I am the Queen

Chapter 86 - 40

"Mr. Cole, this is the hotel room provided by the establishment to claim your prize. Be advise that you can do whatever you want with her, but after twenty-four hours, she will be set free. You are not allowed to imprison or own her."

Asher raised his hand in annoyance, and the old man in butler suit slowly bowed and said, "Well then, the product is inside. She has been cleaned and prep. If you need anything, press the button. Have a great night, Mr. Cole. I hope we can do more business with you in the future." And the old man left with his entourage.

Asher remained impassive while he watched the men leave. When they were out of sight, he stared at the solid door and turned the handle. The door opened with an eerie creaking sound, and he walked inside the room. The room was nothing fancy. It was modern and had that comfy feel to it with its warm colors and choice of cozy rugs and furniture complete with ambient romantic lighting.

He didn't notice any of that, though. His eyes were glued to a girl sitting at the edge of the bed, looking at him.

His eyebrows twitched when he saw those subtle quaking of her stiffed shoulders and those tightened fists, clawing the bedsheet. Yet her eyes, such a lovely pair of violet eyes almost black, unyielding and unbreakable.

But not for long.

A grin tugged the corner of his lips. Part of the reason why he was willing to throw away twenty million fucking dollars was not that she was a virgin. It was because of her eyes. The moment he took a glimpse of it, his libido started kicking in full gears.

He couldn't wait to break that unyielding façade of hers.

The room was silent. Both of them didn't have any intention of talking.

Asher was here to enjoy his twenty million, not to have small talk. He didn't waste any more second and started to strip. He only had a day to break the woman.

More than enough.

His bony fingers removed his mask, which was getting in the way, and casually flung it to the side. And the cheekiness in his eyes and the smirk on his lips were apparent when he heard the surprised gasped from her. A reaction he always got whenever women laid their eyes on his face.

He ignored her and removed his watch and placed it on a table followed by his shoes and socks and vest.

When he only had his shirt and pants on, he observed her whose shaking could cause her to fall out of bed.

An alluring smile formed on his lips. He liked it that she was trembling before him, especially when he was buried deep inside her, shuddering for more. His cock throbbed in anticipation at the thought.

He motioned for her and commanded, "Come here."

". . ."

His smile stiffened when she remained stationary on the bed while a frown graced her pretty face.

His brows crumpled. He like that un-submissive, unyielding face, but too much and his patience would scrape thin. He couldn't wait to make her submit, pleading for more between his thighs.

"Didn't you hear me? I said. Come. Here." This time, his tone had an edge to it.

Still, she just stared at him, defiance on her lovely face.

Oh no.

He likes that she was not easily affected by his charms and loves the disobedient game she was playing, but he had to remind her who was the boss in this playing field.

"Sweetheart, don't forget you already sold your virginity to me for a day. If I'm not satisfied with your performance, I can always ask the management to refund you."

The seriousness on his face lessened when he saw her finally reacting. He continued, this time, his voice laced in threat.

"Twenty million isn't a small amount. I have to have my money's worth. Choose, come here and fuck me, or get the hell out and fuck those pigs and sadist waiting for you outside."

Satele gasped, and the sheet on the bed wrinkled with the tightening of her fists. For a moment, she thought she could breathe easy knowing the one who won her was a handsome man. She was still holding to hope that maybe, there was still humanity left in this world, and he would decide to let her go. But clearly, she was being naïve.

Chewing her lip, she stared up at him. For a second, her breath got stuck in her throat, and her heart lost its rhythm when she was rendered immobile by the unspoken promise of pain and pleasure in his dark onyx eyes.

Confidence in his every move. Decisive with his every word. She thought whatever this man was playing –– he never lost his game.

Propelled with the creeping fear when his face gradually changed to one of impatience, she slowly stood to her feet. She didn't know how she managed walking towards him without stumbling here and there with her shaking legs and all.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

But there she was, just inches from him. His musky somewhat cinnamon scent mixed with cigar and sweat filled her nostrils, which for a time –– made her calm down.

Until he reached out and squeezed her chin, raising her head to meet his eyes.

"What's your name?"

She frowned, avoiding his gaze. "I don't think it's necessary to know names," she snapped. Unaware of how his touch made her stomach churned in a delightful way.

Asher raised an eyebrow, a wicked grin on his lips.

