I Am Only Mortal But Why Do You All Sees Me As A Immortal!

Chapter 238: This stinky girl is here

Chapter 238: This stinky girl is here

Qin Yiyao followed Gu Heng's gaze and saw Bai Feier with a cold expression on her face. She walked straight to the only empty seat in the front row and sat down.

That is a place that belongs exclusively to the Bai family.


Qin Yiyao blinked.

Does Bai Feier also like to listen to music? Or is she here simply to "socialize"?

Based on her understanding of Bai Fei'er, it was most likely the latter. She was similar to herself and cared about almost nothing else except practicing sword. However, it was also possible that she knew the extraordinary woman who would be performing on the stage tonight, and they had a close relationship.

"Miss Fei'er, I haven't seen you for a few months. It seems that your cultivation has improved a lot."

Liu Mo took the initiative to step forward and start a conversation, acting like an old acquaintance meeting.

"Mr. Liu, you are too kind."

Bai Feier glanced at him coldly, and spoke casually in a rather distant manner, then picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip with an elegant posture.

She and Liu Yu have a very good relationship, but as for the other members of the Liu family...

For example, the character of Liu Mo in front of her is really not worthy of scrutiny. If it weren't for Liu Yu, Bai Feier really wouldn't bother to pay attention to him.

"There are many rumors about you. It is said that you had some kind of adventure, so you are soaring into the sky again."

"I wonder if you can explain this to me?"

Yan Zheng held the cup, his eyes becoming more and more serious, as if he wanted to see through all the secrets hidden in Bai Fei'er. However, no matter how he investigated, Bai Fei'er remained so indifferent, and he didn't have the ability to see anything.

But it's not just Yan Zheng, Liu Mo also wants to know what Bai Feier has been through in the past few months.

After all, it was common knowledge that Bai Fei'er had been poisoned by an evil cultivator in the Great Secret Realm of the Dynasty. Although the Bai family tried their best to block the news, the Liu family and the royal family still knew that Bai Fei'er had lost all her cultivation.

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Yan Zheng knew it in great detail.

After all, King Yan Xuan was particularly good at gathering intelligence, and he knew every detail of all events, big or small, in the Bai family.


Even after Bai Fei'er lost all her cultivation, she was ridiculed within the family and was finally married off to the long-declined Mo family in Qingmu City. The royal family knew all about this.

However, in just a few months, this genius of the Bai family suddenly returned to the top?

This time, they were unable to find out any inside information, because it was said that the eldest daughter was having problems with her own family.

"...Today is Xiaoyu's solo, so please stop paying attention to me."

Bai Fei'er still didn't want to say anything. She just glanced at him lightly, with a hint of disgust in her eyes.

This kind of person still wants to pry into secrets?

Delusion!Even if he could find out, what would it matter? It would probably be meaningless except for scaring himself.

"Ah, here it comes."

At this time, on the high platform covered by curtains in Yanjiang Pavilion, there was a beautiful figure reflected on the curtains, graceful and elegant. She could also be seen sitting down with a zither in her arms.

Everyone fell silent and turned their eyes towards that place.

Then, the curtain was slowly opened, and the woman playing the piano had a slim and graceful figure, simple clothes, a fair face, and a hint of pride between her brows.

She bowed gracefully but said nothing, her delicate hands already resting flat on the strings.

"...It's actually her."

Qin Yiyao murmured, she could see Liu Yu's cultivation level, but she really didn't expect that the woman who temporarily boarded their boat would be the protagonist of tonight's concert.

After all, the soloist tonight is a talented disciple from "Qianyin Valley".

After Qin Yiyao crawled out of the coffin, she carefully learned about the powerful forces in this world. According to the rules of this world, if a sect or family has a supreme saint monk in charge, it can be called "extraordinary".

The master of Qianyin Valley is at the Supreme Saint Stage.

Most of the geniuses who are given key training in such extraordinary forces are very high-profile, but Liu Yu obviously does not like the high-profile style.

Well, it was not her intention to come to Yanjiang Pavilion, but now Qin Yiyao is interested in it.

Look at what kind of wonderful music this Miss Liu Yu can play.


The sound of the piano rang out, melodious and graceful.

One after another, pleasant melodies flowed in all directions like water, and everyone was immersed in the rhythm of the music.

Soon, the music got into its climax and the style of the piano music changed suddenly. It was originally a gurgling spring, but in a flash it turned into the roar of dragons and tigers, the long cries of falcons and phoenixes. Between the melodies, hundreds of waves surged, and it was as if thousands of troops were attacking!

Liu Yu played the piano neither hurriedly nor slowly, her delicate hands plucked the strings repeatedly, her fingertips flying over the strings. The sound surged like waves, and the sounds flowed like clear springs. One sound followed another, like roars and howls, like waves crashing on the shore!


A clear zither sound suddenly came, the sound waves were like a knife, the edge suddenly appeared!

"Hiss... What kind of piano skill is this?"

The guests gasped and looked at Liu Yu on the stage in surprise, immersed in the torrential music.

Yan Zheng's face was solemn, and he stared at Liu Yu with his eyes slightly narrowed.

The sound of the piano is infused with the power of Taoism, and the true meaning of the charm is almost non-stop, with each wave of sound getting higher than the last!

"It's kind of interesting..."

Qin Yiyao murmured, savoring the true meaning of the ups and downs of the music. This Miss Liu was indeed amazing. The sound of her piano could influence everyone invisibly.After three or four cups of tea.

The song is over.

Liu Yu placed both hands on the strings; the sound of the piano gradually stopped, but the lingering sound lingered in the air, and many guests were still savoring the ever-changing melody.

She put away her piano, stood up, and bowed to the people in the audience.

"My humble skills are just a bit clumsy, I'm sorry to show you my ugliness."

She was modest and polite, with good manners, and there was nothing to fault with her. Add to that her beautiful appearance and refined temperament, and she immediately drew a round of cheers and applause.

Bai Fei'er was also fascinated by what she heard, and felt happy for this good friend whom she hadn't seen for several years.

If we continue like this, everyone will have a bright future!

"Oh my, you guys are so embarrassed. I still have room for improvement. We can't let her become proud and complacent. Hahahaha..."

At this moment, Liu Mo was responding to many people's compliments with a smile. If Yan Zheng and Yan Feng were not here, he would probably stop pretending and just burst into laughter.

As a good sister, he has greatly enhanced the prestige of the Liu family.

"...Miss Liu Yu has learned Taoism through music. I haven't seen her for several years and she has made such great progress. This really amazes me."

"However, now that the song is over, I will leave first. After all, there are many government affairs, and I cannot let my father handle it alone."

Yan Zheng stood up and exchanged a few pleasantries, but anyone could see that he was probably the person who was least willing to stay here and watch the Liu family steal the show.

"Well, I won't send your Highness off."

The curve of Liu Mo's mouth corners is getting bigger and bigger, almost like a Nike mouth.

Waiting for Yan Zheng to return to the palace and report what happened tonight to Emperor Yan... Hey!

Let's see who will sweat profusely next.

"...Let's go!"

Yan Zheng kicked Yan Feng hard.

Yan Feng got drunk first, and then Liu Yu's music was so shocking that he sobered up halfway instantly. Now he was kicked by Yan Zheng and sobered up halfway again.

He quickly stood up and followed.

Arriving at the door, Yan Feng was just about to apologize to Yan Zheng for his gaffe, but he suddenly stopped.


He glanced sideways.

Then his face turned gloomy.

The naughty girl who had mocked him in Yunxiang Tower was actually here!

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