His Contractual Mistress

Chapter 205 - Plan To Trap Him (Four)

Chapter 205 - Plan To Trap Him (Four)


Walking toward the conference room, Zaijan was stopped by his uncle, Samuel Lopez, Mayor of Metro City.

In this passing decade that Samuel Lopez remains as mayor of the city, the Lopez men, including Vincent, never took advantage of their family's power even to see they were the longest hierarchy in the politics.

Instead, they prove their success by achieving everything with hard work in the career they've chosen to win over the business world.

They were less to rely on what their family can do and what they can provide. They were trained to solve their issues if it was only a minor, and less to solve it with their family influences.

But because of the history that their forefathers have written, people have been respecting their families. The people already perceived what would happen to them if they offend a Lopez member.

However, despite that, some people seek a way for their downfall, both from politics and the business world, which these people are often failed. Lopezes always aim higher for the country's progression, and it is not only for their gain but a nationwide reformation.

They were always five steps ahead, especially with the Lopez new generations' who aimed for advanced technology and competed with neighboring nations for how progressive they were in the passing years.

With the support of the entire clan, they achieve great reformation of the whole Metro City, followed by the other cities throughout the country. And one person who has a massive contribution to the ideas is Vincent.

The modernization and using advanced technology brought more foreign investors to Metro City. In addition, the government's support of the nationwide infrastructure projects also attracts more tourists to the country.

And Vincent, as building condominiums, commercial towers, high-end apartments, malls, and supermarkets in every larger province brought more jobs and potential capitalists to start a franchise business.

Gladly, Vincent and Zaijan are not alone dreaming of a new era for P Country. With the help of their cousins' mindset in modern business, they brought substantial progress to the country. That is why even the elders show respect for Vincent.

"Zayn, how was the preparation going?" Samuel Lopez queried his nephew when they reached the fifth floor and found an empty lounge.

"Things are going smoothly, Uncle Samuel."

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The man in his early sixties was nodding as listening to Zaijan's explanation about the progress of the entrapment operation against Liam Huo.

He is the future king of V Country. Samuel couldn't avoid feeling worried even though he already reached out to the President of P Country. Fortunately, they collaborated with Interpol. They have nothing to do much but cooperate with the International Law Enforces plans to arrest Liam Huo.

"Then good luck," said Samuel Lopez.

"Thank you, Uncle Sam."

Samuel and Zaijan are standing near the floor-ceiling window, gazing out at the city. From where they stand, they could observe the ongoing constructions of countless modern condos and commercial buildings that will stand as headquarters by some foreign companies soon.

Of course, the contractor of these projects is the Shen Group. And this is all thanks to Vincent's persistence to accomplish in the International Commerce along with Zaijan. And Samuel was proud of his nephews.

When they ask for his help, there is no way he could say no. They were only asking for a small favor, which, even if it is huge support they need, he will offer his hand without a second thought.

After their talk, both proceed to the Conference Hall.

Today is the MCGC weekly meeting. First, one by one, the Chief of every Departments gave their reports; after that, the Chairman spoke in front of the Board and stakeholders representatives.

"Well, as we've heard recently. We have our newest investor joining us. So now I would like to open the table for each of your perspectives about appointing her as a member of the Board."

The conference hall suddenly filled with whispers and murmurs.

"Are we allowing this?"

"Why not? Although she is a foreigner, she had a higher investment than you."

"What do you mean by that? And you just said it. She is just a foreign. We have foreign investors, but they aren't requesting to be part of the Board!"

"Have you forgotten? She is Vincent's girlfriend. There is no difference with that. If I am his parents. I have already beaten him up for the reason that he hasn't got a divorce yet! He should marry that girl as soon as possible!"

"That's right!"

"If Vicent Shen married her, she will be a permanent citizen in P Country. There is no difference anymore."

"I object to this!"

The conference room now turns into a debate room. Few are opposed to the idea because they have ulterior motives all this time. They were afraid that Vincent Shen gained more power, and there was no chance for them to bring him down if that happens.

Of course, they were those impatient to see how the Lopez hierarchy falls one by one. And it should start with the man who has a great influence on the majority of stakeholders.