"Then, I'll call you bitch for the rest of the night."

". . ."

Satele inwardly curled her lips, her forehead crumpling while her brain was shouting to smack his face until it bleeds.

The tone of her voice was barely audible as she spoke between her gnashing teeth.


Asher's grin widened, seeing her flustered face. Her eyes were a bit misty, didn't know if it was due to fear or other emotions. Yet it was still unyielding as ever while the tip of her cute nose was painted in a shade of red. And her small pouty lips appeared temptingly delicious to the touch.

Without a word, his fingers slowly traveled from her chin, down to the flesh of her neck, and leisurely trailed towards her shoulder. Taking amusement at every flinched and every controlled trembling her body elicit every time his fingers grazed her skin.

Determined to make those tightly closed quavering lips squirmed, he raised his fingers and pulled her hair, causing her head to tip back, spine arching.

His head came down at the crook of her neck as he inhaled her fragrance in slow breaths, whispering a low growl, "Don't worry, love. I'll promise you. I'll make this painful as much as possible."

His fingers then released her hair and went to the only fabric tying the dress on her body. With a slight nudge, the lace was undone, and the dress fell like silk on glass against her raw skin.

Before he could take in the tantalizing view, however, a hand blocked her breasts and pussy.

He didn't mind. He would show her, let her know with all her senses, who was the master in this game. He had plenty of things in store for her. And by the end of the night, he would have her submission.

Walking back, he put distance between them while Satele didn't know what to do nor say when Asher left her there, trying her hardest to cover what her hands could cover.

She wanted to run towards the bed and cover herself with the quilt when she saw he was nonchalantly opening a bottle of wine while his eyes never left her.

And for some odd reasons, that she didn't want to expound, she didn't find him disgusting nor repulsive at all when he kept staring at her nakedness.

In fact, those broad shoulders, tapered waist, and muscles rippling beneath his shirt and the simple gesture of standing with a military posture –– excluded dominance. And seeing him sipping his wine while his intense eyes were staring at her, emulated sexuality that she found her resistance crumbling bit by bit.

She gulped, wetting her parched throat.

This man was dangerous. He knew how to use his male dominance to make every woman want him.

She avoided his eyes and continued to remain her stance. Her pride took the challenge of his provocative grin, not willing to lose this so-called game he was playing.

And Asher would not have it in any other way.

He casually placed the wine glass on the table, a wicked grin playing on his lips, yet he didn't make any effort to move towards her. Instead, his hand palmed the bulge of his pants, which was bursting from the constrict of his pants –– stroking his cock up and down while his dark obsidian eyes glowed with lust and desire, never leaving her for a second.

The skin of her flesh felt itchy while Satele avoided her eyes. But every few seconds, she found herself unable to turn her gaze as she watched him rubbed his cock up and down. Mesmerized by his actions. She could already feel the heat rising from every part of her body while she shifted from one foot to another.

Her breathing turned shallow while the heaving of her chest quickened. Her sweaty hands were clasped against her skin, covering her private parts, refusing to acknowledge that her body was responding to his invitation much to her horror and disbelief.

Her agony didn't stop there when his other hand traveled to the top of his shirt, and one by one, he teasingly flicked the button free. And her eyes could no longer shy away nor pretend to ignore his allure.

Chiseled chest colored in bronze. Exquisitely defined abs and the mouthwatering line of his pelvic bone and those stimulating thick dark curls running towards his groin. Her mind had completely surrendered, flashing provocative images inside her head.

But he was not done yet, the next movement of his hand, she was utterly defeated when it trailed down, and both hands undo his belt –– slowly . . . the button . . . and then the zipper.

And she found herself surrendering to him completely, and the battle hadn't even begun!

She shook her head to regain her sanity back only for it to be taken away in a snap when her eyes met his blazing stare. Her knees almost gave way, and for a moment, her body swayed.

She quickly lowered her eyes, and her knees entirely buckled, slumping sideward on the ground with hands extending, supporting herself. Yet the pain of the fall didn't register in her mind. Her widened eyes stayed glued on his pants, which was already sitting below his firm butt, his engorged cock sprouting out.

". . ."

Fear and a little excitement battled all at once. Her inside erupted in convulsing fire when she saw the size of his thing. Long with ample girth, jousting upward towards his stomach. She could almost see the veins tracing the length of his shaft and could practically smell the musky scent of the thick fluid dripping from his swollen tip.

