I (30), Who Works for a Black Company and Died While Regretting My Gloomy Life, Started Over From High School!

Chapter 88: Everyone in the Shijouin family knows about it.

Chapter 88: Everyone in the Shijouin family knows about it.

After basking in the overwhelming honor of being the first to admire Shijouin-sans swimsuit

We reunited with Ginji and the others and told them about how we saved her from the clutches of the pick-up artists. Fudehashi and Kazamihara repeatedly apologized to Shijouin-san, saying, Sorry for leaving you alone!

It seems we underestimated how easily pick-up artists would flock to a girl like her in a beach setting. Its like attracting a pack of hyenas with a sirloin steak, I said.

Yeah, its not that you should have been cautious, Haruka. Its more like walking around with roast chicken among starving wolves, added Ginji.

No, its not that I mind that, but why are you both using meat as examples? asked Fudehashi.

Well, its just that when we saw her in that swimsuit, it felt natural, I replied.

Thats right right? said Ginji.

Both of them looked at Shijouin-sans curvaceous figure, a mixture of admiration and envy on their faces.

But, Niihama didnt you get all excited when you saw Shijouin-san in a swimsuit? Ginji whispered in my ear.

I leaned closer to Ginjis ear and said, No, I didnt faint or anything, but to be honest, when I saw her in that swimsuit, I think I forgot to breathe for a few seconds.

Ginji gave me a look of disbelief. If it were anyone else, Id think you were joking, but knowing you, its probably true. You really need to be more careful with your feelings, man

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But come on, it was really something to see Shijouin-san shyly unzip her hoodie It was just breathtaking.

Speaking of which, Ginji, you seem unusually composed about seeing Shijouin-san in a swimsuit. Did your resistance build up from seeing Fudehashi-san and Kazamihara-san in swimsuits? I asked.

Oh, no, when it comes to friends, I feel bad looking at them in swimsuits, so I try to look away or squint my eyes when I see Shijouin-san, Ginji replied.

Ive noticed youve been squinting a lot Youre too considerate, arent you? I said.

In truth, I didnt want anyone else to see Shijouin-san in her swimsuit, but I never expected someone to understand that male sentiment

Now then! Now that were all here, lets hit the beach right away! But before that, we should all do some warm-up exercises together! We cant neglect that! Fudehashi exclaimed.

The sports girl Fudehashi clapped her hands, urging everyone to join in. Even though I was already satisfied with seeing Shijouin-san in her swimsuit, I was reminded of our original purpose for coming here.

And so we entered the next stage of the day, playing in the sea with the girls, an experience I could never have had in my previous life.

Ahahahaha! Mizuki-san, please dont splash so much!

Hu hu hu hu Its impossible, Haruka! Im on cloud nine right now, being able to play at the beach with friends!

The scene spread out before us as we watched from the shore was a feast for the eyes.

Both Shijouin-san and Kazamihara were playing in the shallow waters, splashing water at each other, looking incredibly happy. Not just Shijouin-san, even Kazamihara, who had few friends, was fully immersed in the joy of playing at the beach with them.

(I guess she has a few weird old man-like tendencies, but shes got something that makes her so alluring)

Kazamihara had this strange old man vibe and occasionally teased Shijouin-san, making her blush and exclaim, Hyannn! in a funny voice.

In response, Shijouin-san would say, Come on, Mizuki-san! You did it again! Then Ill do this! and show off a cute move where they hugged and sank into the water together, their wet swimsuits clinging to each others skin, creating an alluring sight.

Meanwhile, Fudehashi was screaming, Its the sea! Yayyy! and charging forward at top speed, showcasing her athletic abilities. I could see her in the distance, producing huge splashes as she raced towards the deeper waters, almost resembling a shark.

(Im glad everyone seems to be having so much fun.)

It truly made me happy to see the people I cared about and my friends having so much fun. In my previous life, it was rare to see my ideas bring smiles to peoples faces, so it meant even more to me now.

Niihama-sama, are you enjoying yourself?

Huh? Ah Natsuzaki-san! (TLN: I finally dug up his name. Ill have to go back and fix his name in the prev chapters.)

Beside me, sitting under the parasol, was Natsuzaki-san, who had somehow become our driver this time.

Perhaps to match the location, he had changed from a suit to an aloha shirt, giving him the appearance of a father taking his child to the beach.

I was trying to stay out of the way so as not to disturb everyone, but I wanted to express my gratitude to you, Niihama-sama, he said.

Gratitude for what?

Yes, for dealing with those uncouth pickup guys who were approaching the young lady. In fact, I was about to intervene at that moment, but you beat me to it. Your quick response and the peaceful way you handled the situation were impressive.

What? You were that close?

He must have been observing from quite nearby to know that much, but I didnt notice him at all. Come to think of it, I didnt sense his presence until he came closer

Yes, I was watching from a distance to protect the young lady and her friends from any trouble. I rushed over when the situation escalated, but it was astonishing to see you arrive just under a minute after she was accosted. The power of love is truly amazing.

N-No, its not like that

Natsuzaki-san seemed genuinely impressed, but I didnt feel like boasting about my love-filled brain unconsciously searching for Shijouin-san in the crowded place, almost like a stalker.

In any case, Im grateful that you arrived in time, allowing the young lady to enjoy the beach without lingering fear. Many of my colleagues are also cheering for you, so please continue to be strong with your deep feelings and heart.

Um by any chance, has it become quite obvious to the people working for the Shijouin family that I have feelings for Haruka-san?

Haha, its not just obvious; everyone in the Shijouin family knows.


Well, its not just among colleagues; its become the hottest topic in the Shijouin family. Everyone knows about the day you stood up to the childish master and held your ground. And, of course, the Madam eagerly talks about it multiple times. I suppose the only one who doesnt know is the young lady herself.

W-Why, Akiko-san? Why are you spreading my romantic feelings throughout the entire household?

Hahaha, you seem surprised, but I should be stepping back now. Oh, and

Ignoring my surprise, Natsuzaki-san turned on his heels and, just before leaving, threw some parting words over his shoulder.

I believe you have the qualities of a mature person, capable of consideration and composure, but as someone who lived his younger days like a stuffy old man, I recommend letting loose a bit in a setting like this.

With that, the discreetly muscular driver departed.

For someone who had similar experiences during his stuffy old man days, his words resonated with me far more than he probably imagined.

I guess I must appear lacking in youthfulness

Under the scorching sunlight, I muttered to myself.

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