His Devious Rule

Chapter 115 Anya On The Hit List

Reth shifted the attention of the group, "So let's confirm the security of the harbor and around the area."

At his words, Reth's junior quickly emptied the table and laid out the pictures and blueprint of the harbor.

Anya could see everything was already planned by looking at the marks on the maps. She didn't find any major flaw but… Anya pointed at a large area in the harbor, "What is this area?"

Cobain who heard her rolled his eyes. She should just mind her work instead of disturbing the men. He thought she was trying to get noticed.

Nevertheless, a military captain opposite to her responded seriously, "This is the container's storage area. Due to the arrival of PSR, we have halted the loading and unloading of the containers. Currently, twenty are patrolling this area."

Anya questioned the captain, "What are the possibilities of some men not hiding in these containers?" That area was very close to the harbor where PSR will anchor and people will be rescued.

The same captain responded but there was uncertainty in his tone, "Officer Owen, there are more than six hundred containers. We can't possibly check each one if you are thinking of that. And the complete port is blocked from seven in the morning. We found no suspicious movements yet." He put forward his point and tried to clear her doubts.

Another captain spoke understanding the worry of Anya, "Officer Owen has a point. The ship hasn't been communicating with the Johnson shore communication center for two days and the largest port and nearest port to the capital city is this port. It won't be hard to predict PSR will reach the West Port instead of the South Port."

Cobain: "..."

Cobain's fingers continued to tap on the keyboard when he glanced back in shock. He wasn't ready to believe she thought of all that. It is a coincidence. He convinced himself.

No one paid attention to Cobain. Major Reth added after the second captain's remark, "We might have to add another team for more security."

The first captain declined, "If we add more soldiers at the container storage field, we will lack men for the rescue operation." If something goes wrong in the ship, they need backup to manage the situation.

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Thus discussion continued. Anya didn't know the number of the soldiers they had so she could only hear them attentively while continuing to judge the area around.

Cobain successfully obtained the requested file. He wanted to announce but everyone was in a heated discussion. He had no one's attention so he was disappointed.

Anya noticed Cobain trying to interrupt so she signaled him to get the printout. He understood and asked Reth's junior and went to get the printout.

When Anya heard the team weren't coming to a satisfactory conclusion, she suggested, unsure if it was fine with them, "The security team on the ship is very strong and well trained. You could take their help if we are lacking manpower."

Reth didn't accept her suggestion, "They can provide us help but we shouldn't depend on them more than 10 percent." After all, the working style will be completely different. Reth didn't want to reduce the casualties of military men to as low as possible.

The fourth captain at the side suggested, "Major Reth, how about we use a transport ship and shift the guests to it before the PSR reaches the harbor. Then we can directly control the rogues."

Anya had a dilemma so she asked them, "Won't the open area of the transport ship give an open field to attack them even from far?"

Cobain entered inside with a printout and heard the last question. He countered Anya as he went closer, "Open area or closed, even if the PSR is attacked, the guests inside will be injured."

Cobain had a point however, the second captain looked at him in disapproval, "Are you saying the suspect Harper Johnson has a fighter ship to break the ship into two?" What Anya said was firearms that can be aimed from far could be used to kill people when the transport ship comes closer to the harbor.

Reth shook his head, "As per the information, the guests are all panicked and they aren't common people." He meant the guests are extremely troublesome people. "They will refuse and trouble us and delay the operation."

The first captain added, "If the PSR reaches the harbor, even if it gets attacked, the guests could be safe inside. On the transport ship, they can't hide anywhere. The safety level is zero." Hence using the transport ship was eliminated.

Meanwhile, Anya received the printout of the modified layout of the ship. She marked on the paper the same as she had seen on the previous layout excluding some parts. She quickly spread out on the table.

"How about this?" She asked for attention and pointed a line on the paper, "This exit could be used to bring the guests out." Then she pointed at another side, "This is for the entry of the military." She continued, "Since we can't depend on the ship's security, they could help us bring the guests and other staff out and move to the safe location with few members of the military as support."

"That's feasible." One accepted and another hummed.

