I Am Doing Daily Tasks in the Wizarding World

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Apologies, but this is just self-defense, Lynn said fluently, his face showing no hint of remorse.

When these noble wizard apprentices approached him, intending to plunder the benefits they might have gained from Wizard Harin, the fate of these noble wizard apprentices was sealed.

Anyway, they were all his targets. The sooner they died, the sooner they could be reincarnated. Reincarnating early meant being two seconds ahead of others.

Besides, Lynn wasnt particularly concerned about notions of justice and evil. Through the experiences on this journey, the boundaries between good and evil had gradually blurred in Lynns eyes.

Perhaps the so-called notions of fairness and justice were merely the anthems of the victors.

The official wizards area wasnt far from the back street, and since they hadnt intervened at the start, and still werent intervening, it either meant they couldnt be bothered with such matters, or some rule prevented them from intervening.

The commotion here didnt attract the official wizards from the buildings. However, it did draw the attention of many wizard apprentices who rushed to the scene.

The continuous screams and the intense scenes of massacre fascinated many wizard apprentices, who watched from a distance, occasionally gasping in shock.

However, those who didnt know the whole story only dared to observe from afar, refraining from rashly getting involved.

In the eyes of these onlookers, Lynn was labeled as ruthless.

Among them were a few figures who looked on with disbelief, their eyes fixed on the gruesome spectacle.

That headless corpse looks somewhat familiar.

Familiar? Thats Hans. Someone recognized the identity of the corpse.

Why would they fight with Lynn?

I think I know the reason. Hans invited quite a few people to plunder Lynns belongings, but I wasnt interested, so I declined, Andina, with her azure eyes, gazed curiously at Lynn.

In fact, she had crossed paths with Lynn once before. She recalled it only after Uncle Dempsey told her about it on the ship.

Back then, Lynn was sitting at a table diagonally across from hers in that little tavern. However, she considered him an ordinary person at the time, so she didnt pay much attention. Reflecting on it now, she found it amusing that she had passed by a wizard apprentice in such an environment.

Dempsey stood behind Andina, looking into the distance with a complex expression as Lynn, resembling the Grim Reaper, harvested the lives of those noble wizard apprentices.

Many of the noble wizard apprentices were familiar to Dempsey. As one of the three knights under the Duke of Cuckoo Flowers command, even though he was a servant of the House of Cuckoo Flower, his status was high. Having followed the contemporary Duke of Cuckoo Flower since childhood, he received courteous treatment from some minor nobles.

He had encountered many of those noble wizard apprentices. During the few months in Bangor Port, many noble wizard apprentices came to visit the young lady. Due to their status as wizards, even if they were just apprentices, their words were filled with arrogance.

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Although Dempsey wasnt well-versed in the wizarding world, he understood one thing over the yearspride was ones own enemy.

Sure enough, these noble wizard apprentices ultimately paid the price for their pride.

This short-sighted fool, Anoushehs face looked grim as he clenched his fist.

Hans had actually mentioned his desire to seize Lynns wealth and knowledge long before, but Anousheh vehemently rejected the idea at the time. He believed that it wasnt worth offending a potentially talented wizard apprentice for such a trivial gain.

It would be better to befriend Lynn, there would be more benefits in the future.

As a member of the royal family with innate wizarding talents, he received the best education in the kingdom from a young age. From the beginning, he was destined to board this ship and arrive in this world vastly different from the kingdom. The royal family had trained and demanded him according to the standards of a true wizard.

If Lynn could miraculously become an official wizard, Anousheh speculated that he might request the royal family to grant noble titles to Lynns descendants to secure Lynns friendship.

According to Anoushehs understanding, the Duke of Golden Lion had obtained his title in a similar manner. The Duke of Golden Lion wasnt a noble at the founding of the kingdom and hadnt even achieved significant feats. The kingdoms historical records had very few mentions of the Duke of Golden Lion.

But since the Duke of Golden Lions family produced a stunning genius, he became a true heavyweight.

Therefore, a significant portion of the land to the west of the kingdom was bestowed upon the descendants of that genius, supposedly to win his allegiance.

The fact that Lynn had gained Wizard Harins appreciation and become his assistant undoubtedly showcased extraordinary potential. Although many people had boarded the ship, Anousheh knew that the vast majority of wizard apprentices here would likely remain apprentices for life.

They would never have the opportunity to become true wizards, and their destinies would be dedicated to striving to become genuine wizards.

Anousheh knew which attitudes to adopt to make friends with certain people and which relationships to exploit. However, all of this had been ruined by this fool, Hans.

Anousheh stared coldly at Hans lifeless body before shifting his gaze to the other Erdolu Kingdom noble wizard apprentices who were being massacred.

