How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 397

Chapter 397

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I asked with a stunned expression at the totally unexpected request.

"In a short while, the Ekruas Council will be convened due to the dimensional imbalance issue. Your power is absolutely needed to persuade the old members of the council at that time."

"Hmm the Ekruas Council seems to be a very important place in the Angel realm. Can I really be of help to you, Judge Arc, by going there?"

"Of course!"

Judge Arc nodded with a confident face.

"Ever since I first came to know about your existence, I've been keeping a close eye on you. I've heard a lot about you from these two here as well. I'm sure they have the same thoughts as me."

He subtly turned his gaze to look at Ashmir and Urki. I followed suit, shifting my gaze toward them.

"I also agree with what Judge Arcs saying. I may not have fully grasped your abilities, Sihyeon, but I'm confident that you can be a great help to Judge Arc."

"I I think so too."

Ashmir calmly expressed her thoughts, followed by Urki who, despite the trembling in his voice, appeared confident.

On the other hand, Kaneff, who had been watching the situation unfold, opened his mouth with a scowl.

"I thought you sent those two to the farm for some reason, but this was your plan all along, wasn't it? Pretending to help Sihyeon, while actually judging whether or not he could be of help to you? Like spies."

"Boss! Calling them spies, isn't that disrespectful to the two of them?"

Despite Kaneff's somewhat aggressive remarks, Judge Arc laughed it off. He further responded to Kaneff's words with a light smile.

"I won't deny that we evaluated Sihyeon based on our needs. But calling them spies seems a bit inappropriate. They truly wanted to help, that's a fact."

"How am I supposed to believe that?"

"Heh, as far as I know, the two of them have done quite a bit of work. If they provided that much labor in return for observing Sihyeon a little, isn't that rather fair?"

At this, Kaneff couldn't object.

Indeed, as Judge Arc said, Ashmir and Urki had been working really hard. Especially due to the Angels' inherently inflexible nature, they handled tasks meticulously and perfectly, which at times seemed excessive.

If they provided that amount of labor in return for observing me, honestly, from our perspective, it was entirely beneficial. Thanks to the two of them, the farm work had become much easier.

"Well, fine. But, even if you take Sihyeon to the Angel realm, what will change? I don't think those sticklers would put their hopes in an ordinary human from another world."

"I'm aware of that. But we don't have much time left. We need to bring Sihyeon to the Ekruas Council as soon as possible and have them acknowledge him."

"Are you sure this isn't just going to cause trouble for Sihyeon?"

"There won't be any harm to Sihyeon, I promise. I swear on the honor of my position as Judge and my name."

Judge Arc's eyes shone with firm resolve.

No longer arguing against his words, Kaneff leaned back from his forward-leaning posture and made a beckoning gesture at me.

It seemed like he was saying it was up to me now.

I scratched the back of my head.

When I first heard about the dimensional imbalance, it didn't really hit me.

However, having recently experienced a series of events, I was now fully aware that something was going wrong.

Of course, I wasn't yet sure if I could solve that problem.

I didn't really have the confidence.. but, if I do have that kind of power, shouldn't I step forward?

Breaking the heavy silence that filled the room, I opened my mouth.

"If it's something I absolutely need to do, I'll give it a try."

"Heh! Looks like you've finally made up your mind."

"I'm not sure if I'll do well. I think I'll need a lot of your help, Judge Arc."

"Don't worry about that."

Judge Arc stroked his beard with a satisfied look. Ashmir and Urki, who had been watching, also appeared to be relieved.

"But the Ekr Council?"

"It's the Ekruas Council."

"Right. So I have to attend this council? When should I get to the Angel realm?"

"There's still some time before the council convenes, but in order to arrive in the Angel realm and complete the verification and various procedures before that."

While mumbling to himself, pondering over something, Judge Arc abruptly slapped his knee.

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"We can depart now."

"Excuse me??"

The previously peaceful farm was bustling.

The reason was none other than my sudden decision to visit the Angel realm.

"Did you pack your socks?"

"Yes, I did."

"Do you need more thick clothes? The weather could be cold."

"I think this much is fine."

"Hold on for a moment. I'll quickly get some thicker clothes for you."

Looking at Lia, who was filled with worries, Judge Arc burst into laughter.

"Hehe! Don't worry. The Angel realm is also experiencing gentle spring weather. If there's anything lacking, we'll provide it. It seems like Miss Maid Dragon is being too meticulous about Sihyeon."

Realizing she was overly anxious, Lia blushed. I gave her a subtle smile.

"I think this much luggage should be enough. Thank you for your concern."

"Alright Sihyeon."

I picked up the luggage I had hastily prepared and stood up. The entire members of the farm were already waiting for me at the entrance of the building.


"Oh my! Speranza."

