I am the Queen

Chapter 81 - 35

Two days passed since Evangeline unexpectedly disappeared, and Eric kept appearing in front of her condo every after work, waiting for her to return or taking a hopeful glimpse if he could spot just even her silhouette.

However, no such thing happened.

He found himself unable to concentrate on whatever he did. His mind still hung up on the thought where she could possibly have gone. Though he was very utterly depressed and unmotivated, he still did his everyday mundane job.

But not the same could be said about one organ inside his system, which was constantly shutting down, causing his already lifeless self to turned limp –– like blood no longer flowed inside him. His heart was so tired . . . so, so tired of always thinking of her.

Even in his dreams, Evangeline frequently appeared before him, always that scene of leaving him behind. Thanks to that, sleep eluded him these past few days until his face was a complete haggard mess. Stubbles decorated his jaw while his already messy hair didn't have the grace of experiencing a comb since two days ago. Fortunately, he still functioned as a human being by not forgetting to brush his teeth and take a bath, all thanks to his daily ritual of cleaning himself before he sleeps.


Eric's dull eyes shifted from the things he was doing to Angel Lin, who was sitting on a chair in comfort. Stopping what he was doing, he walked towards her.

Blooming with radiance, Angel raised her hand holding a wine glass. "Can you get me a drink?"

Angel, in these two days, hadn't been sitting idly. She had done everything she could to get Eric's attention. From ordering him to massage her shoulders and feet down to little things of calling his name whenever she could. Even if it was to pick a piece of paper she dropped by her side.

She even texted and called him thru the new phone she gave him, taking the lead of starting a conversation. Yet every time, Eric would reply with an 'okay' or 'alright.' And if she called him, he would always ask about work. And if she ever expounded on a topic besides work, he would always excuse himself and end the call.

The only time she could seduce him was during the shooting. Though she couldn't do much since Aldrick was always by her side. She could only act the prim and proper Angel Lin when Aldrick was around.

She was then pulled out from her thoughts when Eric reached for her cup. Her eyes glint while her fingers subtly brushed against his. But her subtle advances didn't achieve its intended goal when Eric quickly retracted his hand and turned to get her a drink from the list of expensive champagne inside her wine rack.

Eric's steps halted, however, when he heard another familiar voice.

"Get me also a drink."

Turning, Eric's eyes span towards the man sitting beside Angel Lin, who was raising his hand holding an empty goblet.

Eric didn't feel anything about the smugness the man was giving off nor the arrogance in his voice nor that he was ordering him around even though he had his assistant by his side. He simply reached for his glass and left without uttering a single word.

He was already expending too much energy in dragging his heavy body around. He didn't have the spare power to argue nor care about someone nor his surroundings.

After a second or so that Eric disappeared, Angel smiled at Aldrick.

"I'll just go to the restroom," she said.

Aldrick didn't give it much thought and smiled back. Angel shoot to her feet and walked towards her room, constraining the rushing of her legs, afraid she might miss this opportunity to be alone with Eric.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Inside the trailer, Eric was searching the wine rack with an absent mind. When the door opened, he didn't even glance to know who it was as he reached for a bottle of Romanee Conti 1945.

And as he was about to turn and serve the wine, he felt an arm coiled around his waist, while a soft, marshmallow-like feeling was pressing his back.

Blinking, he didn't know what it was which was pressing against him, which made his spine tensed until he heard a familiar seductive voice.

"Eric . . ."

Eric's dull eyes dimmed, narrowing when his mind registered what was going on. Evangeline's face flashed before his eyes, and her voice echoed in his head.

"That's goodbye, Eric."


". . . goodbye, Eric."


". . . goodbye . . ."

His slow breathing hitched, turning labored in pants while disgusting hives crawled all the way from the base of his foot to the top of his head. It felt like worms were crawling all over his body, making him want to scratch and scrub it off –– quickly!

He swallowed back the vomit rising from his twisting stomach, brought by the repulsing feeling of the woman's touch. He retracted himself from her embrace and put distance between them while maintaining his indifferent face.

"Miss Lin . . . I don't think this is part of my job description." He was not exactly ignorant of what her advances meant. He had similar encounters in the past.

Smiling, Angel didn't think anything about Eric's rejections. He must have been shocked. That's all.

Slowly approaching him with swaying hips, she stopped inches in front of him. Smiling her sweetest, her face lit up, brighter than a toothpaste commercial.

"I know you know what I feel about you by now, right?"

Eric's face didn't change while his monotonous voice didn't falter. "Miss Lin, I think Mr. Loire won't be happy about this."

Angel chuckled. "Aldrick and I are just friends. Haven't you heard the news? He's only one of my many suitors. If the feeling was mutual, he should be my boyfriend by now, no?" Now that she was famous and could hold her own, she no longer needed to ride in Aldrick's fame. She no longer needed the man. Though she didn't want to cut ties with him either since she benefited much from Aldrick's affections.

