I (30), Who Works for a Black Company and Died While Regretting My Gloomy Life, Started Over From High School!

Chapter 132: Birthday Party at the Shijouin Residence (2)

Chapter 132: Birthday Party at the Shijouin Residence (2)

Hmm, its delicious Even the cream alone is different from usual, and the sponge is too fine. This cake must belong to a class where its better not to ask about the price.

Compared to the initial tension, I was now in a relaxed state as I savored the sliced cake in front of me.

At this moment, Haruka and Mrs. Akiko are a little away from me, having a commemorative photo taken by Fuyumi.

So, although Im a bit removed from the hustle and bustle, Im not entirely alone. After all, theres someone seated right in front of me who is the linchpin of this household.

Women really do like photos, especially on special occasions.

You, ugh To strike up a casual conversation in this situation, youve got some nerve, huh!?

The person sitting in front of me is Mr. Shijouin Tokimune, the president of a major corporation and Harukas father. He said this with a face that seemed to have chewed on a hundred bitter bugs.

This doting, overprotective papa, after returning home with presents a little while after the party began, entered this living room with a radiant smile only to find me, an unexpected intruder.

S-Surprise! Why on earth are you here, you You just managed to sneak in, huh!?

It wasnt me who explained the situation to the papa who shouted a scream close to a wail. It was the women of this household.

Welcome home, Father! Shinichi I mean, Niihama-kun, is our invited guest! Please dont say rude things!

Tokimune-san? Its Harukas lovely birthday, so lets not make too much noise, okay?

With stern warnings like these from his daughter and wife, Tokimune-san, who seemed like he wanted to say something really badly, was forced into silence until now

Seriously, youve been enjoying yourself so nonchalantly since earlier! You just casually attended our celebration as if its a matter of course. To me, its more like a light horror!

So I said. I was invited by Haruka-san, and I got permission from Mrs. Akiko. Im sorry that I surprised you, Tokimune-san, without letting you know.

Grrr! Damn it, Akiko, you let him in without even notifying me! Even though I consider myself the head of this household!

With a pouty expression, Tokimune-san, after spouting those words, downed a glass of white wine in one go. You could tell from the faint, rich fragrance that it was a luxury item I could never afford in my past life.

I see. I wouldnt have minded trying high-quality Chablis or the like before I died in my previous life.

I have intruded on your family gathering, and I do apologize for that. However even so, I didnt have the option of declining Haruka-sans invitation. Please, forgive me for today.

This guy! Though it seems like youre saying something commendable, youre just prioritizing your love life!

The immediate comeback was met with a slightly diverted gaze from Tokimune-san.

Haha, thats right, Mr. President. Thats exactly it.

Ugh Good grief! I knew that when Haruka grew up, boys would start swarming around her, but a guy like you is beyond my expectations, damn it!

Im sorry about that.

Praising me isnt going to help, you idiot!

Tokimune-san, who started to get worked up, had a scowl on his face, but, to my surprise, there was no sharpness in his words.

Hmph, arent you afraid of this house?


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Suddenly, Tokimune-sans expression turned somewhat playful, and he spoke quietly.

I told you this when we first met Haruka is the direct descendant of the Shijouin family. Being serious with that girl means making a future commitment And then, that means various complicated and difficult trials will come in the form of family obligations and assets. I think a smart guy like you should be able to imagine that to some extent.

Indeed thats true.

Because everyone in the Shijouin family is so rational and kind, I almost forget, but a distinguished family like this carries various weights within it.

Even so, are you truly serious? Speaking as someone who has experience, its an even bigger obstacle than you can imagine for a commoner to overcome.

That was certainly true.

If its impossible for Haruka to return my feelings, then theres nothing to be done. However, coming up with all sorts of excuses and giving up on the person Ive truly come to love I absolutely cannot accept that.

I am serious. Ive become so captivated that I can only feel this way about Haruka-san.

After declaring it, I suddenly became a bit more rational and realized how intense my statement was.

Oh no Considering my past life, I got a bit too heated! What am I saying to the father of the girl I like!?

Hmph, you sure can talk. But well I can tell that every word you said was sincere. Youre still as passionately emotional as magma, despite being a teenager.