He realized he had to step forward. A loose alliance had long formed between the noble wizard apprentices who hailed from the Erdolu Kingdom and the noble wizards. His status dictated that he must protect this group. Allowing the fresh blood of this alliance to be wantonly massacred by an outsider, regardless of the reasons, would greatly impact the reputation and authority of their royal family. Even if it meant offending a potential genius who might become a wizard in the future, Anousheh couldnt allow it.

Anousheh retrieved a magic staff with a pine and gold wire inlay from his pocket and raised it, pointing it towards Lynn not far away.

He decided to calm both sides down and then resolve the situation slowly. If things couldnt be resolved peacefully, Anoushehs eyes flashed with a hint of cold determination.

Lynns body tensed, sensing danger on a subconscious level. Turning his head, Lynn found Anousheh in the crowd, aiming a magic staff at him.

Watching the gray-white mist condensing at the tip of Anoushehs wand, Lynn recognized the spellit was the zero-ring spell, Sleeping Curse.

Sleeping Curse.

Lynn understood the Sleeping Curse. He wasnt sure if his wizard robe could withstand the Sleeping Curseelemental spells of the molding system could provide protection, but Sleeping Curse seemed to lack direct offensive power. If his wizard robe malfunctioned and failed to protect him, it could be troublesome.

However, the Sleeping Curse also had its weaknesses. Like the Minor Fireball spell, it was a targeted spell, and once released, the trajectory couldnt be altered.

Theoretically, as long as ones speed was fast enough, it could be avoided.

Lynn focused on the Sleeping Curse. The moment the spell was released, he pushed off with his legs like a nimble leopard.

In the next instant, Lynns body rolled agilely to the side.

The gray-white mist brushed past him, disappearing straight into the ground.

At that moment, the burst of physical fitness displayed by Lynn astonished many noble wizards watching. Even the physical fitness of extraordinary knights might not be comparable to this.

Remarkable physical fitness, said Dempsey, the one-eyed man with an eyepatch, in a solemn tone. This level of physical fitness surpasses most knights he knew.

Anousheh saw Lynn avoid his spell, and his expression became somewhat surprised. However, he quickly regained his composure, recognizing that the depth of Lynns capabilities was beyond the reach of ordinary noble wizard apprentices.

Lynn had concealed his abilities quite deeply. Wizards rarely had significant weaknesses, especially as they grew more powerful. During the apprentice stage, most focused on enhancing their mental strength and magic skills, with physical fitness taking a back seat. It wasnt that they disregarded physical fitnessit was mainly due to limited lifespan and energy. These considerations typically arose after becoming official wizards with extended lifespans.

Witnessing Lynns knight-level physical fitness, Anousheh, whose surprise attack had failed, spoke, attempting to reason with him, Lynn, they were in the wrong, but killing Hans is enough. He has paid with his life. I hope you can make your subordinates stop. Some of them have elders who have become official wizards. You wouldnt want to attract the attention of official wizards, would you?

The last sentence carried a subtle threat.

Lynn raised his left hand, commanding the blood-soaked Iron Earthworm to abruptly halt its movements. Using its lower body for support, it stood in place, raising its body high. Its chrysanthemum-shaped mouthparts opened, revealing sharp saw-like teeth emitting hot breath.

Lynn knew that the deal offered by Angley wasnt as simple as it seemed. However, before taking action, Lynn had anticipated this possibility. With so many ancestors of these noble wizard apprentices boarding the ship, not all of them could be trapped in the apprentice level. There would inevitably be a few lucky ones or exceptionally gifted individuals who would become official wizards.

Right, the standard for becoming an official wizard seemed to be Lynn recalled a question he had asked Wizard Harin a month ago. 

He remembered Harins responsea standard of 100 points of standard mental strength, passing the official wizards sublimation ceremony, producing a talent spell, owning a wizard tower, and having a small legion of followers or adherents. The legions minimum standard was having a reasonable mix of professions and the ability to independently conquer a conventional small kingdom. This was the true standard for an official wizard.

It was precisely due to these cumbersome requirements that many third-level wizard apprentices languished in this stage throughout their lives.

I just want to quietly carry out my daily tasks. Lynn silently uttered in his heart. He swiftly swung down his left hand, and the Iron Earthworm transformed into a killing machine once again.

But my deal isnt over yet. Missing the chance to massacre so many of you at once I truly wont be able to sleep at night. Lynns eyes gleamed with swirling murderous intent.

TL/N: They actually belong to Duke of Cuckoo Flower as opposed to Duke of Luan Tailbloom as previously translated in chapter 16. It has been fixed. Chapter 33 also mentioned more details on all the three dukes of the kingdom.

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