Holding Onto My Man



Gu Bai was shocked by the voice and didn’t react for some time. He languidly looked up to the where the source of the voice is. Bright and pure eyes stared blinkingly at Qin Shitian with some ignorance.

It wasn’t until the elder next to him who’s in charge of new disciples gave him a push did he finally returned to his senses and rushed over to kneel in front of Qin Shitian. While looking at Qin Shitian, he cupped his hands in greeting, showing great respect.

“Paying respects to the sect leader!”

Everyone in Mozong fear Qin Shitian, even when the elders and hallmasters gave salute, they dared not look up to see Qin Shitian.

But right now, Gu Bai actually dared to look up and face him. The clear spring-like pupils didn’t make Qin Shitian feel that he was impolite, but novel instead. There aren’t many who dare face him like this in this world, there has always been only fear.

“What’s your name? For what reasons did you stare at benzun just now?”

Despite the novelty, Qin Shitian’s face is still bloodthirsty, causing people to become terrified and fearful.

In fact, Gu Bai’s heart is still somewhat fearful and afraid. After all, in the original host’s and everyone’s impression, Qin Shitian’s personality is odd and moody, it’s normal to have someone killed over a wrong sentence. If he died before completing the task, then he will truly die.

But he’s born with an advantage, that is, no matter what he thinks in his heart, as long as he doesn’t want to, the expression on his face won’t reveal the emotions in his heart. Furthermore, his heart is never easily moved or nostalgic, resulting in those who knew him calling him heartless when he was alive.

The great devil actually took the initiative to check the name and flip the tablet*, this is simply wanting to attract the other party’s attention. This is really handing over a pillow when one is drowsy!

*Emperors would select which woman to sleep with by turning over a jade tablet with her name on it.

Gu Bai smiled and looked at Qin Shitian again with curved eyes. He responded with some excitement and anticipation.

“This lowly person, this lowly person is called Ah Jiu, the sect leader is busy with matters and may not remember that five years ago, sect leader saved Ah Jiu, brought Ah Jiu back to the sect, and gave Ah Jiu a life. Ah Jiu vowed to definitely repay and pledge loyalty to sect leader daren*. It’s just that seeing sect leader daren again, became too excited. This lowly person was rude, may sect leader please punish....”

*a title of respect


Qin Shitian raised his eyebrows, expressing doubts.

That time when he brought Ah Jiu back to Mozong, he was just a 10 year old child with dishevelled hair and dirty face. Now five years later, the child has grown into a teenager and the appearance will naturally change. Besides, he’s a sect leader and naturally won’t remember these small matters.

Since he can’t remember, he obviously won’t waste his intellect for a unattractive lowly person.

But seeing the juvenile in front of him full of anticipation and excitement, eyes curved and watery, the corners of the lips that has been pressed together forming a straight line actually rose up unconsciously following Gu Bai’s smile.

*the smile is probably something like this

Everyone in the sect all fear him without exception. Never had there been anyone who dare look at him and smile, let alone a smile this pure. Qin Shitian’s heart fluttered and actually felt inexplicable enjoyment.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

His cruel and ruthless face suddenly suddenly eased and he laughed loudly.

“Alright, if you want to repay and pledge loyalty to benzun, benzun will give you a chance. If you win first place in today’s competition, benzun will make an exception and directly let you come to benzun’s side to serve as a devil guard, devoting your whole life to benzun!”

In Mozong, the status of those who can become Qin Shitian’s devil guard is comparable to the hallmasters who are in charge of the sect’s affairs. Aside from Qin Shitian, they don’t listen to anyone else. They’re guards devoted to Qin Shitian only.

Therefore, such an important position is naturally not something that ordinary people can take on.

Here, the cultivation of the strong is divided into four levels: Heaven, Earth, Black and Yellow. Each level is divided into primary, intermediate and advanced.

Strongmen in the Black level stage are generally feared by everyone, they’re masters recruited by the empire. As for the devil guards at Qin Shitian’s side, even the one with the lowest level of cultivation is still considered a strongman when placed outside.

Furthermore, each devil guard has to go through a cruel selection process one after another. After becoming a devil guard, they must accept challenges from people within the sect every year. If they win, they will continue to serve as a devil guard, and if they lose, they will be replaced. You can imagine just how important Qin Shitian’s devil guards are.

So when Qin Shitian’s words came out, the disciples behind Gu Bai stared at him with the look of envy and jealousy, to be noticed by sect leader daren is truly going up directly on the path of success!

The original host was just a little guard outside of Qin Shitian’s palace who did odd jobs at that time. Now that there’s the chance to become Qin Shitian’s personal devil guard, Gu Bai was overjoyed.

“Thank, thank sect master! Ah Jiu will absolutely do his best!”

“You can’t talk nimbly, are you a stutterer?”

Seeing him stuttering from excitement during both times when he spoke, Qin Shitian has never seen such impulsive and youthful face in the sect before.

Those who say they pledge loyalty to him are many, but to dare look at him with eyes reflecting only his own silhouette, this kind of dedication while pledging loyalty without a trace of fear, it’s really refreshing.

Qin Shitian suddenly felt that it was amusing and he couldn’t help but laughingly joked.