These investors were here because of Vincent Shen. If he were forever silent, gone and sleeping inside his expensive coffin, they would gain voice again.

Well, they were confident to choose the opposition party because they have a strong backer, and it's just a matter of time for them to taste their victory.

However, nothing they knew about, Vincent is not alone. The knights of the woman who they strongly objected to earn a complete voice and gain position in the corporation have already prepared a trap for the man they think highly of.

They were putting all of their hopes that this man could help them win against the Lopez family.

Meanwhile, listening in his seat, Zaijan darkened his face. He hates how these old geezers' brains work! All in their mind are only to things that would favor their interest!

Besides, how if Hailey heard all of this discussion? Not only her family and friends, but all the people in the world would assume that Vincent is only after in her fortune if these words came out!

What would she think if it reached her of how the board and stakeholders' had opinions about her?

"Group of scoundrels, old geezers!" Rodney hissed next to Zaijan. "I'm heading first before I punch these old men's faces!"

Zaijan shook his head. His head is pounding, listening to this nonsense discussion.

"Don't go yet. We have to end this meeting soon." He stopped Rodney from leaving.

Zaijan had a better solution to determine this issue. He stood from his seat and walked toward the small stage of that conference hall.

"Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen. I think we better come up with an easy way to determine everyone's opinion rather than continue arguing for meaningless reasons."

"And what do you mean, meaningless reasons?" asked the opposition party.

Zaijan pursed his lips. Soon, he smiled and bluntly said, "You were afraid that Vincent would gain more control in this corporation. I know this is what you were thinking not only at this moment but all the time. However, is it Vincent you have to fear?"

Everyone fell silent and pondered. Whispers grew for a moment, then fell silent again; this time, everyone looked at Zaijan with anticipation.

"So? Who should we fear, President Lopez?" one member of the board asked Zaijan with a stern voice. He always hated how these young men take over power in the commerce world than those in business for decades already!

"I'm glad that you brought up this question, Mr. Lim. Since we are into this. I want to remind each of you. Vincent has never had the interest to lead the group of old geezers like you."

"You ungracious child!" one board member blurted out and stood from his chair then, followed by another member of the board that siding the opposition, cursing Zaijan for his remarks.

"Like what I've mentioned, Vincent is not the one who you should fear..."

Zaijan didn't feel threatened at all. Instead, he widened his smile and went on.

"It was me who you should fear because I would like to elect myself as the new Chairman of this corporation."

Everyone dropped their mouths open except for Rodney, who laughed hard at what Zaijan did.

"I will be the first one to vote!" Rodney raises his hand. Unexpectedly, the majority of the board and present stakeholders voted as well, including the current chairman.

After the meeting, Zaijan heads to his suite in the hotel. Tailing him is Rodney, who was laughing until now.

"Did you see those old geezers' faces? They were like eating a rotten rat!"

"Yeah, you said it ten times already." Zaijan shook his head. Sometimes Rodney acted childishly.

Zaijan opens his suite and steps inside. He collapsed on the single couch and leaned back to take a rest. He heaves a long sigh afterward.

"That's deep. What happened?" asked the man seated across from him. Actually, this man was already in his suite since last night.

"I just did a huge favor for the sake of your love life, and so, you should give me a mansion as a payment." He groaned, rubbing his temple.

"Is that how expensive you are?" teased by the man who is none other than Vincent.

"And what do you think of me?" Zaijan frowned at his tease.

"Rodney, what happened?" Snap by Zaijan; Vincent asks Rodney when Zaijan in a real foul mood after the board meeting.

"Well, we should celebrate!" Rodney brought three glasses and a bottle of red wine. "For the new Chairman of MCGC!"

"Huh? Who is the new chairman?" asked Vince with confusion. He waited for his cousins to share it with him.

"It was me..." Zaijan replied Vincent. "Those old geezers have been working hard to kick us out on the board. But, of course, they could never do that."

"It looks like they really work harder this time that it leads to how pissed you are," Vincent smirked.

"I think you will do the same if you heard how they attempt to slander you. They were bolder this time because they have a backing. Like I didn't know that they were having secret meetings with Huo cousins!" Zaijan blurt out.

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