Her eyes moistened from both fear and from the excessive heat she was feeling, but mostly because she was worried. Worried if that thing could fit inside her. However, the aching of her core didn't seem to mind the idea one bit.

Her breathing turned more laborious in pants. She should feel disgusted –– but she was not. In fact, she was yearning for it.

She didn't have time to contemplate her thoughts when she heard his gruff voice.

"Come here."

Like a voice she couldn't refuse, with what little strength left in her, she pushed herself up and slowly walked towards him. Her eyes often took a peek at his hand, which was still squeezing his dick while the pad of his thumb occasionally wiped his pre-cum.

By the time she was near him enough to smell his strong male scent, he was already out of his shirt and pants and briefs –– gorgeously bare in front of her.

Abruptly, he took another drink from the wine. And before she could react, one big hand snaked around her nape, keeping it steady while the sting from the force brought by the crushing of his lips against hers knocked her breath away.

She was stunned –– utter shock.

Not because he kissed her, but because she found herself responding to his kiss!

His talented tongue pried her mouth open and fed her the wine. She could only close her eyes tight and gulped down that bitter juice. The taste burned with sweetness, which was intoxicating enough to lose her mind as the wine trailed hot tracks down her throat, towards her fluttering stomach.

And not before long, her arms flung across his neck for support while their tongues dance away in complete abandon. Nipping, biting, and sucking, it was fierce and aggressive, and she found herself reciprocating him with the same intensity.

She moaned when his hands gripped her thighs, and she let out a yelp when he jerked her body up. Her legs circled his waist while her wet cunt smashed against his hard cock.


Any protest was cut short when he forced his tongue inside her mouth, in and out. He kept shoving his tongue in her throat, mimicking what he was doing to his cock against the silken folds of her wanting cunt.

She found herself dizzy. It was not her first kiss. But this was undoubtedly her first wild, frenzy, torrid kiss which all air practically vanished from her lungs, including all restraints and grievances.

She let her body loose, her mind trapped in layers of thick fog of pleasure and desire.

"Well, that didn't take long." Asher grinned, nodding in approval when he stopped the kiss and gazed at her.

Satele's flustered face was red all over, eyes glazy and moist, pleading for more while her pouty lips were swollen and red, asking to be devoured once more as drool dripped from the side of her mouth.

Asher's grin froze when Satele's brows creased, and those eyes turned unyielding once more. A chuckle escaped from his lips while he moved and carried her towards the bed.

"Don't worry, love. This is just the appetizer. The main course is on its way."

He climbed on the bed with her still wrapped around him, his cock pressing against her wet pussy, and this got him excited. He casually fell on the bed with her under him and attacked her lips.

Satele mewed a sound of pleasure she wanted to deny as hers when he released her lips and trailed hot slimy wet kisses towards her breasts while the tip of his cock continued to tease the entrance of her opening.

Even though he was aggressive and a brute, she admitted he was being gentle to her. She could feel it from the way he caressed her skin and nibbled her nipples. He was violent about it, yes, but she sensed he was controlling the amount of pressure –– just the right amount to make her writhe in pleasure and agony all at once.

He was restless, alternating between the two hardened tips. He flicked his tongue against her nipple while occasionally wrapping it with his mouth. He then sucked hard, releasing and sucking again and again with a sensual popping sound enough to curl her toes. He was seemingly enticed by the bouncing, jiggling flesh.

Then her eyes widened, and a whimper escaped her lips when his finger entered her.


At once, her legs wanted to cross each other. However, with him positioned between her, it was, of course, impossible. She could only gasp and moan when his finger started to stretch her. She breathed deeply to lessen the sudden sting of her first penetration.

Her nipple still between his teeth, he groaned, "So fucking wet for me . . ."

Her arousal flared, feeling the slimy fluid dripping at the crack of her ass. He, too, was not doing much better. Her thighs and belly were all covered with his pre-cum.

Her fingers clawed for the sheets when another finger entered her sex, stretching her walls.

"That's it, honey. Surrender your body to me . . ."

She didn't get what he was saying. Only, it was too late when she realized she was arching her back, allowing him access –– edging him on.