Gu Bai didn’t know what to answer in order to please him and his face immediately turned red, revealing a ineloquent appearance. The eyes staring at him wavered slightly, imprinting his entire figure into his mind.

This kind of focused gaze will always make people feel happy and pleasant, especially Qin Shitian who is always feared everyone. At least Gu Bai doesn’t carry any feeling of disgust at this moment. Even the slightly gloomy mood due to Mo Haige just now improved a bit. He eased his tone and once again ordered the competition to start.

“Alright, start the competition....”

According to common practice, this is only a test for new disciples and there’s no need to trouble the sect leader over such a small matter.

However, new disciples are the fresh blood* of the sect, and Qin Shitian attach great importance to it. As a result, he will personally come watch the match and give everyone encouragement every year. It’s also a method to win over people.

*new members admitted to a group, especially as an invigorating force.

He strode over and sat in the seat of honor at the front. Mo Haige stood three meters away from him, still alienating, and his delicate face was cold.

The alienation is clearly usual like in the past, but don’t know if it’s because there’s Gu Bai to compare with now, Qin Shitian’s heart was a little dejected. Restraining himself, he couldn’t help but turn his head and direct his sight to the drill ground, concentrating on the competition to divert his attention.

Gu Bai also had to put all his attention to the ring when the competition started.

Mozong’s competition isn’t peaceful like the righteous path. At the end of the day, almost every battle is a matter of life and death. If you don’t beat the opponent to the point where he can’t fight back, it will never end. To die in the ring is a common occurrence.

The bloody cruelty of this world, Gu Bai already got used to it when he was in the valley. Maybe what those people said in his previous life is true, he really is heartless. So when he was stained by blood in the valley, he didn’t feel the fear of murdering for the first time.

His first opponent is a big boy with a sturdy body and should be about the same age as him, but his figure is more than a head taller than him.

This can’t blame the other party for being born tall and strong. Ah Jiu’s body shape is the same as Lu Rongqing in his past life, it’s relatively petite and thin. The appearance isn’t more outstanding than Lu Rongqing and Mo Haige, but he’s delicate and pretty, looking just like a little sheep.

But everyone in Mozong knows that there won’t be a sheep in Mozong, so the other party didn’t underestimate him and rushed toward him with a machete and a face full of viciousness, obviously wanting to kill him in one fell swoop.

It’s true that there are no sheeps in Mozong. The original host is very talented and there aren’t many who can defeat him in this period, so Gu Bai isn’t afraid and went to greet him with a faint smile.

He moved to the opponent’s side at an unimaginable fast speed and escaped from the machete. A sword stabbed the opponent’s shoulder, then he lifted his feet and heavily kicked that man off the ring, quickly ending the first competition....

“Not bad....”

On the dais, Qin Shitian stared at him and appraised in a low voice, he momentary rised. At this moment, he found out that Gu Bai’s qualifications were indeed good and his admiration increased somewhat.

Subsequently, he locked his entire gaze onto Gu Bai. Gu Bai felt that every time he finished a round of competition, he would turn back to take a look at him.

Then, when their gaze meet, his face will immediately show happiness, like a child that received encouragement, his smile was very bright and a different sort of brilliance was added a little more to his delicate face.

But once the competition start, his face will resume being serious and expressionless, turning into a beast that will select and devour people. The skills are neat, like a sharp sword that’s unseathed.

Such contrast made Qin Shitian on the seat unconsciously smile. He inwardly nodded, thinking that if this young boy is trained well, he will be his loyal right-hand man in the future.

When Gu Bai came up and knelt in front of him after winning first place with a body entirely dyed by blood, Qin Shitian couldn’t help but take out a bottle of wound medicine out of thin air from his Na ring* and tossed it to him.

*the space ring that you commonly see in wuxia novels

“Go back and rest for two days, come over and report to benzun once your wounds are healed.”

“Thank sect leader for the concern!”

Gu Bai took the medicine and thanked vehemently, not surprised that Qin Shitian took something out of thin air.

This world is very fantastical. The ring on Qin Shitian’s finger is a kind of space container that can store things, it’s very precious. There’s no way for a nobody like him to have it.

However, he doesn’t yearn to possess it, he can’t take away the materialistic things in these worlds anyway, but he does quite desire the secret manuals* of cultivation here.

*秘籍 secret manual/scroll/scripture

Those who watched Stephen chow’s kung fu hustle, remember this guy?

Because what’s sealed in the brain can be taken away, who knows what kind of world he will go to complete missions in the future. Aside from brain, strength is also very important!

Thinking of this, in addition to fulfilling the wishes of the original host, Gu Bai’s inclination to follow Qin Shitian couldn’t help but increased a bit more.

The secret manuals of strong practitioners like Qin Shitian are naturally top notch in this world. If he catches the eyes of Qin Shitian in the future and receive a few pointers, he will greatly benefit from it.

Thinking like this, Gu Bai’s earnest look toward Qin Shitian became even more sincere.

This earnesty was naturally seen by Qin Shitian, and this kind of sincerity gave him some favorable impression. This youngster’s appearance is ordinary, but his eyes are very beautiful, said Qin Shitian in secret....

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