I am a chaebol in South Korea

Chapter 234: Make early plans

Chapter 234: Make early plans

When he learned that Li Zhenyu was going to the banquet, Zhao Yingjun stood up just as his butt was touching the chair.

"I'm not done yet. You two can chat slowly. I'll leave first."

Looking at his ghostly expression, Li Zhenyu asked curiously, "What's wrong with him?"

"Who knows, maybe it's because my father is too serious. Come on!"

When it comes to Emperor Sanxin, there are a few people who are not afraid when facing him.

Li Fuzhen has known him for more than 30 years. They met almost every day before work, and now they meet two or three times a week.

But in front of him, my heart still beats faster, and I am always worried that I have done something wrong to make him feel dissatisfied.

As soon as the corner of his mouth sank, his eyes became sharp.

The atmosphere in the home will freeze instantly, and the high roof will suddenly press down, pushing out all the air in the room.

Everyone will mentally review everything they have done recently.

Thinking 'Did I do something wrong? '

This terrible sense of depression accompanied her throughout her childhood and growing up.

Fortunately, she survived.

The one who didn't survive was called 'the shame of the Sanxin family' by his brother who wanted to please his father. '


' He is really my good brother! When he

thought about the trouble he had encountered recently, the corners of Li Fuzhen's mouth rose uncontrollably.

"Zhenyu, what did you and your sister-in-law talk about last time?"

"It was just a normal conversation, nothing practical..."


Li Fuzhen smiled meaningfully and said, "You know, she is Divorce."

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"I heard about it. It seems that she suffered a lot of grievances at that house." "Yes,   she

suffered a lot of grievances."

The smile on Li Fuzhen's face gradually faded.

In my opinion, it's a little more intense.

But thinking about the sacrifices and contributions she has made for this family and her eldest brother over the years.

During this elephant crisis, the family made decisions.

Even Li Fuzhen, the eldest daughter, felt it was too cold-blooded.

Especially the mother, not only stood by and watched, but even wanted the Li family and the Luo family to get a share of the pie.

No wonder my sister-in-law resisted so fiercely.

"You've been in a bad mood these past two days with Brother Rong, haven't you?"

"Yes, it's very bad."

Seeing her undisguised gloating over her misfortune, Li Zhenyu felt that he should give her a warning.

"Sister Fuzhen, I have never thought about who would Lee Jae-yong take out on when he is like this?"

"He has done something wrong, how can he prevent his position from being shaken? What would you do if it were you? ?"

Li Fuzhen's smile suddenly froze, and a possibility emerged in his mind.

The day before yesterday, the eldest brother and his husband just met.

I heard that the two drank a whole bottle of wine in the restaurant, which had never happened before.

Li Fuzhen previously thought that her eldest brother was in a bad mood, so she asked him to drink with him.

But now, she didn't dare to think about it anymore.

"Some things should be planned in advance."

All that should be said was said, and it was up to her to decide what to do next.

Hannam-dong, a private mansion on the riverside.

There are two double wooden doors more than five meters high, with door beams on them and exquisite artistic flower carvings on the door leaves. The security guard with a serious expression opened the door after receiving the order.

Bowing to the Land Rover, Li Zhenyu stepped on the accelerator and drove the car into the courtyard.

Neatly manicured and beautifully shaped garden gardens can be seen everywhere. When you drive along the driveway into the flower gardens, you can see the bright green golf course on the left.

On the other side of the flower garden on the right is a lake scene. Li Zhenyu saw the koi fish leaping up with a flick of its tail.

That picture is so beautiful...

"The grass for this golf course was flown in. In order to keep it green all year round, my father spent a lot of money."

According to Li Fuzhen, there is a garden, swimming pool and a small playground behind the house.

The so-called 'small' means that in the eyes of the chaebol, the area of ??the playground is more complete than the recreational facilities of an ordinary park.

Also, on the other side of the golf course, is the home's horse stables.

There are two French-bred racehorses inside, which are the favorites of Emperor Sanxin and the treasures of the whole family.

Five minutes later, Li Zhenyu saw the fountain roundabout, which was somewhat similar to the layout of his home.

However, the style of the fountain is different. The main building looks newer and more luxurious and refined than the home in Quanzhou.

The area is a bit small.

'Who can live in this little place? Li

Zhenyu complained secretly, trying to calm down his nervous mood.

This was the first time he felt like this.

The main reason is that the name of Emperor Sanxin is too loud.

Unlike Lao Qiu, if he hadn't become his son, who knows what kind of onion he would be.

Furthermore, the blood relationship between the two also determines that he will not have such pure and extreme emotions.

It was a more complicated emotion that only two people could understand.

"We're here."

Seeing the eldest brother in front of the door, Li Fuzhen said sarcastically: "Mother will ask him to pick you up, Zhenyu, you really have face!"

"That's not my face, it's Li Qiu's."

Hearing this. He called his father by his first name, and Li Fuzhen had a complicated expression: "That's what you called him?"

"Names are just for people to call. Is there any problem?"

Faced with his rhetorical question, Li Fuzhen didn't know how to answer.

Opening the car door, Li Fuzhen returned to her previous posture, cold and elegant, as if she was always reminding the outside world of her noble status as the eldest princess of Sanxin.


After greeting him lightly, Li Fuzhen stood next to him a few steps away.


Lee Jae-yong's response was equally cold and concise.

The way the two of them greeted each other didn't look like brothers and sisters, but like blood feuding heirs of an aristocratic family who were forcibly brought together due to some irresistible external factors.

Wow, this scene could easily write a 60-episode novel, The Bloody Revenge of a Rich Family.

It's so classic, I really want to take a photo of it.

Li Zhenyu resisted the desire to create in his heart, released the hand holding the phone and took it out of his pocket.

"Brother Rong."

Li Zhenyu held his hand with a smile and asked him how he was doing recently.

After some polite greetings, Li Zaiyong led the way, "The food is ready, mother is already waiting for you."

"Isn't uncle here?"

"He went to Yindu for inspection and won't be back until next week."


Li Zhenyu He breathed a sigh of relief and felt much more relaxed, but on the surface he shook his head with regret: "It's such a shame, I was still thinking about having the opportunity to listen to his teachings."

Li Zaiyong glanced at him, half-smiling, and said: "Yes, What a pity. "

What a damn pity...

If my father was really here, he wouldn't be able to finish even half of this meal and he would have to leave on bad terms.

As a son, he wished he could escape to the other side of the ocean, so that he could breathe freely across the Pacific Ocean.

"Zairong, is Zhenyu here?"

"Nai, mother, Zhenyu is here."

A gentle and kind voice came from behind the Liulicai partition.

Li Zhenyu also saw the hostess who walked around the partition and appeared in his sight.

She has kind eyes and a pleasant smile, and is as trustworthy as a kind mother.

Who would have thought that this peaceful woman could even use her own son as a chess piece when needed.

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