I Am Doing Daily Tasks in the Wizarding World

Chapter 60

Chapter 60

Ill just take a look, not going to mess with anything.

Lynn approached the demon sacrificial array, hands tucked into his pockets, curiously examining the sacrificial array. He observed the intricate patterns on the ground and the door that had transformed into a black statue. Unsure of what constituted the primary elements, Lynn decided to memorize everything.

Hey, dear little friend, what are you looking at? A deep, raspy, and charming voice suddenly echoed in his ears.

Lynn glanced around but found no one nearby. He continued observing the demon sacrificial array before him.

Smart little wizard, I believe you already know who I am, the charming voice continued.

Lynn couldnt help but roll his eyes, he had a good guess about the speaker. With a demon sacrificial array present, who else could it be but the legendary demon or devil?

Sorry, I dont want to know who you are, Lynn replied, stepping back.

Engaging in conversation with demons could easily lead to trouble if carelessthere was a spell called Bewitchment, after all. Wizard Harins sacrificial array was still active, a fact that surprised Lynn. He couldnt help but mentally scolded Wizard Harin for being so careless.

A demon sacrificial array was still active, and wasnt even bothered to be closed. It was just left sitting here without considering the safety of a weak and simple little wizard like him!

Lynn made up his mind that no matter what the other party said, he wouldnt pay attention. As long as he ignored the other party, there shouldnt be any problems.

He hadnt even enrolled yet, and even if there was some kind of cooperation between the Abyss Wizard Academy and the Abyss demons, it had nothing to do with him at the moment.

I mean no harmI merely sensed a fresh and interesting soul and couldnt resist communicating with you, the demon on the other side chuckled.


Thank you for your review, a fresh and interesting soul.

I sensed the scent of Hellfire Meditation from you. Perhaps in the future, we could become partners. Rest assured, I mean you no harm, the demon said.

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Well, that would be ideal, Lynn replied.

However, I think we could engage in some cooperation. What do you think? the demon suggested.

I dont see anything worth cooperating on, Lynn responded.

There are many demons in the Abyss, but demons who can sign cooperation contracts with wizards are rare. On the one hand, some of our kind are not very bright, they only know how to fight and kill. On the other hand, there are too many demons in the Abyss, but wizards are limited, the demon explained with a hint of frustration.

So, we also face quite a bit of competition, but unlike those dim-witted demon companions, I understand one thingI fully endorse the principle of eating to satisfaction and eating well every time, the demon reasoned with Lynn.

For you wizards, sometimes you need demons as experimental materials or require demon legions to help you conquer certain planes. After all, only a savior who appears in times of crisis can better capture peoples hearts. If you need, we can have a little cooperationlike creating a savior identity for you. A brave wizard defeated the evil demons, banishing them back to the Abyss, but the demons may return at any time. Thus, the great wizard, invited by the indigenous people, protects their safety, the demon elaborated.

Listening to the demons eloquent explanation, Lynn couldnt help but notice the demons skilled manipulation. It seemed like wizards engaged in this kind of thing quite often.

Anyway, for us demons, we only need souls, flesh and bloodother things are not attractive to us. You see, countless lesser demons are born in the Abyss Mother River every day. Low-level demons are our biggest consumables. No one knows how many demons there are in the Abyss, so Abyss demons never disdain having more partners, the demon continued.

Its easy for you to find partners, isnt it? Lynn remarked, knowing that intelligent beings coveting the power of demons were not uncommon in this world.

But not many are qualified to be our partners. Not just any cat or dog can become our companion, the demon said with a hint of pride.

To be brought into the laboratory by Harin as an assistant now and perhaps in the future becoming an official wizard shouldnt be difficult. After all, I can perceive the potential of your powerful soul, the demon added.

While Lynn knew that the demon on the other side was praising him, the words still sounded a little bit weird to him.

To express my sincerity, Im willing to offer a small initial investment to my future partner, the demon spoke up.

In the next moment, the demon sacrificial array in front of Lynn reactivated. The central teleportation array gradually illuminated.

Lynn slowly stepped back, holding onto his magic staff, one hand ready on the doorknob, prepared to escape at any moment.

As the summoning arrays radiance gradually dissipated, on the ground in the center of the demon sacrificial array appeared a vial containing blood, sealed in a glass vial. Additionally, there was a half-broken horn next to it.

Many demons in the Abyss have a bad temper. Im afraid of offending my esteemed future guest, so I wont give you a living creature. This is a vial of blood essence from a Horned Demon. Demons blood possesses a powerful infectious force. Of course, being a wizard, you should know better than a rough demon like me how to make use of demon blood essence, the demon on the other side said, emitting a deep chuckle.

As for the broken horn beside it, its my token. If next time you want to trade with demons, you might consider me, the demon continued.

Harin and I are old partners in cooperation. He understands my reputation the best, the demon said.

Whats there to understand the best? The door, which had been closed, suddenly opened.

Lynn turned his head and saw Wizard Harin walking in, followed closely by the figure of the six-armed snake demon. A man in a wizard robe was carried on the shoulders of the six-armed snake demon.

Upon entering the room, Harin looked towards the demon sacrificial array.

My dear partner, is the assistant you needed this time satisfactory? Lancy is the six-armed demon I trust the most, and her strength will surely not disappoint you, the demon on the other side of the demon sacrificial array emitted a deep laughter.

Not bad. Lets continue our cooperation next time. However, please refrain from casually influencing my assistant, Harin said.

Hahaha, I merely made a small investment, chuckled the demon.

The task is complete, you can go back now, Harin said to the six-armed snake demon.

Lancy, the six-armed demon, glanced at Harin, placed the person she was carrying on the ground, then swayed her snake tail and walked into the demon sacrificial array. In a burst of light, she disappeared from her original spot.

The demon sacrificial array on the ground collapsed, and the black charred corpse gradually solidified, consumed bit by bit by the vortex, ultimately disappearing entirely on the spot.

You did well, dealing with demons requires constant vigilance, Harin commented.

Those things are the investment from Sarth. Its up to you whether you want to accept it or not, Harin added.

Sarth, was that the name of the demon he communicated with?

Lynn respectfully replied, Ill follow the teachers decision.

Hmm, you can stay if you want Harin said, then paused abruptly.

He turned around, his deep eyes staring directly at Lynn. When did you figure it out?

Teacher, appearances can change, but your habits of arranging experimental instruments wont. Besides, many of the questions on the parchment were also in the notebook. From the beginning, you didnt intend to deliberately hide your identity from me, Lynn calmly stated.

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