Indeed, thats why Ill probably waver.


I thought I heard a faint murmur after his words, but before I could confirm it, Tokimune-san offered me an empty glass.

I was a bit perplexed by this sudden offer, but before I could comprehend its meaning

Here, drink up. Of course, its non-alcoholic.

Huh? O-Okay!

The champagne bottle was tilted, and the liquid that poured into the glass made a fizzy sound as it burst.

And then, I, in a flustered state due to the sudden pouring, along with Tokimune-san, drank the contents of the glass simultaneously.

Though its been a while since I had champagne in my past life for some reason, it tastes really good.

Heh Well, whatever. Since youve come, theres nothing to be done. If its what Haruka wanted, then so be it. Today, since youre here, eat to your hearts content and enjoy.


I let out a surprised voice at the presidents words, who seemed a bit embarrassed.

I thought hed be more openly exasperated at me, this intruder at his daughters birthday party

(Could it be hes acknowledged me a little? No, no, that might be getting a bit too conceited.)

And at that moment

Oh, thats not fair, Niihama-kun! Doing a toast without me, thats something adults do together!

It seemed like Haruka, dressed in a beautiful gown, had just finished a photo shoot and was standing beside me.

She seemed a bit tipsy, her cheeks flushed, and she was in an extremely cheerful mood, her smile even brighter than usual.

Ah, of course. Then shall I pour for you?

Yes, please!

With beaming smiles, Haruka and I took turns tilting the champagne bottle into each others glasses and raised a toast.

Uh, no, Haruka Isnt it normal to toast with your father first?

While we did this, Tokimune-san, looking at us, seemed to be seeking salvation in his words, but it seemed like Haruka, who was in high spirits, didnt hear him.

After emptying our glasses, Harukas smile deepened even further.

Ah, I feel really good! Celebrating with just family is nice, of course, but its even more special when friends come!

Oh no, its nice of you to say that, but really, I havent done anything special except eat and sit around since earlier.

Oh, what are you saying? You gave me the best present for my birthday!

Saying this, Haruka glanced at the paper bag placed at the edge of the table. It contained the present I had chosen for her.

For me, it was so joyful that I almost cried! Thanks to you, Im still in such high spirits!

The beautiful girl, draped in an elegant dress, wore a pure smile like that of a child. The happiness she was feeling at this very moment was vividly reflected in that radiant expression.

Thank you so much, Shinichiro-kun! Thanks to you, its the best night!

Im a bit embarrassed when you say it like that Well, if Haruka feels that way, then it was worth choosing

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room fell into complete silence.

Wondering why, I looked around and for some reason, all the adults seemed frozen.

Fuyumi-san covered her mouth, eyes wide open, while Akiko-san, with her hand on her cheek, couldnt contain her welling joy and was left speechless.

W-What? Why are they so surprised?

Hey, Niihama-kun.

Tokimune-sans voice, breaking the silence, echoed through the banquet.

Veins stood out on his temples, and he trembled a bit, as if filled with fury.

Did I hear you and Haruka calling each other by your given names? H-hmhm, I must have misheard


At that remark, Haruka and I both let out voices of realization.

O-Oh no!

Haruka called me by my name, and I responded just as casually!

Just like when Fudehashi and Kazamihara found out, its just too difficult to completely hide the fact that its become a habit

Whats with those faces that scream Ah, were busted? Explain yourselves! W-What in the world happened to both of you just now!?

Y-Yes, this really does require an explanation! Oh, Fuyumi-san! Please brew tea for everyone, as well need to have a thorough discussion later! Kyaaa, how wonderful! Niihama-kun, youre so mischievous to keep such a surprise!

While Tokimune-san, who seemed a bit shaken, and Akiko-san, sparkling-eyed, bombarded me with questions in completely different emotional vectors, I broke into a nervous sweat.

(N-No, it seemed like we were just getting closer like normal, but both of them are absolutely convinced that there was something going on! H-How in the world can I explain it to make both of them understand!?)

Cornered by the couple, overflowing with love for their daughter, I forced a wry smile and internally screamed in my heart.

(TLN) Bonus chapter thanks to Rielly! Thank you so much for your support!

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