High School: Way to Forever

Chapter 269: Publicly announcing engagement!

Chapter 269: Publicly announcing engagement!

On the other hand, Anna was peacefully sleeping in her room. Last night's exhaustion had taken a troll on her body and it was becoming difficult for her to stay awake the whole day.

As she was peacefully sleeping, with curtains flying due to the wind, a ring of phone was heard as a frown came on her forehead.

'Which bastard is calling me right now!?!' Whenever someone tries to wake her up from her precious sleep, her inner anger comes up. 

Finding the phone on the side table, Anna answered with half-opened eyes, "He..hello?" 

"Anna!? Are you okay?" From the other side, she heard Miyu's concerned voice.

"Yeah. I'm okay. What happened? Why Are you sounding so worried?" As he had already woken her up from her sleep, Anna decided to sit up on her bed.

'At least I got a two hours nap.' But her body was still aching because of that damn Alex!?

Miyu on the other hand stayed silent for a few seconds and replied, "Chris returned Emma's brother and decided to not harm her family anymore."

"That's good. But she said something about pregnancy too? Right? That Chris asked her to get pregnant with Alex's child?" Anna found it super funny.

She knew very well how Chris is. A cruel demon! But he actually asked an eighteen years old girl to get pregnant?!?

"Hmm. Don't worry about it anymore. I have taken care of everything." Miyu replied. Despite that, she was worried but decided to not ask her anymore because if Miyu is saying, then she can trust him that he had taken care of.

"Okay fine! Anything else?" She felt there is something more for him to say otherwise he might have already hanged up till now.

"Um Anna, have you seen the headlines recently?" 

"No! I was sleeping peacefully but actually disturbed it. Leave it, what happened on the news? Is there something interesting going on?!" Anna was massaging her head as she carefully asked him but unknown to her, there was almost a storm outside, caused by Chris!!

"You should see it yourself. I think that would be much better. Or, let me know, shall I send you the article?" Miyu asked.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Just send me the fact! I won't go through the whole headline. It would be easy for me to look." Anna replied and instantly, Miyu hung up before saying any other word. But at the same time, the notification came on her phone.

Clicking on it, Anna had the relax mode on. As there was nothing for her to do, and it was still the only afternoon, Anna decided to rest for the day and do nothing.

But then, her eyes widened as she looked at the heading of the article. The smile on her face faded away, as she read her name along with Chris.

'He announced our engagement in PUBLIC!?! But he agreed to keep it low till I pass my school!?' It was more unexpected, rather than a shock.

Never ever she can imagine Chris to just openly announce their engagement and on top of that, he even posted the date of their engagement officially!?!

Till now, her freedom lies in the place because till now, they haven't exchanged the rings but all of the sudden, he wants to exchange the rings before she completes high school!?!?

"I WOULD RATHER DIE!!!" Anna instantly got out of her room. And ran downstairs. Her hair was a mess and at that point, she completely forgot that she was an heiress!

Instead, the anger was taking control of her emotions as she ran downstairs in her wrinkled clothes, but to her disappointment, there was nobody in the living hall!

"Where the fuck everyone wants!?" Anna breathed heavily as the running made her out of breath. The Steve mansion was too big to find someone.

Instead, at last, she decided to find the butler who will clear her queries and tell her where others are.

In the kitchen, she saw the butler instructing others about the work.

Anna ignored everybody there, not minding her image, and asked straightforwardly in front of everyone.

"Where is everyone!? Mr. Steve? Mrs steve? Chris!?" 

"Miss Walker, everyone is busy in the preparation of your and the elder master's engagement. The date is fixed and we got orders to set accordingly. By the way, congratulations from our staff, Ms. Walker!" He Bowed respectively.

On the other hand, Anna lasses everyone with a warm and gentle smile but it soon vanishes as she walks out of the kitchen area.

Her facial expressions were conflicted as she had no idea that Chris will use this trick and just make a game in his own favor!

Absolutely, everything was going according to her plan but now? She feels used! A pawn in the chess!

But the question arises, will she let others use her just the way they want!?

'Keep yourself cool, Anna. Keep your mind cool and think about everything!' She had to use the power to analyze the whole situation quickly!

Defeated, Anna decided to meet Chris at his own office to discuss this action of his! On one side she is trying to break this engagement and get out of the cage and he is simply trying to cage her even more earlier!


At Office

Anna arrived with the driver available at the home. It was a total one hour drive from the home to his office building and, for the very first time, Anna arrived here.

But the ambiance and large structure doesn't surprise her anymore because her father has the same, big office for himself.

It was just his way of showing off that he is a rich person and Bratt!

'I wish that idiot is inside.' From the outside, she kept a calm composure because, at this point, she doesn't want to burst on anybody.

But to her surprise, there was the media waiting outside his building, trying to get the interview of Chris because of today's news.

She wore her goggles, and as Anna looked quite mature and big as compared to her age, she made it look like she was a.part of the employees.

In a sexy black tight one piece, can anyone simply believe that she isn't Chris's fiance? Her face was half-covered with the strands of her hair but her luck was really bad.

Some people did notice her and shouted.



As guessed, Anna would take it as her bad luck because at last, she got unwanted attention.

She simply increased her pace to walk and reach inside the building.

But the reporters are what they are. That's their profession to stop someone and interview them.

"Ms. Walker! Please tell us how you and Me. Steve met!?"

"Are you both staying together? Is engagement happening for real!? 

"Are the two giant families coming together for politics and power or is there real love!?" 

Different types of questions were bombed on her but at last, Anna did not answer even one! She had no intention of doing that before too because it was just out of her league.

When she safely come inside the building and other employees also helped her to get out, she sighed in relief.

They have already shut the door behind and no one can reach her for an interview. Anna turned around to face the people who saved her.

"Thank you so much for earlier." Anna politely answered.

"No worries, ma'am. It's our responsibility to help someone in need! And you are our boss's fiance so of course, it was nothing." Their intention was right but somehow, her heart did not fly when she was named as Chris's fiance.

They had marked her right, 'Chris's fiance' because that's how everyone is labeling her now.

"Umm. Can any one of you take me to your boss's cabin?"

But then, a lady with a black tight pencil skirt, with a white shirt on top came forward. Large glasses with thick layers of makeup and lipstick and only Anna knew how she handled this lady's perfume! Or more like smell.

"Ma'am, I'm sir's secretary. He is currently in a meeting but you can't wait in his cabin. Please follow me." Anna nodded her head and quietly followed her.

But she felt a constant gaze on her from top to bottom. Not like she cared but it was making him feel odd. 

"Miss secretary, can you keep your eyes to yourself!?" Anna bluntly said which caught the lady off guard. She might have not expected a lady like Anna to directly say those words.

Of course, Anna doesn't like to beat around the bush. What was making her feel uncomfortable, she said it directly.

"I...I didn't mean anything wrong, ma'am." His secretary apologizes but Anna ignores her completely.

After she was brought inside the room, she found his cabin quite big.

"Mr. Steve will be here in just a few minutes." 

"Hmm. Ask him to come fast otherwise my anger, which is already boiling, will increase even more, and don't blame me if his office is then converted into a jungle and a mess!"

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