I (30), Who Works for a Black Company and Died While Regretting My Gloomy Life, Started Over From High School!

Chapter 105: Beginners in Addressing by Name

Chapter 105: Beginners in Addressing by Name

They really are something, my father and mother! Just when I was feeling embarrassed and holding my head over the embarrassing drunken incident, they barged into my room and made such a fuss! Its true that I scared them with my self-loathing and screaming, but they lack sensitivity!

I see I can totally imagine Tokimune-san swooping in,

During the night at my home, I replied deeply to the girl on the other end of the phone.

Until now, our communication outside of school was mainly through texts, and phone calls were usually reserved for when there was a specific reason.

However, after going through the summer, we had started using phone calls more sporadically, as they were faster than emails for certain purposes.

That alone was already a significant change, but

Speaking of which, my mother was saying something weird about red bean rice while I was wallowing in embarrassment and remembering my humiliating state from being drunk Do you get what she meant?

I I see, so your mother walked in while you were at the bottom of embarrassment. I can imagine the scene,

What on earth was that celebrity mom blabbering about!? Thanks to her, Im stuck with such a difficult question to answer!

Well, well, I dont really get it. Oh, by the way, have you seen the latest volume of Fullmetal Destiny?

Oh, yes! Ive seen it, Ive seen it! The protagonist who lost everything in the previous volume and started fighting alone again was so cool!

I totally get you. Also, the battle with those beat-up mass-produced mechs was really awesome.

I know, right! The latter half was so exciting, like watching a movie!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Sharing impressions on the latest light novel release was always a pleasant conversation. It was refreshing to openly express a straight-up I like it! without feeling embarrassed.

But still hehe, its really heartwarming,

After exchanging our thoughts on the light novel for a while, I heard a voice on the other end of the phone that was quietly savoring some kind of joy.

Hmm? Is it about being able to talk to you whenever I want?


The way she said my name so naturally made my heart skip a beat.

Addressing someone by their first name versus last name its just that slight difference, but my cheeks naturally flushed with warmth, and I felt a sweet tingle deep in my brain.

(Goodness, how long am I going to keep being so nervous! Its been quite a while since that first day of school!)

Suppressing the inner turmoil from showing, I let out a light breath and composed myself. Before the time leap, I had lived as an adult for a long time, even working in the corporate world, but my reactions in moments like this still felt like those of a middle schooler.

Oh, yeah, that makes sense. Typing out texts takes time, and calling is definitely more convenient. Also, Shijouin-san, you

Ahh! Again, Shinichirou-kun!

Before I could finish, a slightly sulking voice came from the other end of the line.

Uhh, well, I havent gotten used to it yet Sorry, Haruka.

You always revert back! Didnt you promise to stop being so formal? Geez!

Oh, um, yeah, Im just not used to it yet Sorry, Haruka.

In response to Harukas cute complaints, I found myself bowing slightly, even though she couldnt see me.

Although Haruka and I had officially started addressing each other by our first names, the impact of being called Shinichirou-kun still unsettled me.

In contrast, Haruka didnt hesitate at all to call me Shinichirou-kun It was pure and straightforward, a sign of her genuine affection.

(And has the way she treats me changed a bit?)

I would be troubled if someone asked me to pinpoint exactly how, but it felt like she had become even more unrestrained and carefree, while still being her usual well-mannered self

(Well, that doesnt necessarily mean she sees me as a boyfriend or anything, though.)

Presumably, in Harukas mind, addressing someone by their first name meant they were really close friends. This principle likely applied not just to her female friends but her male ones as well.

So, while it was certain that she felt close to me, it was unclear whether she saw me in a romantic light.

Hehe, dont worry, Im not mad or anything. I just didnt want you to revert back to being so formal after we finally started using given names!

(Cough!? W-What an adorable thing to say!)

The innocent and cheerful whisper of those words caused a sweet sensation to burst in the depths of my chest. This was part of Harukas natural talent as a mischievous little devil.

Also, I need to apologize for the complete opposite reason The other day, I accidentally called out your name in class, and Im really sorry for that.

Oh, yeah, about that Well, its good that it didnt turn into a big deal.

While we had settled on using first names, I had suggested that we restrict it to when we were alone, and Haruka, with a slightly puzzled expression, had readily agreed without much objection.

However, four days later, a small incident occurred.

During lunch break in the classroom, while Haruka and I were chatting, she accidentally started saying, Yes, thats right, Shinichirou-kun

The reaction from our surroundings was intense.

Even though the lunchroom was already noisy, and Harukas voice wasnt particularly loud, at that moment, it was as if time had frozen. After a split second, a multitude of our classmates, who were in the midst of eating and chatting, simultaneously directed their gaze toward us.

(Their synchronization is quite something No wonder Haruka was totally freaked out by their reaction.)

We managed to cover it up by saying things like, Haha, no, Shijouin-san, the name of the protagonist is not Shuichiro, its Koichiro! And our classmates, who had been gaping in shock, returned to their lunch breaks with expressions that seemed to say, Oh, I must have misheard

I didnt realize it would cause such a commotion if my name calling was revealed in public I dont know the reason, but everyones reaction was really unusual.

I didnt expect such an intense reaction either. They were way too interested in it seriously, they overreacted.

It seemed that whenever Haruka called out someones name, regardless of gender, people couldnt help but be intrigued. I was reminded once again of just how sensitive high schoolers were to any signs of romance in the air.

So, can you please keep this a secret from your parents? Especially Tokimune-san, who would probably have an extreme reaction.

Yes, Ill be careful about that! Ill make sure not to cause any trouble for you like my dad did!

Haruka declared resolutely, but as someone who knew that within her earnestness also coexisted a tendency to be clumsy, I couldnt help but feel a slight unease.

Well, its not like it would be a big deal if it got revealed anyway.

Besides, Ive heard that my father is really busy with some expansion project, so there wont be many chances for it to be exposed. Oh, but theres a family meal planned for next month, so Ill need to be extra careful not to slip up then.

Oh? Is there some kind of celebration or event?

While I had this impression that her father really cherished his time with the family, I casually asked without expecting any significant information that would be crucial for a guy in love with Haruka.

Little did I know that there was vital information that I, as a man infatuated with Haruka, absolutely could not afford to miss, hidden within her response.

Oh, yes. Actually, next month

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