High School: Way to Forever

Chapter 222: An affair!

Chapter 222: An affair!

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In the morning, Anna's eyes half opened and looked at the ceiling. But then she felt a heavy hand on her waist, in touch with her skin.

'Who is hugging me?' Looking at her side, she found Alex sleeping soundly. 

His breathing was lingering on her neck, which was giving her a sensation and Anna seriously wanted to not feel it again! Otherwise, losing control is obvious

She doesn't know why but her heart warmed up a little seeing how he was in deep slumber. Not only that, but she can see his face was glowing all of the sudden.

'Is that After sex affects?' Yesterday night, they only did it for one time and later she might have dozed off to sleep.

She tried to shift but failed because he was almost not only hugging her waist but her whole body.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

But to her surprise, she didn't feel the numbness in her legs anymore. She had read it everywhere that it hurts after you have sex for the first time but why she feels nothing right now?

"Maybe because he was so much gentle," Anna said in a whisper in between her breath as she caressed his hair softly. He was just like a child for her now!

Although she doesn't want to wake him up, this was something necessary because she has to go back to Steve's mansion before they call her down for breakfast.

"Alex" Anna simply whispered in his ear and she can see he wasn't ready to wake up.

"Alex, you need to let me go. I should get ready." But instead of losing his grip, he tightened more and pulled her closer to his naked body.

"Ann..let me sleep for some more time. You sleep too!" 

"We can't Alex. You want others to find out that I spent the night with you?"

This was a warning and a reminder and as expected, his eyes were now wide awake.

He looked at Anna's morning face which was just a heart touching thing in his life. Waking up next to your love, isn't it a perfect feeling?

At this moment, everything was perfect and if it was in their hand, they might never get up from this bed and go out of this room.

More like a secret place for them!

But then Anna noticed as they both were naked, and her clothes were thrown on the other side of the room. In the excitement yesterday, she didn't even think that what will she wear today after taking a bath? There were no clothes with her at this moment and wearing the dress that she wore yesterday wasn't possible because it already has wrinkles on it.

"Alex! I'm going to take a shower. Ask Jack to buy me some clothes. Okay?" But on the other hand, Alex was in a daze as his eyes were glued to Anna's face. Everything that Anna said now, just slipped from above of his mind. Anna can't help but slap her forehead while looking at him. She shook his shoulder which brought him out of the daze as he looked around and then Anna.

"What were you saying?" Alex innocently asked.

"Ask Jack to bring some clothes for me! I'm going for a shower!" Sayin this, Anna covered her naked body with a white blanket and went to the bathroom leaving Alex alone on the bed.

But then his eyes caught the stains on the bed. He knew he was her first time so having some bleeding was common, at least this is what he had read online. But he doesn't know why but being the first guy who had her brought butterflies inside his stomach. 'Anna, I hope this union continues in the future too.' 


Anna got ready and tied her hair too. Looking in the mirror, she saw her neck which had all the art that Alex did last night. But what she needed right now was a concealer which was almost not possible to find in this room.

"I need to fix it. This will be the first task after reaching Steve's mansion." Anna whispered to herself while looking at her reflection in the mirror.

While Alex came from the back and hugged her, "I wish time stops here just now and you do not go anywhere." Alex said in a lazy tone. They both wanted this to end soon so that they can make their relationship public.

But before that, she has work to do. A mission to complete!

"Alex... How will you keep Emma away from you?" Although she knew that he has feelings for her only but what about this fiance of his? Anna can't risk him at any cost not because she doesn't trust him a bit because she doesn' trust that clever girl Emma. 

But Alex simply replied, "You said that you have about the plan?" To which Anna shook her head. The plan that was cooked in her mind needs the approval of many people. Their first and foremost task should be, separating Emma and Alex and breaking their engagement!

"Just call the two people I asked you. And let me go now! Otherwise, we both will be caught and labeled as an affair of sister-in-law and brother-in-law!"

Hearing this, Alex let go of her waist and replied, "Do not worry, I will call Alena and Miyu. But it will be your part to tell everything to Alena, not me!" Anna nodded. Of course, she was her friend and it was her responsibility to tell her everything.

Giving Alex a last sneak peek, Anna went back to Steve's mansion. And somehow, she was able to reach the mansion on time without anyone knowing about it.

Taking a huge sigh in relief, Anna decided to work on her plan for now, because nowadays she has been distracted a lot. But her plan failed when the lady came and said,

"Miss, your presence is required downstairs on breakfast being served!"


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