They continued to hear Anya who made simple changes in their plan, "We also need to rescue the engine room staff who will be very much exhausted to move on their feet. So how about we take control of this section?" Anya circled the small area on the paper, "Start the rescue of the staff in the engine room using these emergency stairs. Meanwhile, the rest could slowly handle the rogues without hurry." Only the modified blueprint was showing the emergency stairs so they listened to Anya carefully while understanding the ship layout.

Cobain, who didn't have any idea about PSR, stood clueless hearing Anya who was making all the men nod at her words. He gritted his teeth when Reth praised her, "That's well thought out."

Reth liked how she focused on saving the staff and at the same time gave ample time for the military to focus on rogues without the pressure of saving innocent people.

The discussion shifted to the attack pattern of the soldiers which Anya knew less about. Cobain, who was a fan of action movies, tried to suggest but his words went unheard. Once they decided, three captains nodded at Reth and Anya and jogged out with the blueprints. They have to inform their team and be ready.

Before everyone could conclude the end of the discussion, Reth found her still staring at the container area. "Officer Owen, if you are doubtful, we could use local police for double security."

Anya shook her head. Local police aren't capable of facing firearms like soldiers. Anya lifted her hand pointed at a building. Before she could open her mouth, Cobain said, "We should put some in this building to keep an eye on the area of the containers."

Anya: "..."

Anya looked at the cold storage warehouse which had no windows. Then she turned to Cobain again. She felt like he wanted soldiers to freeze to death.

Reth ignored Cobain and signaled Anya to speak, "The building isn't taller than other ones around. So could we shift the sniper from here to this building?" She pointed to the building outside the port. Since it was the tallest building, the person could oversee the whole containers' field.

Reth checked the distance and possibility.

Anya turned to Reth and asked, "Do we have another sniper?" Anya pointed to the floor as she continued, "One on this building will help us keep an eye on the boats and yacht harbor." There will be patrolling but the bird's eye always has its advantages.

Cobain commented disdainfully assuming she was just trying to show off, "Officer Owen, you are wasting resources."

Reth immediately followed, ignoring Cobain, "Right. We are keeping an aerial view of the container site from the south but not the north. This building will cover the maximum area."

Cobain: "..."

"But we don't have another sniper…" Reth added as he thought about other officers.

His junior remembered, "Major Reth, the police special has a sharpshooter. She is the gold medalist."

Anya smiled hearing there was a lady sharpshooter. She informed Reth, "Commanding Officer is upstairs."

"Let's go." Major Reth said to Anya as he grabbed his walkie-talkie and instructed the two captains, "Keep me updated. Get to your position."

Cobain, who was hoping to speak with Major Reth, tailed Anya and Major Reth hearing them speaking about the unexpected attacks and situation that might occur. If he was getting surprised for a moment hearing her, the next second he would scoff as it was no big deal.


At the Johnsons mansion,

The secretary of Harper Johnson entered the study room hurriedly, "Chairman Johnson, we got the information that Anya Owen is at the West Port and helping the military."

Harper's brows tightly knitted at the information received. He questioned as he stood up tapping the ash to the crystal ashtray, "What is she doing there?" There was a rage in his tone.

The secretary looked confused as well. They didn't know yet that Anya Owen was the same woman who was countering all his plans. His men were at Harbor to kill Berwick and Manager Payne when they got information on Anya Owen.

The secretary reported what he got to know, "Anya Owen reached the harbor on a military speedboat. Our men don't know anything more than that." He shivered when his eyes met Harper's dark gaze.

Harper drew a long smoke and breathed out after a few seconds. "Inform our sharpshooters. The three shouldn't be alive at any cost." He instructed and drew smoke again.

The three are Anya Owen, Berwick, and Manager Payne. When he got to know the ship wasn't in their control, he had invited sharpshooters to kill Berwick and Manager Payne.

Anya was on the hit list mainly because of Casper. Since people had eyes on Harper's actions, he thought Casper Matthews would keep his word.

By the end of Harper's words, his secretary was already dialing on his mobile and stepped away to speak.

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