Human King

Chapter 193: Pack It Up

Chapter 193: Pack It Up

While Moris was being shredded to death by Rabi in the fortress, his king, Dawn, was currently walking around in the center of the southeast of the forest.

Of course, he was not blindly walking around as he had his senses out in every direction to look out for any monster attacks.

Ever since he felt like he was being controlled by someone, he did this just to make sure that he wouldn't miss anything that he should not miss.

After all, it would not be funny if what Dawn thought of the situation was really the truth.

And even if it was the truth, if he could know it faster than ever, Dawn was confident that he would be able to respond to it better.

---There are still no signs of the monsters being around here, and even the goblins have not found any traces of the home base of the monsters.

Dawn thought as his senses watched the monsters staying around near them.

Although near may be the word, it was still far considering the distance the monsters and the goblins would have to take just to reach each other.

Anyway, even though a lot of time has already passed ever since the goblins started to look for the home base of the monsters at the center of the southeast of the forest, they still were not able to find any traces that could lead to the home base.

It was as if the home base was not even here from the first place, but of course, Dawn knew that it was existing and it was here.

After all, it was just something that was common among monsters.

However, the fact that they still haven't found it was making Dawn anxious about things.

And that was why...he started to look for his goblins, and when he found Didi, he quickly disappeared as he went in his direction.

Since things were not working this way, Dawn would have to change the way that they were doing things.

And to do that, he would have to meet his goblins, and that was why he went in their direction.

It didn't take long for Dawn to reach Didi as he was now standing right in front of him as Didi was kneeling on the ground, looking for signs of the monsters.

Of course, when he saw that Dawn appeared right in front of him, he...corrected his posture of kneeling and spoke.


And as soon as Dawn heard that, he quickly spoke as he looked down on Didi.

"Pack it up. We're retreating." 

And what Dawn said was shocking. After all, he basically said that they would be going out of this place right now, even though they already spent a long amount of time and effort just to come here.

And now...he suddenly decided to just get out of this place. That was just ridiculous.

However, it seems that it was not ridiculous for Didi as he just bowed his head as he spoke.

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"Yes, king."

And as soon as he said those words, Didi disappeared to get the other goblins with him.

It was as if...he was not even shocked about what he heard.

Well, it was only normal that Didi would be like this even though Dawn just said some ridiculous word.

After all, there was no need to question the king's decisions. No, Didi didn't even have the right to question Dawn.

That was why he just moved swiftly as he looked for the other goblins who were looking for the traces of the monsters in this place.

And when Didi went out of his way to look for the other goblins, Dawn began to look for the tallest tree in this place.

Of course, since he already found one before, he just looked for that specific tree again.

It didn't take him a long time to find it, and as soon as he found it, he quickly disappeared as he reappeared on that tree.

And as Dawn looked down on the forest from above, he murmured as his black eyes...started to shine.

"Since they are not here, we don't need to be here as well."

Right, since the enemies were not here, the goblins didn't have to find them here.

It would be just too dangerous for the goblins to stay in this place as they looked for the home base.

Why? It was because...their numbers were really just that small.

The longer they stay in this place, the chances of them being found out would shoot up higher.

What's more, they also have to commence the attack during the night or it would be just useless.

However, it's not like Dawn was planning to stop the war here and then just return to his village.

He was still planning to finish this war that he started, and since he was out of moves, as he couldn't find the home base of the three legendary hyenas, Dawn...just decided to just quickly finish up all of the fortresses surrounding the center of the southeast of the forest.

If he could finish all of the fortresses before dawn, then...there would be no problem even if the goblins were to continue the fight against the three legendary hyenas.

After all, the numbers of the monsters would go down a lot if they were able to destroy all of the fortresses.

However, Dawn would just be forced to use his secret trump card, Oz, if he fought the main force of the three legendary hyenas last.

"It's fine. As long as the numbers of the monsters go down, it would be fine even if I bring Oz out."

Dawn murmured as he looked down on the forest.

It seems that Dawn was thinking for a long time as he could now feel the goblins moving around behind his back.

It seems that Didi was able to call all of the goblins as Dawn could feel all of them.

And as soon as he felt them, Dawn...disappeared from the tree as he went on his way to meet the goblins.

Of course, since Dawn was just that fast, he was now standing in front of them.

"We will move away from this place. Our next destination would be the fortresses where Moris had gone to destroy."

Dawn gave out the order, and as soon as he gave out the order, the goblins quickly looked for the direction that they were about to go down.

However, before even the goblins could run in that direction, Dawn...could finally feel it.

He could feel that there...were suddenly so many monsters that he didn't even know where they came from!

They just suddenly appeared, and he just suddenly felt them!

"What the?!" Dawn shouted out loud as he felt those monsters appear not just from the south, but also from the north. seems that the surprises didn't end there as Dawn could now feel that the monsters...were surrounding this entire place.

The entire area that the goblins have made their territory was now surrounded by the monsters that suddenly appeared here.

Of course, even the goblins were able to feel that they were no surrounded as all of them a horrified look on their faces. seems that Didi didn't have a care for that as Didi spoke as he ran up to his king.

"King! Let us move fast!" Didi suggested for his king move fast in this situation.

Well, it was definitely true that if the goblins could move fast, they would be able to escape this situation.

This situation...this trap that the goblins have clearly fallen into...would be easy to escape if they just moved fast.

After all, even if the legendary hyenas were truly the leaders or rulers of the southeast of the forest, there would definitely be some monsters who would have some beef with other monsters.

Some monsters would fight against each other, and if the goblins moved fast from now on, they would definitely be able to use the chaos that would stem from the fight and escape from this place.

Of course, Dawn knew that very well, as he was a monster himself, but...Dawn was not moving as he just looked at the far distance.

His black eyes could see... the monsters that he could feel from the far distance, but Dawn didn't really care about them.

What he was focusing his eyes on were the...two monsters that were currently on top of a big ape monster.

It was a monster that had a bipedal body, and it was a monster that Dawn was familiar with.

It was the...hyenas. However, the hyenas that he was looking at were so different compared to the hyenas that he saw before.

And that was why...Dawn was sure that he met them.

He was sure that he met the enemies that he had for this war, two of the three legendary hyenas ruling over the southeast of the forest!

---So, that's them...

Dawn thought as he looked at the hyenas as veins suddenly popped in his face.

His eyes were starting to glow the shade of red, and this was a sign.

A sign that Dawn was becoming angry.

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