need to explain herself as Faerith, who arrived while carrying sweets, spoke, “Sorceress Lucille is telling the truth, Colt. She was the one who checked my condition when I was pregnant with you so, you don’t have to question it. She had also been in this field for more than two hundred years; she was the one who helped my mother give birth to me.

“She was also the one who helped your father and Liron in reattaching their limbs. Also, she was the one who saved my life when I was about to die from having my World Circle destroyed. Though I can’t get back to being a Grand Sorcerer, and I am now quickly drained of Mana, at least I am still alive. So, in a way, she’s some kind of Godmother to you because if not for her, you wouldn’t have been born.”

Colt’s mouth opened as he heard Faerith’s casual revelation, “World Circle? Wait, you were a Grand Sorcerer, Mother?”

“Yes, I was. But I can’t reach it now because — hmm, I think many of you know this story, but this is a nice addition to it. You see, your father was young, and when he left for the army, he decided to leave the words “when I come back, please marry me.” He said that and left with the army as a Captain like Liron.

“Then, a few days later, I learned that he, Liron, and Gilbert were ambushed by Third Army of the Kaionse Empire, so, me, Alpyie, and even Maya went to rescue them. Well, what happened was that while I fight against an Army, Alpyie and Maya attracted the Magical Beast from the Magical Beast Forest by using themselves as bait.

“Then, while we were escaping, the General, hmmm, what was his name again? Dear, what was the name of the General who threw his spear and almost pierced my heart again?” Faerith forgot and then asked Shickly.

“General Garson Reva, I slew him to secure the Magical Beast Forest, remember?” Shickly said as he downed a glass… he was pretty ashamed of himself about this story.

Faerith said, “Oh”, before continuing her story, “Well, anyway, I was pierced in the heart by General Garson who threw his spear at me and then, instead of skewering me, the World Circles stored in my heart softened the impact. The World Circle was destroyed, and my heart was injured and retained some traumas that resulted in my inability to form the second World Circle, and now my mana usage is rather messed up.

“Oh yeah, the most important part of that is the fact that when I was just about to die, Shickly asked his Soul Partners to speed into the capital. He poured his aura and even life energy into me so I can live long enough for us to reach the capital… oh yeah, while he carried me in his arms, I fell for him all over again, and then, a month later, we got married. I think this story is famous in the capital, right?”

Mary, who had been listening to Faerith’s story, nodded her head as she shouted, “Yes! This was the story mother told me when I was young; that’s where you and the other two got their tittles of “War Goddess” right?”

The atmosphere lightened, but Colt… he was left confused. He was not aware of any of this, he didn’t think his mother was such a badass, and from how Risa and Lyra looked, he can tell that they knew about this.

‘Damn!’ that was his only reaction to all this.

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