I Am Doing Daily Tasks in the Wizarding World

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

In addition to these findings, there were also two spatial accessories for storing items.

One was a brass-colored emerald necklace, and the other was an intricate bracelet, slightly stained with blood. Lynn took out some water and cleaned off the bloodstains.

Then he placed them together with the spatial item he had found from the broken ring-like object in the monster lair not long ago.

He planned to examine the contents of these spatial accessories slowly when he rested at night.

Lynn continued to walk towards the depths of the maze.

As he delved deeper into the maze, the number of intersections increased, and the likelihood of encountering other wizard apprentices decreased.

Hundreds of people were dispersed in this vast maze, and as Lynn ventured further, it felt as though he was a drop of water merging into a large pond.

Lynn discovered a pattern in the monster lairs: there was basically one every few kilometers.

The monsters in these lairs were random, but the number of monsters encountered in the lairs so far was not large, and their strength was not formidable. They were not even as fierce as the bear goblins Lynn had encountered before.

For Lynn, the greatest benefit lay in replenishing his stock of monster corpses, while also gaining practical experience in dealing with these creatures.

For a wizard apprentice who had studied mutation up to level 2, the allure of these various monster corpses was even greater than that of the few magic items he had obtained.

In the evening, Lynn settled down in a recently cleared monster lair.

He infused mental energy into the goblin cabin, then placed the palm-sized structure on the ground.

After two seconds, the goblin cabin expanded continuously, like an inflated balloon.

It eventually transformed into a two-story wooden cabin about seven or eight meters high.

The wooden structure had doors, windows, and a chimney.

Inside the cabin, there were many goblins crammed together, and their sharp and noisy voices could be heard through the windows.

Lynn opened the door, and the goblins poured out.

Leading them was Bu, whom Lynn had temporarily appointed as the leader of these goblins.

Behind Bu was Stone, who was wrapped in gauze around its1 shoulders.

Stone was the name Lynn bestowed upon the second goblin.

As for the remaining goblins, they were nameless; their original names had been discarded, and they were now designated as Goblin 01, Goblin 02, Goblin 03, and so on.

Removing their names was akin to removing their individuality, in turn fostering their collective identity.

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Only goblins who had performed great feats were eligible to receive independent names bestowed by the emissary of the gods Lynnthis was the first command Lynn had given them as part of his brainwashing.

At the same time, Lynn also used a system of merit-based distribution for food.

Of course, primarily it was because there wasnt enough food on him at the moment.

Lynn looked at the rows of goblins before him, showing a hint of satisfaction in his eyes.

On this journey, coupled with the five goblins from the goblin cabin he had captured from the three wizard apprentices, he now had a total of sixteen goblins.

These little dwarfs were like children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, finding it difficult to stand still and maintain a standard posture.

They would occasionally scratch their buttocks, scratch their waists, shake their legs, or wiggle their shoulders.

Stay still and maintain your posture for ten minutes, Lynn said sternly.

Hearing Lynns stern voice, the goblins quickly clasped their hands together on both sides of their hips. But after a while, some goblins couldnt help but make some small movements.

After ten minutes, the goblins finally breathed a sigh of relief, and their movements became more pronounced, although there were still a few goblins who, seeing Lynn remain silent, continued to maintain their posture.

A few minutes later, Lynn pointed to several goblins. You, you, you, and you, come out.

The other goblins watched gleefully as these four named companions were singled out, knowing that being called out was definitely not a good thing.

Follow me to undergo the goblin wanderer transformation ritual.

Originally a bit nervous about being named, the goblins who heard the words of the emissary of the gods were excitedly screaming.

Seeing this scene, the other goblins eyes turned green with envy.

Because these four behaved the best just now, so I rewarded them, Lynn explained.

He needed to quickly convert these acquired resources into actual combat power. He believed that today, not only himself, but many other wizard apprentices were also undergoing transformation rituals.

As they progressed further, the influence of other wizard apprentices also grew stronger.

So, in this initial stage, Lynns requirements for rewards would be lenient. However, after the maze ended, Lynn would definitely not be so generous with rewards for transformation rituals, because by then, he would be spending his own money to buy resources!

Currently, these resources were all rewards from the maze. Now, it was necessary to cultivate fighting strength as quickly as possible to reap more benefits in the maze.

After finishing speaking, Lynn turned around and began to arrange the formation for the goblin wanderer transformation ritual.

The goblin wanderer transformation ritual required sprinkling a raw material called lightstone powder on the ground, then drawing a specific magic array.

The raw material package contained lightstone powder.

Lynn hadnt studied magic arrays, and he didnt understand the meaning of the mysterious symbols on the magic array he drew, but that didnt prevent him from meticulously replicating them one-to-one based on the magic array images in the goblin wanderer training manual.

After nearly half an hour of drawing, the magic array was finally completed.

However, there were several minor issues that arose during this process. Lynn noticed that the angles of several areas were slightly off, so he made repeated adjustments.

As Lynn looked at the magic array before him, he couldnt help but ponder a question.

All the other raw materials in the ritual were consumables, unlike lightstone powder, which could be modified repeatedly. If the ritual failed, wouldnt that mean wasting a portion of the raw material?

The success rate of this transformation ritual didnt seem to be one hundred percent.

Lynn began the second step, being extremely careful with each action.

He poured the blood of the Shadow Arachnid into several specific areas of the sacrificial ritual formation.

The blood of the Shadow Arachnid was blue, and as it soaked into the white powder, it dyed that area blue.

Then came the third step, and the fourth step

Looking at the completed transformation ritual magic array before him, Lynn felt a deep sense of accomplishment.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, even with his physical condition, he was exhausted. This kind of intense and meticulous work was extremely physically demanding.

Whos going in first? Lynn asked the four goblins.

While the other goblins hesitated, the smallest and most timid-looking goblin among them suddenly stepped forward.

Ill do it!

This goblin was shorter than the others by about a head, but its eyes were different from the others. While the other goblins had eyes that were beige or dark yellow, its eyes were a rare orange-red.

Then its you.

The goblin walked into the formation.

Lynn closed his eyes and recited the incantation according to the steps in the manual.

As the cryptic incantation echoed in the hall, the transformation ritual magic array on the ground suddenly lit up with a dazzling light!

In the depths of his mind, Lynn felt as though his consciousness and the transformation ritual magic array were somehow connected.

Across the vast expanse, Lynn sensed a vast network, a web that obscured the stars and covered the sun and moona vast, omnipresent network.

His soul seemed insignificant before this vast network.

Then, a trace of power separated from this vast network and responded to his communication.

The surrounding air changed accordingly.

It was an ancient and sharp language, like a grand tribal ritual, with a desolate and barbaric aura permeating it, mixed with a faint taste of metallic rust.

The transformation ritual formation suddenly lit up, illuminating the hall, and a beam of light enveloped the goblin in the transformation ritual magic array.

Within the transformation ritual magic array, the visible body of the goblin undergoing the ritual, shrouded in light, underwent visible changes. Its limbs became longer, and its height increased slightly.

  1. TL/N: The goblins were called [ it : ] by the author, instead of [ he/him : ] or [ she/her : ]. Previous errors fixed.

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