I Am Doing Daily Tasks in the Wizarding World

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Lynn did not agree with Angley’s statement, but he did not refute the teacher either. Instead, Lynn asked in confusion— If one could extend their own life through these means, then why couldn’t they extend their family’s lives through these means as well? 

However, he did not receive an answer from Angley, only a meaningful smile.

The next day, Lynn woke up early and cleaned the small building, then went to the courtyard to check on the Purple Phoenix Flowers before heading to the attic.

Their current residence was a three-story building on the outskirts of the mountain. There was also a deserted courtyard outside, and two underground basements below the small building. Lynn didn’t know why the previous owner had built the basements. The iron railings and many decorations seemed to have already existed, and only minor renovations had been made by later generations.

After preparing the ingredients in the kitchen, Lynn checked the experimental equipment in the laboratory again, making sure everything was in good condition and cleaned before leaving.

Angley had a habit of sleeping in, and usually didn’t wake up until around ten o’clock in the morning. Lynn could hear footsteps on the stairs: thump, thump, thump.

Today, teacher Angley woke up faster than Lynn had imagined, and his complexion looked good. It seemed that he had some good news. As the saying goes, when a person encounters good news, their spirits will be lifted. Lynn could tell that Angley was in a good mood.

After a short while, Angley walked to the laboratory in the basement and started to prepare the potion. Lynn stood not far behind Angley, watching him intently, completely absorbed in what he was doing.

Gradually, a pungent odor filled the air. The test tube in Angley’s hand changed from blue to yellow-green, and finally to dark green.

As Lynn watched his teacher add all sorts of strange ingredients into the potion, his expression gradually morphing into that of an old man staring at his mobile phone on the subway.

Angley held a syringe in one hand and pushed open the door with the other, entering the hallway.

“Open the door to this room,” Angley said. 

“No, no,” Lauren’s terrified voice came from inside the room.

Lynn stepped forward and unlocked the door, and Angley pushed his way into the room. Soon, he roughly carried an adult out with him. This seemingly strong adult was as fragile as a little chick in Angley’s hand. Lynn recognized him as Lauren, the man who gave him money yesterday to deliver a message.

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Lauren’s face was ashen, as if he had already anticipated his fate. But when his gaze fell on Lynn behind Angley, he paused for a moment, as if he had found the only hope, and a smile squeezed out of his face.

From the bottom of his heart, Lynn secretly slandered his teacher. Angley looked weak with his black-framed glasses and protruding cheekbones, but he had a strength far beyond that of an ordinary person.

From the knowledge Lynn had learned from his notebook, he knew that many wizards tried to transform their bodies. Wizards are a profession with the least obvious weak points among other extraordinary power systems.

Depending on the wizard’s path, the direction of transformation also varied.

However, one thing was certain— the profession of wizards was like a group of researching scholars, rigorous and ambitious on the path in seeking the truth.

Lauren was tied to the operating table with iron chains around his hands and feet.

“Come and take a closer look,” Angley said.

Lynn took two steps forward and stood next to Angley.

Angley injected Lauren with a white potion he had just mixed, and Lauren quickly fell into a coma after the injection. Angley then slowly injected the dark green potion in his hand into Lauren’s veins.

Lauren’s arm gradually swelled and deformed, with a large number of green scales appearing on the surface of his skin. As time ticked by, Lauren’s arm continued to swell and expand.

Lynn had grown accustomed to the situation, but he couldn’t help but close his eyes and silently said in his heart, ‘bang’— but the sound of the explosion did not come as expected. When he opened his eyes again, he was amazed to see Lauren’s right arm was completely deformed, as if it had been transplanted from a lizard onto a human body.

The area where the arm met the shoulder was filled with numerous large blood vessels that spread throughout the body, causing the veins to bulge and Lauren’s cheeks to quickly sink inwards. This kind of distortion was obviously draining Lauren’s vitality.

In response, Angley quickly injected Lauren with another tube of transparent reagent. Lauren’s aura stabilized, and the amount of vitality consumed immediately decreased significantly.

“It seems that the reason for the distortion is indeed due to vitality. My way of thinking about the potion is indeed correct,” Angley muttered to himself, with uncontrollable excitement in his tone.

As time passed, Lauren, lying on the operating table, transformed before Lynn’s eyes into a half-human, half-beast monster covered in lizard-like scales. Suddenly, the lizard-man opened his eyes, revealing a bewildered expression as he raised his right arm, which was connected to the operating table on one end and to an iron chain bracelet wrapped around his wrist on the other end.

The lizard-man struggled to turn his head and noticed the bracelet on his arm, as well as the scales and several newly grown nails. There was a hint of confusion in his snake-like pupils.

The lizard-man suddenly realized that this was his own arm, and he was shocked by how it had been transformed. He was startled and opened his mouth in fright and anger, but what came out sounded more the howl of a wild beast.

With a forceful tug, the iron chain stretched taut, making a loud clanging sound. In his struggle, the entire operating table shook violently.


Suddenly, the end of the iron chain bracelet on the right arm connected to the operating table was directly torn off, and two screws flew out, causing the long chain to swing and the strong arm grabbed towards Angley, who was the closest to the table.

At that moment, a subtle silver light suddenly appeared on the inconspicuous black robe that Angley was wearing. Soon after, a gray barrier emerged and protected Lynn. As the swinging chains collided with this layer of barrier, they were instantly bounced high into the air.

A branch flew out from Angley’s sleeve, which quickly entangled the lizard-man and bound it tightly. After struggling for a while, the lizard-man’s movements became weaker and weaker. Lynn was amazed as he watched this seemingly fragile branch that was thinner than an iron chain, yet capable of binding the lizard-man so tightly.

“Such a great experimental product,” Angley said with a creepy smile. Next moment, he uttered a cryptic syllable from his mouth. 

A gray-white mist formed in the air in front of him and then entered the lizard-man’s head. The lizard-man’s body shook, then closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep, losing consciousness completely.

Noticing Lynn’s curious gaze, Angley, who was in a good mood, explained, “This is a simple zero-ring spell called Sleeping Curse. After all, there are always some naughty experimental materials who are not willing to accept experiments quietly, and this can make them quiet down a bit.”

“I see that you are interested in mutation. Here is a notebook that you can take a look at,” Angley said, and his ruby ring on his index finger flickered slightly. Next moment, a brown leather-covered book appeared in his palm. The leather on the surface of the book had many folds, but it shone under the candlelight, indicating exquisite care.

Lynn took the not-so-thin leather-covered book and bowed respectfully. “Thank you, teacher, for imparting me with knowledge.” 

Angley was very satisfied with Lynn’s sensible behavior. “This is the introductory notebook of my mutation studies that I recorded when I was young. It contains a lot of my insights and transcribed knowledge, which can help you get started.”

“I will definitely study hard,” Lynn said in a tone neither humble nor overbearing.

“Go back to your room and read it carefully. I’m going to do some small experiments, and you can come back later to clean up the laboratory,” Angley said.

Lynn left the laboratory with the book, preparing to study it thoroughly. As he was about to close the door, he heard Angley’s voice from inside. “Remember to study the content well in these few days. I’ll give you five days to study and then check your progress. If you don’t understand anything, you can come and ask me.”


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