I am a chaebol in South Korea

Chapter 129: This is a high end game

Chapter 129: This is a high end game

Set up a bonfire, and the people do their jobs.

Cui Wanzhi is responsible for cleaning pork, to Li Zhenyu cut into a moderate size of meat, and then to the whole Junxu skewers, to sit next to the campfire Zhao handsome turn roast.

Kim Jong Shuo and Vincent are not in the camp, two people with a mix of grass and ash deworming powder, sprinkled around the camp outside a circle, to prevent snakes and insects drill into the tent at night to hurt people.

Wild boar meat, sprinkled only with salt, crackled on the bonfire, the puffed skin of the pig sometimes burst, revealing golden oil flowers.

The air is filled with the aroma of pork, which makes the fingers twitch.

"Meow ~" nest in the hiking bag in the small spot, the head out of the zipper gap.

Squinting eyes with a blank, where is this, what is doing?

The back of the neck was suddenly caught, the trance pupil instantly stared straight, "meow meow ~"

Face to see is shovel poop official, small sunspot call have become soft waxy sweet.

Meow Meow didn't want to be spineless, but he gave too much.

Every day, there are three elastic balls, carefully take care of its diet and life, tired on the meat mat to close your eyes and sleep, and with the aroma of the fingers for its massage.

Three meals a day, even more varied...

Shovel poop also prepared for themselves so large 'palace,' occasionally come to visit their own, the rest of the time is its kingdom.

Such a shovel poop officer, let it how to love.

"Meow! Being held in the arms of the small sunspot, spoiled with his head arch arch his arms.

Li Zhenyu looked down at it and smiled: "I haven't seen you for a few days, why are you so clingy?"

"Meow ~"

Comfortably stretching his limbs, the little black head tilted against his chest and closed the cat's eyes.

It smells so good that I want to sleep!

Sitting by the campfire drinking beer and other barbecue, see him holding the small black over, Zhao Yingjun asked funny: "How can think of raising a cat, you don't say that the cat is the most heartless?"

"Deep feeling always hurts, but thin feeling is better." Li Zhenyu stroked the back of its neck with his hand, so that the small sunspot comfortable eyelids were raised.

Limbs slightly strained, lazy spread, as if a smile on the cat's face.

"Oh, it's smiling."

"Really like smiling, Jin Woo, let me hug."

"Brother, where did you get this cat?"

Give it to Zhao Yingjun holding, small sunspot right eye eyelid pick, contemptuous look at him once again closed.

It was a look that said, 'Okay, I'll give you the honor of shoveling shit.' '

"Picked it up by the side of the road, what, want a cat?"

"I wanted to buy one for Soo-yeon, who is a little bored at home alone. It would be better to have a pet with her."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Lin Xiuyan, you didn't break up?"

Choi Wan-shik looked embarrassed and took a sip of wine with his head down, saying, We are back together again.

"Zhenyu, you have to talk to him about this. Why take it so hard, how much time, money and energy does it take to fall in love with a woman?"

Zhao Yingjun, while peting the cat, preached to him in the tone of his predecessors.

A relationship? A ghost relationship?

Let's party every night, have fun together, and then go our separate ways at dawn!

Or like Zhen Yu can also, choose to like when the lover, nothing more than to spend more money, but each have to try their best to please you.

Money, emotional value, that's a good deal.

But he is good, not only to spend money, spend time, but also to provide high-quality emotional value to each other every day.

It feels like the bartender is making him comfortable, and then giving him a lot of money before he leaves.

It's interesting to think about it. Why don't you try someone next time?

"Handsome brother, I am just an ordinary person, I want to find someone to marry, have children, and live an ordinary life."


Zhao Yingjun helpless shake his head, want to live the life of ordinary people, then you are wide-eyed ah?

You don't get regular people digging through trash cans.

"Tell me, how nice."

Li Zhenyu did not say anything else, just want to hear how they get along.

After they broke up, the two kept in touch.

Lim Soo-yeon calls from time to time, saying something like, 'I can't forget you... Or are you best for me... I don't deserve you... I want to be free 'and so on.

Whenever Cui Wanzhi is about to put her down, the phone must come as expected, as if he had pressed the monitor in his brain.

Cui Wanzhi also tried to shield her ruthlessly, but Lin Xiuyan directly came to the door, sobbing and telling him not to give up, tears streaming non-stop.

Repeated several times, Cui Wanzhi could not let go completely, "So, one night I called her, said to pick her up, she agreed."

Li Zhenyu: 6, this high-end bureau!

Empty mouth white teeth with emotional manipulation, Cui Wanzhi will play between the palm.

That's a pretty good place to be.

"If you have a suitable person, introduce him to you."

Li Zhenyu did not intend to persuade Cui Wanzhi, directly find relatives to introduce him to blind date.

Men are stupid in their feelings, but they still have a rational side...

At present, Cui Wanzhi cannot leave her, but because the investment does not match the return, and the goal of not exceeding the sunk cost appears.

