I am a chaebol in South Korea

Chapter 218: The situation is stronger than the people

Chapter 218: The situation is stronger than the people

a busy day in the company, I have a practical understanding of the current situation of each department.

Li Zhenyu found that the company's biggest problem still lies in talent reserves and output.

All output can be said to be entirely dependent on him.

This is not normal, very abnormal.

Therefore, at the end of the day, Li Zhenyu's only advice to Yin Huina was to "let each department assume its responsibilities."

In the final analysis, the establishment time was too short, and Li Zhenyu's achievements were too impressive.

At this point, he also needs to reflect.

In the future, we still need to be selective in our output to avoid habitual dependence.

Once inertia is established, others will completely think about the ability to think creatively and independently.

This is a common disadvantage of all living things. Why bother when you can just pick it up? ! !

After work, let Jin Zhengshuo go first.

Li Zhenyu drove the Land Rover to the center of the road. The place for dinner tonight was chosen by Quan Junxu.

The address is in Cheongdam-dong, Queenspark Western Restaurant.

After arriving, Li Zhenyu found that it was only one wall away from the H Building, right behind the restaurant.


Quan Junxu has just arrived, and the newly purchased Mercedes-Benz GLE has not yet been listed.

"Bought a new one?"

Li Zhenyu circled around the car. It was indeed pretty good-looking.

"Well, the previous car was too old. After all, I am also a prosecutor. It is not too much to buy a new car, right?"

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"It is not too much. A prosecutor driving a BBA is already very low-key."

When working, prosecutors will use their official duties Cars, but the cars they drive in private are all luxury class.

Elderly people often choose Mercedes-Benz S as standard equipment, which not only shows their status, is luxurious and restrained, but also provides passengers with a superior and comfortable experience.

Young people have more choices, and there are all kinds of types.

But most of them focus on coolness, and sports cars are naturally indispensable.

In the next few years, with the development and proliferation of self-media, this situation will be relatively reduced.

Currently, Quan Junxu drives a Mercedes-Benz GLE, which is too low-key.

However, this is also consistent with his identity.

The more senior a person is, the more they have to keep a low profile and not worry about the opinions and discussions of ordinary people.

But I am worried that this kind of thing will be used as a target by the 'enemy'.

Even if you are not shot, it will hurt if you are scratched, injured, or bleeding.

The more prominent the family background and status, the more conspicuous the target will be at certain times.

However, if you want to shoot at these targets, you must have courage and courage far beyond ordinary people, and you must also have the courage and ability to bear the consequences.

"Let's go, it's time for our deputy chief to arrive."

The two went upstairs talking and laughing. The Mercedes-Benz parked at the corner across the street started again and slowly moved towards the main entrance.

When Quan Junxu arrived, he had already arrived.

But considering that going up now would only embarrass both of us, we specifically asked the driver to pull over and stop.

After both of them went upstairs, they deliberately delayed their arrival for a few minutes.

This meeting was actually a bit embarrassing for Prime Minister Han.

He is both an elder and a senior, and one of the three giants in the prosecutorial system.

Due to emotions and reasons, Quan Junxu, who is a junior and a junior, needs to salute and greet him when they meet.

But in fact, it was him, a big shot, who asked for help.

Therefore, if he had come forward just now, it would have given people the feeling that the two of them had specially come to greet him at the door.

In this way, his attitude as a seeker was too high.

Will Quan Junxu be dissatisfied and cause changes in the next thing?

Or perhaps, both Quan Junxu and Li Zhenyu were dissatisfied, thinking that he was deliberately blocking time to put on airs.

That was too unfair to Prime Minister Han.

In order to catch up with this line, he has deliberately lowered his profile, throwing away the power of the junior, the face and pride of the elder in front of a junior like Li Zhenyu.

Seeing that things were starting to take shape, they fell short because of a little 'mistake'.

For the rest of his life, Prime Minister Han would slap himself twice whenever he thought about it.

This is really hateful.

Of course, this may also be because he has stayed in the system for too long and has too many ideas.

The young man might not care at all and just think that he arrived by chance.

However, Han Daxiang couldn't afford to gamble.

Today's meeting, no matter what the outcome, can be said to be a turning point in his fate for the rest of his life.

Success, the sky will be high and the sea will be brighter from now on, failure...

Han Daxiang doesn't know if he still has the heart to start again and find a breakthrough point again.

Perhaps, he will quietly wait for retirement and become an ordinary old man.

Help your daughter take care of the children and take care of herself.

But he knew in his heart that he was not suitable for that kind of comfortable retirement life.

This is also the real reason why he did not hesitate to lower his face and put down his airs to meet Quan Junxu and Li Zhenyu.

He actually wanted to contact Quan Junxu directly before, but the other party's attitude was very firm and clear.

Without Li Zhenyu as an intermediary, he, Daxiang Han, the number three figure in the prosecutorial system, was not qualified to meet Quan Shengwu's son in private.

This is forcing Prime Minister Han to owe Li Zhenyu a huge favor.

But he has nothing to complain about. The situation is stronger than the situation. Since he can't just leave the situation, he will accept the arrangement honestly.

"Kengkeng, guest, the guest you are waiting for has arrived."

The door opened, and Han Daxiang took off his shoes and came in with a smile.

Quan Junxu and Li Zhenyu also stood up to greet them, showing due courtesy.

"Secretary General Han, please take a seat."

"Okay, you will also sit down. We are all our own people, so there is no need to be so polite."

Prime Minister Han's posture was very low, as if they were equals.

It can only be said that in the face of sufficient interests, all rules must give way.

The two parties sat down, and Li Zhenyu and Quan Junxu were supposed to start the conversation to liven up the atmosphere, but they had no intention of taking the initiative at all.

On the contrary, it was Prime Minister Han who took the initiative to pick up the wine glass and mention what happened last time.

"I haven't formally apologized to you yet. I will drink this glass myself... That child has been sent to labor education and will not cause trouble in the future."

After draining the wine in the cup, Han Daxiang specifically pointed out Han Shumin's follow-up arrangements, which was regarded as a gift. In front of Li Zhenyu.

Li Zhenyu also picked up the wine glass and said politely: "It's already a thing of the past, why are you still mentioning him...Brother Junxu, I just said that Deputy Chief Han is an interesting person."

He can give up his "illegitimate child" for the sake of power without hesitation. I believe that the woman behind him has also been properly placed.

Our Deputy Chief Han is really a person who does great things.

"Yes, I mentioned it to my father..."

When he heard Quan Junxu mention his father, Prime Minister Han's face immediately showed a solemn and listening look.

That way, it's like a pilgrim waiting for the saint's rebuke.

Even if the saint is not in front of you, you must not be disrespectful in your heart.

"Father said that if there is a chance, you can let me make a recommendation on your behalf, if Deputy Chief Han is interested."


PS: 216 has been blocked, it has not been unblocked, and the editor is not here...

If you haven't seen it, please wait. Look again.

It's too awful! ! !

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