As soon as she saw me, Speranza sprinted towards me at full speed and hugged me.

I extended my arms in advance to minimize the impact, adeptly picking up the cute fox girl.

Whether she had heard the news of my departure to the Angel realm or not, Speranza's expression was gloomy.

"Why does my dear look so upset?"

Despite my playful question, Speranza only stuck out her lips. It seemed she was truly upset about my sudden departure.

I gently stroked Speranza's back, filled with guilt.

"Papa, are you leaving now?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, sweetheart. Something urgent came up and I think I have to go."

"When are you coming back if you go now?"

"I'll be back in a few days."

"Can't I come with you?"

I took a quick glance at Judge Arc. He then began to placate Speranza on my behalf.

"Your papa is temporarily leaving because of a really important task. Since Speranza is a good girl, you can understand, right?"


"But, after this task is done, let's go to the Angel realm to play together with Grandpa."

"Angel realm?"

"Yes. The Angel realm is also full of fun things just like the demon realm. I think Speranza would really like it once she sees it."

With the promise of taking her to the Angel realm later, Judge Arc piqued Speranza's interest. It didn't seem like Speranza was uninterested, her previously pouted lips were slightly relaxed.

"Hmm Is it really fun?"

"An Angel judge never lies. I promise to come and pick you up once this task is over."

Speranza alternated glances between Judge Arc, and me, and then with a reluctant face, she nodded her head.

Only then was I able to relieve a heavy burden in my heart.

"Judge Arc and Sihyeon, there isn't much time left."

"Huh! Is it already that late?"

Upon hearing that there wasn't much time left, Judge Arc urged me.

"Sihyeon, I think it's time we get ready to leave."

"Yes, I'll just say my goodbyes quickly."

"Sihyeon, leave Speranza to me."

At the right time, Lia stepped forward and took Speranza from my arms. To Speranza, who still had a disgruntled expression on her face, I said my goodbye.

"Speranza, remember to eat your meals and listen to the adults."


"Papa will be back soon. Mwah!"

Finally, I gave a peck on Speranza's adorable cheeks.

"Lia, please take care of Speranza for me."

"Yes! Sihyeon, have a safe journey."

Lia and Speranza waved at me.

"I'll be back, boss."

"Alright, don't let those angels push you around. If you disagree with something, just go for it. The old man there will handle the aftermath."

"Heh heh!"

At Kaneff's advice, Judge Arc burst out laughing next to me.

Although it was advice without a solid strategy, I knew he expressed it that way out of concern. Smiling, I nodded my head.

"Senior, don't worry about the farm."

"With both Ashmir and Urki gone, it might be a bit hard."

"It'll be okay once Andras and Lilia return."

"Thanks, Elaine."

Alfred also promptly said his farewells to Ashmir and Urki.

"Both of you, take care. And please look after Senior."

"We will."

"We'll do our best."

Having said our goodbyes, our group stepped outside the building. The farm family came outside and waved at us.

We followed Judge Arc's leisurely pace and gradually left the farm.

"Judge Arc."

"Just call me Arc' from now on, it's more comfortable."

"Ah, yes. Arc."

"What is it?"

"How do we get to the Angel world?"

In response to my question, Arc began to explain as if he'd been waiting for it.

"Heh heh, good question. To get to the Angel realm, you have to pass through a dimensional gate that leads to it. Unfortunately, such a gate doesn't exist in the demon realm."

"Huh? So how do we?"

"Normally, you would have to travel from the demonic realm to Earth and then use the dimensional gate on Earth to get to the Angel realm. It's quite troublesome. And"

Judge Arc leaned toward me and whispered.

"The executioners guarding the dimensional gates are incredibly picky. Eh! Even though I am one of the few judges in the Angel world."


He then returned to his original position, gazing up at the sky.

"So we're going to use a more convenient method to go to the Angel realm. I didn't use it often because it felt like an unnecessary abuse of power, but I have no choice this time. Hmm. It seems like it's about time"

Before Judge Arc could finish his sentence, intense beams of light began pouring from the sky.

The beams of light wrapped precisely around our group.

"What what's this?"

"Heh heh! Don't be nervous. It's one of the privileges of the judges of the Angel realm. It's the quickest way to get to the Angel realm."

The beams of light from the sky became so intense that they completely blocked our view.

But surprisingly, there was no blinding or painful sensation. Rather, it was extremely warm and comforting.


The vaguely visible surroundings distorted momentarily, and along with a floating sensation in my body, I felt a bit dizzy.

Due to the dizziness, I momentarily closed my eyes and then opened them.

When I did, a completely new world unfolded before my eyes.

CH 398-407 (Subduing the Angels) $2CH 408-417 (Farm family, Assemble) $2CH 418-424 (The END) $2

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