The three views are in harmony, the aesthetic is similar, and it can help him complete the class transition.

Or it can be a stable family for him, a virtuous wife behind him, and a driving force to support him.

When the reason will let him make the right choice, Lin Xiuyan even if the section is higher also helpless!

"I have a distant cousin, parents are middle school teachers, the family is very strict, intelligent and gentle, would you like to introduce you to meet."

Quan Junxu think of their cousin, people are very good, also have upward mind, only blame the parents stubborn pedantic, this just lost many opportunities.

If you can make a couple with Cui Wanzhi, and have the help of these people, maybe you can really change your fate.

Cui Wanzhi smiled and shook his head, he said he did not need a blind date.

Before there is no choice, Cui Wanzhi naturally does not want to let go of the feelings that have been invested.

"See, as soon as possible, you dress up and go to meet someone, as a friend."

Li Zhenyu helped him make a decision, see one side to say again.

Perhaps, two people meet the same interests, just together a match made in heaven!


Cui Wanzhi smile again and again, can resist the attitude is not determined to "she" can not.

It seems that his own heart is also clear, Lin Xiuyan is not a good match.

"The meat is ready."

Zhao Yingjun grabbed the iron signature, and the next second, he put the stick into the other hand, and the two hands alternated back and forth, "Whoo-hoo ~ hot hot hot, hot to death."

The three of them laughed and wrapped the end of the iron sign in a cloth before taking it down from the bonfire.

Roast wild boar with beer and a couple of greasy side dishes.

Just drink in the moonlight and feel happy for a while.

Interest came, Li Zhenyu took a beer and got up to give you a show.

"Like being shot, listless, just smiling, just smiling like that."

It was as if Choi Man-sik was shot in the heart as soon as his BGM voice began to sound.

"In the pierced chest, our memories continue to overflow.

Even if you try to grab it, even if you plug your chest, it'll slip through your fingers.

Even if the heart stops..."

No technique, all emotion singing to the heart of the soft underbelly.

Zhao Yingjun, who smiled most happily just now, lowered his head bit by bit and whimpered like a mosquito.

This fucking heartbreak, ah Sybaraku...

The next day, it was light.

Li Zhenyu suddenly opened his eyes and sat up.

"Meow ~" lying on the body of the small sunspot, was scared to fly out of the bomb, the whole body fried hair issued a scream.

Li Zhenyu was a little embarrassed to put it in front of him, "Sorry, I forgot you."

Long-term disciplined training rhythm, coupled with a strong physique.

Let his biological clock accurate to the minute, raised his hand to look at the watch, the hand stopped at 6:45.

"Sleep, sleep! Gently stroke the soft nape of the neck and place it in the mouth of the sleeping bag.

In his gentle comfort, the little spot once again crawled to sleep.

Put on the clothes, Li Zhenyu opened the tent.

The damp, cold wind came out of the tent and pulled the zipper back up.

Li Zhenyu looked at the bonfire that was about to go out, stabbed the charcoal below with an iron hook, and put a few pieces of dry firewood on it.

After that, Li Zhenyu warmed up his limbs and prepared to run a few laps around the outer circle of the camp.


Hear the movement of the Kim Jong O drill out of the tent, that he is going to morning exercise, immediately said to accompany him.

'Let's go!

At the end of the warm-up, Li Zhenyu ran out of the camp with his usual rhythm.

The trails are rough, and the cold night air makes the soil wet and muddy with condensation.

One mistake, you could hurt your ankle.

Li Zhenyu himself is nothing, but still followed by a Kim Jung-shuo.

In order to take care of him, Li Zhenyu deliberately slow down the pace.

"Well, can you keep up?"

Waiting for him to come up in place, Li Zhenyu calmly and he side by side forward.

Kim Jung-seok nodded, trying not to disrupt his hard-won breathing rhythm.

Breathing is the most important core of aerobic exercise.

Disrupted rhythm, and even serious cardiac arrest, cardiovascular burst and other consequences.

"If you can't hold on, we'll stop..."

Groan or groan

Heavy breathing let Li Zhenyu stop the pace, Kim Jung-shuo also alert to one knee, leaning over to take a deep breath to maintain stability.

Through the bushes they saw a large herd of two young wild pigs emerging from the bend in the stony slope ahead on the left.

'Was it the boar king's mate yesterday? '

Li Zhenyu secretly thought, in the heart of some stirring.

These three are less intimidating than the boar king.

The body shape that lost two circles, in Li Zhenyu's view is not arbitrary.

But the two piglets following him are a problem, if they fight the sow, speed up to give him a bouncing charge.

Even if Li Zhenyu's physique is different from ordinary people, I am afraid it will not feel good.

"Chief, shall we go back and get the guns and come back?"

Thinking period, Kim Jong Shuo groped over, proposed to go back to get the guy again.

No need to ask, these three are the same family as yesterday's wild boar king.

Since I came here, I naturally sent them a neat family reunion.

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