Ever since that time, Eric's handsome face, sharp features, and that oh so sexy body of his made her head and heart twirled in a frenzy obsession of possessing him.

Though this left her a little baffled. She had seen more outstanding men, yet in terms of looks, Eric toppled them all!

But it would be trouble if it went public that she took a liking to a nobody. However, as long as she could make Eric fall for her and control him, they could hide their relationship. And besides, this was her private life. And once she exposed Eric's real face to the public . . .

A creeping smile appeared on her lips when an idea popped in her head. With Eric's looks and physiques, he had no problem dominating the entertainment world! By that time, everyone would envy her for snagging a man like him!

What was she worried about?

Angel's smile grew brighter while Eric's brows twitched. His eyes weren't completely blind yet. He could still see perfectly with his glasses. Based on Angel and Aldrick's interactions, which was very obvious in the eyes of many, they were like a couple.

However, it was not in his nature to gossip and pry. He left his thoughts to himself and changed the subject instead.

"I think my status isn't high enough to be associated with yours."

Angel didn't deter and answered, "It's not a problem. We can keep our relationship a secret. It's going to be just between you and me. Think about it. I'm a nice catch . . . Though . . ." Her bright smile faded, replaced by big dewy eyes and pleading quivering lips. "You think that . . . I'm not beautiful enough for you?"

Eric's eyes rippled in complications of what to say. If it was beauty, Angel Lin was beautiful. In fact, if it were a contest of pure, innocent beauty –– she would dominate the field.

. . . However . . .

Seeing Eric's expression, Angel's face darkened.

"Or could it be . . . you don't like me?"

Eric's eyelids fluttered, and he turned his head sideward. He didn't have anything against Angel. In fact, he admired her for her dedication and passion for her work.

. . . However . . .

Instead of answering, Eric's expression turned serious as he faced Angel. He had no other way to stop her advances than tell it straight to her face.

"I like you . . ."

Angel's eyes glowed, a smile blossomed on her face, more tantalizing than the rays of the sun. Yet, it quickly withered like a dying flower at the approaching winter when Eric added.

"But it is not a romantic kind of like."

". . ."

Angel took the time to take in what Eric said. When her brain finally digested the horrible truth that the man didn't like her, that he was not in any way affected by her charms, she dropped all pretense.

"I don't believe you!"

Eric was not affected by Angel's sudden change from being a docile lamb to a violent tigress as he questioned her with a calm voice.

"Miss Lin, if you hadn't seen me at that time in the hot spring, would you still say to me the word, like?"

No longer harboring a smile, Angel's eyes glint in fury, her angelic voice turned crisp and screeching.

"What do you mean by that?"

Eric didn't back away from Angel's threatening eyes, and answered, "It means exactly what it means."

. . .

. . .

After a while of their staring contest, Angel pulled back. Crossing her arms, she tilted her hips to one side, sneering as she conceded.

"So what if I like your face? No one in this world fell in love with your personality at first sight. I'm sure Evangeline is also the same, else why is she so into you? I don't believe for a second that she likes you because of your personality alone!"

". . ."

Eric was silent for a moment, and contrary to expectations, he smiled –– a helpless smile which said it all.

"It's alright for Evangeline to like me for my face."

Angel dryly laughed, rolling her eyes as she sneered. "What's the difference between her and me? She can like you for your looks, but I can't?!"

"Yes," Eric answered with a straight face.

A warm smile tugged the corners of his lips while he added, a bit helpless.

"It's fine if she likes me for my face . . . because I like her . . . And it's a romantic kind of like."

". . ."

". . ."

Angel felt everything turned black and white, and the room began to spin right before her eyes. She wanted to laugh and dismissed what Eric said as a joke. A lie. A random reason for him to reject her.

But she couldn't. From just those infatuated sparkle in his eyes, with his paralyzed face turning feverish while those lips graced a rare smile at just the mention of Evangeline's name . . .

Biting her quivering lips, her eyes glared at him, threatening, warning, even pleading him to say that it was all a joke. That in truth, he likes her too in a romantic way.

But no such thing happened, and Eric reverted to his usual lifeless self.

"Miss Lin, Mr. Loire is expecting his drink. If you'll excuse me."

Eric then turned, wanting to get away. Only, his hand was held tight by Angel's arms. Looking behind his shoulders, his pupils constricted at the sight of her pleading, alluring face.

"Eric . . . It's not a problem if you don't like me that way. As you get to know me better, your feelings will naturally blossom."

As Angel spoke, Eric was suffocated by the second. Not because of her steamy tempting face nor those soft bosoms against his arm. He was choking for the reason he was trying to push back the bile in his throat.

"Sorry, Miss Lin . . . I don't think it'll work between us."

Retrieving his arm, Eric ran-walked out of the room, not glancing back.

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