I Am Doing Daily Tasks in the Wizarding World

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

Go ahead and use it, Lynn tossed one of the junior goblin engineer tokens to Bu. He didnt mind having more goblin followers himself. Then he explained how to use it and its effects to the old goblin.

Bu was completely stunned by this tremendous surprise.

A goblin engineer! To goblins, this was a profession that was engraved in their bones, one that would be envied and revered by their fellow clansmen.

Its greatest dream had always been to become a goblin engineer.

Lynn didnt give away the other token, for those in power feared not the scarcity of numbers, but the inequality.

Although Bu had just started following him, compared to the other two goblins, it had been with him the longest.

Granting it the inheritance token of a junior goblin engineer was also a statement, evident by the fact that the eyes of the other two newly recruited goblins turned from yellow to green.

Bu placed the junior goblin engineer token on its forehead. The seemingly solid token melted like molten iron, eventually transforming into a small black hammer held in Bus palm. Finally, a black mole appeared on Bus forehead.

Finally, Lynn turned his gaze to the Goblin Wanderers Training Manual.

Goblin Wanderer

Wanderers are scouts, infiltrators, spies, or wanderers roaming the wilderness.

Their common trait is versatility and adaptability. Generally, wanderers are good at cunning tricks. They excel in stealth, opening treasure chests, avoiding traps, gaining the trust of enemies, or stealing a targets wallet.

Experienced wanderers possess extraordinary abilities. They can walk briskly on steep cliffs, are proficient in bows and crossbows, rapiers, and daggers; skilled in stealth, quick reflexes, and possess excellent assassination skills. Furthermore, although wanderers are not proficient in spellcasting, they still possess some shadow magic as they wander in the darkness.

Wanderers complementary magic:

Trap Detection, Shadow Stealth, Sound Suppression.

Wanderers weapon proportions:

Rapier: The optimal length should be the length of the users arm, the width should not exceed 1/20 of the length, and the weight should not exceed 1/10 of the users single-handed strength. The material used to forge a rapier should maintain a certain flexibility, allowing the sword tip to bend more than ninety degrees without deforming to be qualified.

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Dagger: The optimal length should be about 1/3 of the users arm length, the width should not exceed 1/8 of the length, and the weight should not exceed 1/10 of the users single-handed strength. The material used to forge a dagger should be kept hard.

Lynn scanned through the manual carefully, reading from top to bottom.

The Goblin Wanderers Training Manual was very detailed, covering everything from the introduction of wanderers to the model of wanderers weapon forging and the wanderers transformation ritual, all written clearly and concisely.

However, the magic of goblin wanderers is different from the spells of wizards.

The magic of goblin wanderers has a limit on usage.

After using a spell once, sufficient rest is needed before the same spell can be cast again.

Lynn finished reading it and discovered the reason.

It was because the casting ability of goblin wanderers was actually obtained through a transformation ritual.

One of the important steps of the transformation ritual was to connect to the wizard network.

Each time the casting ability was borrowed from the wizard network by the caster.

Lynn found it somewhat familiar; it resembled the magic network of the goddess of magic.

Could it be that the wizards had created a knockoff version?

The magic network had its pros and cons. In fact, many wizards needed to rely on the magic network to cast spells because the magical elements in nature were inherently chaotic and volatile. They permeated every bit of matter, manifesting in various forms of energy in the multiverse. They were like a group of untamed wild horses or a stubborn and rigid rock. Without enough strength, it was difficult to control these unruly elements, or they might simply ignore your commands.

The greatest use of the magic network was to ensure that mid-to-low-level professions could cast spells steadily and continuously. As for those powerful beings, they didnt need to bother with such troubles to cast magic.

The magic network was a transit filtering network. It was said that the magic network infiltrated every corner of the natural world, and there was almost always the presence of the magic network.

They were the bridge between spellcasters and the elements of nature.

Through the magic network, lower-level spellcasters could easily cast spells. Of course, while it was easier, the consumption of mental energy still occurred. Casting spells required mental energy. To ensure the health of the casters body and maintain the stability of the magic network, professions had a limit on the number of times they could cast spells at each level.

Simply put, it was possible to cast spells without relying on the magic network, but this method was prone to accidents and had high difficulty requirements.

And the path that wizards took was to not rely on the magic network for casting spells.

For most professions, as long as they could cast spells, it was enough. Asking them to slowly understand the principles of spells and elements was too painful a task.

This was Lynns understanding of the magic network, but the wizard network was something he had heard of for the first time, likely something concocted by a powerful wizard.

Lynn glanced at the transformation ritual, realizing he lacked many of the required materials.

However, there should be a chance to find the materials needed for the transformation ritual in the treasure chests of other monster lairs.

Lets continue, sweeping through the other monster lairs.

He instructed the three goblins to follow him closely.

Then, two Iron Earthworms burrowed into the ground. Except for the walls, the paths in the maze were all made of earth, allowing the Iron Earthworms to burrow underground.

However, feedback soon came from the Iron Earthworms that they could only burrow about fifty meters underground before hitting an invisible barrier. Beyond that depth, the ground seemed impenetrable, causing them dizziness upon impact.

You guys go into the Alchemy Laboratory first, and once inside, dont touch anything, Lynn thought for a moment, worried that these three goblins might die from AOE, so he decided to take them into the Alchemy Laboratory.

These three skinny goblins had no combat power at all. It was estimated that a single one of them wouldnt even be able to beat a strong farmer.

As Lynn continued forward, he soon found another entrance similar to the previous one.

Upon entering, however, he discovered that the monster lair had already been taken down. The ground and walls were covered in traces of spells, and the bodies of the monsters were nowhere to be found. It seemed that the other party had used spatial items to remove the monster corpses from the lair.

Narrowing his eyes in thought, Lynn cast a Minor Illusion Spell, creating a decoy of himself ahead.

Then, Lynn himself followed from a distance. If only he could cast invisibility or stealth spells, it would be even more perfect, Lynn lamented.

After advancing for a few hundred meters, Lynn encountered another fork in the path, with one path leading left and the other right.

Left for the front, right for the back, Lynn decided.

He took out a coin from his pocket, tossed it into the air, and let it fall to the ground. The coin landed heads up. In that case, lets continue to the left.

Glancing at the footprints on the ground, he noticed that there were significantly fewer footprints on the left side compared to the right.

Just as Lynn had walked a few hundred meters, he heard faint sounds ahead. Then, he sensed that his illusion shattered, evidently struck by an external force.

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