His Devious Rule

Chapter 359 Her Dream

From the behavior of Gianna, Captain Joseph could easily guess she was behind the drug case. But he was in no hurry to find the evidence. Even if he missed out on one, Anya would collect every last tiny bit of evidence against Gianna.

When Anya could be merciless while dealing with the criminals of different cases, would she let go of this woman who tried to kidnap Anya's son and now drugged her?

Before Gianna could return and sit inside her cell, Captain Joseph responded to her question without even knowing she was eager to know about it. "Officer… Anya Owen is completely fine and that man too. Both are in the hospital and we will soon get the medical report about the drug." He said sarcastically.

Gianna would have felt all her suffering was worth it if something had happened between Anya and Earl. Then Alvin would have been heartbroken. But all her plans failed miserably.

Her face turned red in anger and glared at the two waiters who were begging to release them.


Captain Joseph flicked his fingers in front of Gianna's face. "You have everything. Name, fame, wealth, tycoon husband, successful sons, capable daughter-in-law, adorable grandchildren. Why did you ruin it?"

He couldn't believe someone could ruin their lives with their own hands. Gianna wasn't an immature person to do that with her life. So to think that she was doing all of it was mind-boggling.

Gianna looked daggered at the captain. She was used to people mocking her as soon as they saw a person down. She was still confident she could make it out of the prison.

Joseph sighed. There was no doubt Gianna was behind all these. However, she wasn't guilty or fearful. There was stubborn overconfidence.

Joseph fished his mobile out of his jacket and went through a website and displayed the screen to Gianna. The latter glared at Joseph instead of taking a look at the screen.

Joseph shook his head in resignation. He was trying to tell Gianna that she was in deep trouble. Getting out of it was next to impossible. Since she wasn't ready to read it. He delivered the message in his words.

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"My colleague congratulated me on winning an award for my service. I was shocked at first." Joseph saw Gianna roll her eyes and return inside.

Of course, their medals are worth nothing to Gianna but it means recognition to the person in service.

He continued as Gianna couldn't possibly turn deaf, "Then I recalled the major case I assisted. Gianna Sallow, do you know who led that case?"

Gianna sat down on the bench, crossed her legs, and leaned on the wall. She closed her eyes completely ignoring the man. She could clearly remember the way Joseph greeted Anya. So she knew he was trying to scare her with Anya's name.

She was right. "Anya Owen." Joseph answered his question, "Then I thought, if she recommended me, her chief must have recommended her."

Thus he went through the list and, "Bingo." He found her name on the list. He announced triumphantly, "Anya Owen is receiving the presidential award on a national day."

Gianna's back straightened as her eyes jerked open in shock. 'The Presidential Award!' That was the most prestigious award and her dream. After five years, she was planning to use her contacts and refer her for the award in the field of education. Not just fame and name, there were numerous benefits and respect obtained from that award.

Gianna looked at Joseph with horror-filled eyes. No, she wasn't ready to believe a fat girl who grew up in a small town, who was clueless about the fashion and lifestyle of the rich, was getting such an award.

Joseph saw the panic he wanted to see. Now Gianna will speak. Silence will be her doom. He ended his words by adding, "Henceforth, your case is marked red, A high-level case."

The whole nation would follow it very closely. Public, politics, media, and also the government as they have to give the award to Anya who should be a role model to the people.

By the end of his words, Gianna rushed to the door and snatched Joseph's phone. Her fingers were shaking when she scrolled the screen. She froze looking at the award, awardee's name, photo, and achievements.


The mobile dropped from her hand when she stood paler than the white sheet. Casper kept stressing that Anya was more than a cop. Gianna never in her dreams thought of Anya, who was struggling to find places to lease, who didn't have a proper car or social life, as an officer from a special secret service agency.

Joseph breathed out through his mouth looking at his mobile safe other than a tiny scratch. He let Gianna shiver all night and went home to celebrate his award.


At the hospital,

After completing the formalities with the cops, Benson looked at the father and son on their toes to run inside the ward where Anya was sleeping. He could have let them go inside but Anya needed some rest and recovery so he had stopped them.

A nurse came to the door and announced, "Mrs. Matthews woke… u….p." Before she could even complete her words, Zane dodged her and rushed inside as he said, "I'm sorry."

Whereas the tall human had to push the half-open door and went inside, almost scaring the nurse.

"Mommy… Mommy… Mommy…" Zane ran over to the bed, seeing Anya sitting up by herself.

Anya wanted to carry Zane on the bed seeing the lines of fear and worry. But she felt weak and exhausted.

Alvin helped her and watched them while Zane checked on his mother, shooting his nonstop questions and worries.

"Momma, how are you feeling?" He kept his hand on her forehead to check her temperature. "You were burning. You should have been careful what you eat, Momma. We were all scared. You are so pale. I will get something for you to eat."

Anya could guess Zane must have been terrified. Especially after the prank call, followed by this. She cupped his face before he could run away. "Shhh… Mommy needs her snugly bug."

Zane paused and carefully sat on her lap and hugged her. His tiny palm gently rubbed her back as he breathed in relief.

"I'm sorry, Baby. I must have scared you a lot." Anya apologized, sensing his heart racing in his chest.

Zane would have been petrified if he was alone with her as in the past years. Since Alvin was there, he watched Alvin immediately instructing everyone and bringing so many doctors to take care of her, he was pretty much confident in his father.

"It's alright, Momma. Chipmunk Monster quickly got to know you were feeling unwell. He brought you and Uncle Earl here."

,m 'Earl!?' The nurse already told Anya that she was drugged with a strong aphrodisiac and her husband had demanded the top surgeons to be there. Then why was Earl in the hospital?

Anya looked at Alvin who was desperately waiting for his turn, controlling himself from tossing Zane away.

Zane sat back and continued, "There were many doctors rushing everywhere. All the nurses were panicking. Nobody was daring to fall into Chipmunk Monster's eyes. Then Doctor Benson said you are fine and slowly everyone left, letting me breathe."

Anya chuckled at his narration and kissed his chubby cheeks. "Now, will you help mommy?"

"Sure Momma, how may I help you?" He was ready to do anything for her.

"Go with Uncle Rob and get dinner for everyone." She poked Zane's stomach and then hers, "Our tummy monsters are empty." Zane happily went out of the ward to find Rob.

Anya immediately spread her arms, asking for the big boy's hug. Alvin obliged and embraced her sitting on the edge of the bed. She had guessed right. The drink was spiked. But Krystle was thrilled and changed the whole situation out of their control.

She wouldn't blame Krystle as Krystle never had to be so cautious. These parties and formal banquets were very common to Krystle.

How will Krystle know her drink could be spiked?

Anya tilted her head to look up at her husband, "I didn't know you were a gentleman." She said with a naughty grin.

The nurse had asked her twice if they were married. She hadn't understood the reason behind the question until she saw Alvin enter inside. She wouldn't have blamed him but she was pleased.

She was fine and healthy, that's all it mattered to him. He countered her with the tease, "Or else this Goofball would have called me a jerk every day."

Anya probably would have done it grumpily as their first time in the karaoke bar was a nightmare. She didn't want their second time to be when she would be drugged. She wasn't expecting anything special or extravagant. Just their mutual consent when they would be in their senses.

Alvin deadpanned seeing her keep a straight face, "Of course, you should know what I do to you."

Anya bit her lips staring back into his eyes. Was she still pale? No, she could feel her cheeks burning by picturing what he would do to her. She snorted after which felt like an eternity, "Pervert."

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