With an embarrassed face which she didn't know where to put, she flung her head to the side, tears pooling in her eyes. And a tear managed to escape when she heard him cooed. So gentle like a caress of a lover.

"Don't be embarrassed, love. It's only natural."

She bit her lips and didn't say anything, trying to contain her moans, and Asher, for some odd reason, found her adorable.

Couldn't stand it anymore, he shifted his weight and positioned himself to enter her. With the change of the angle, the wetness of her pussy against his cock drove him mad.

With burning eyes and gnashing teeth, he warned.

"This is going to hurt."

Before she could have second thoughts, grunting loudly, he entered her in one thrust. His knees almost gave way when his cock throbbed in both pain, for being tightly wrapped by her slimy hot walls, and pleasure, from the heat and wonderful sensation from being inside her.

For a second, he thought he would come from just that.

Fuck! I want more!

Driven by lust and desire, he started to move only to stopped when an ear-piercing cry put him back to reality. Looking at her beneath him, his heart almost burst. The air he breath turned dry. So dry, it hurt his throat.

Her eyes were wide while tears after tears slid down her cheeks. Her spine arched, and he could feel the pain of the burn from just the image of her face alone.

He stopped, coiled muscles trembled while he gulped, saturating his dry throat as he panted. "Relax . . . Don't clench so hard."

She gritted her teeth, and amusement replaced the worry in his heart when he saw her angry face. Those unyielding eyes were staring at him. Her swollen perky lips between her teeth were holding her sobs, refusing to submit to him. And this sight of her drove his hormones crazy!

A wicked smile grazed his lips when he saw her sighing in relief as he withdrew all the way only to be screaming once more when he hammered his hips against hers. His cock buried to the hilt while his balls smacked against her ass.

He took in every image of her as he rode her fast and hard. Relentlessly shoving her up and down with him in a wild rhythm. Not a care she was groaning in pain, flustered face shifting left and right, eyes closing, brows crumpling tight.

He held her shoulders to keep her in place as he hammered his hips forward with enough force, which caused their eyes to roll back.

Leaning closer, he held her face with the palm of his hands, elbows resting on each side, supporting his weight. Forcing her eyes to meet him, he commanded in gruff.

"Open your eyes. Look at me! Look at who you're fucking with!"

Opening her eyes, gone was disobedience and unyielding ferocity. Now, it glowed in misty tears, soft and submissive. Her face, red and alluring.

And he thought . . .

He thought . . . this was a girl he could love forever.

His cock throbbed so hard he cursed loudly in a snarl.

"Fuuuck! You're so fucking beautiful!"

He sucked in a sharp air and raised her legs. Resting her calves on his shoulders, he bent her body and his hips piston with even more force, which sent their heads snapping backward.

The intensity was too much, and Satele screamed till her lungs ran out of air. The pain of the burn from being stretched to the maximum and the pleasure his cock inside her sex made her insides trembled and convulsed.


Asher grunted in broken tones. "Fuck! So Fucking tight!"

His head flung side to side while his partner shuddered, cumming in waves which had her walls constricting, squeezing his cock tight.

Shuddering, he showed no mercy. He gripped her shoulders, flexed his spine, and snapped his hips forward with so much force while releasing his sperm inside her.

"Fuuuckk! Feels so good!"

"Ah . . . S-stop . . ."

Her pleading voice only edged him more, and he continued to release inside her.

Snapping his head backward, his hips slammed tightly against her, spewing his last drop while he started to move once more –– this time with a different position.

Still inside her, he flipped her around, raising her sexy ass. His fingers dug against her flesh, spreading her butt cheeks while his thumb caressed her tight chrysanthemum hole.

His cock pulsates with excitement, slamming in and out inside her in a new rhythm.

"E-enough . . ."

She slurred, yet her body only continued to accommodate him, responding to his every caress.

With one knee on the bed and his other foot planted against the mattress, he leaned over, inhaling her musky smell mixed with the scent of mist from early morning spring. Tongue stretching, he licked her sweat and nibbled her earlobe.

"Don't resist, hon. I know you want more. I can feel your body responding to me. Does it arouse you knowing my cock is buried deep inside you?"

The said cock twitched when angry eyes met his. A delicious smirk tugged the corners of his mouth while the tip of his tongue slip, wetting his lips.

I'm soooo going to fucking enjoy breaking you.

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