I am the Queen

Chapter 88 - 1.5

As soon as Robert and Aldrick Loire was seated after the pleasantries, Aldrick went straight to the point.

"Mr. Krisnov, before we start, I want you to look at this first and tell me what you think."

Robert shot Aldrick a glance before he grabbed the folder that was handed to him. As he turned the pages, his interest surfaced on his face. The pieces of paper didn't have fancy words written on it nor world breaking proposals. What it did have was a set of designs. Designs of clothes, bags, shoes, and accessories that left him in awe. In fact, in his years of working in this industry, this was a first that he laid eyes on another design that was on par with Evangeline's. In fact, it was like a replica with his daughter.

Aldrick smiled when he saw he successfully caught the old man's interest. "Those are my little sister's designs. She studied in the school of fashion in Paris. A recent graduate. She's a fan of Frozen, so her designs have some elements of the brand."

Robert eyed Aldrick, pushing the folder on the side. His tone didn't give anything as he asked, "And may I know why you are showing this to me? If you wanted a position for your sister in my company, by all means, she could start by tomorrow as the assistant head designer."

Aldrick let out a small laugh. "Mr. Krisnov, I think you misunderstood me. I'm not here to sign my little sister for a position at your company. She's already doing perfectly fine with her newly open boutique."

Robert's eyelid twitched. "Then what exactly are you here for, showing me these pictures if you're not here to discuss about your sister working in my company?"

Straightening his back, Aldrick interlaced his fingers on top of his crossing legs. "Simple, I'm here to tell you about a proposal that will greatly benefit you."

Robert's lips hooked in a small smile before asking in an amused tone, "And what proposal is that?" His smirking lips and the bored tone was enough indication that he didn't have any expectation in this so-called proposal. What could he possibly offer him, which would make him hop to his feet in excitement?

However, the smugness on his face was washed away by Aldrick's next words.

"I heard Evangeline, your daughter, owned forty percent of Frozen."

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"Where did you hear that? Did Angel told you?" Robert's face darkened. His spine flinched straight at the boy's words.

Unfettered by the pressure from Robert's gaze, Aldrick continued in a calm voice, "No. I have my investigation."

Robert's forehead crumpled, half believing Aldrick's words. His brain was formulating thoughts as to what his estranged daughter had done for Aldrick Loire to act like this.

"Did Evangeline done something? Why are you interested in her shares?" Robert said.

"Oh, don't get me wrong. Evangeline hadn't particularly done something to me. It's that, she did something unforgivable to a person she shouldn't."

". . ."

Robert's crinkled forehead deepened. "What do you mean?"

Aldrick stifled a laugh with no humor. "I'm surprised you haven't heard about it when it is all over the media." He fished his phone from his pocket and showed the video to the old man. And the longer Robert watched the video, the more his face couldn't be painted.

"You know I love your niece, right? And I'll be dammed that I'll tolerate Evangeline's behavior after what she did to Angel. I'm sure, you would think the same."

". . ."

After a while of staring at the video, Robert slumped on his seat. He looked worn out like the video snatched some years of his life. He briefly closed his eyes and massaged the skin on his forehead, hoping it would ease his headache.

"And what exactly are you going to do?" he asked, voice dejected.

Aldrick retrieved his phone and said, "Nothing heavy. A little punishment to teach her a lesson. I think you will agree with me that Evangeline is acting like this because she has the power. Cut that power, and I believe she will learn her mistakes and reflect on her actions."

Robert opened his eyes, gaze blank. For a moment, he didn't know how to respond. Half of him agreed to what Aldrick said, while the other half didn't want to bother his daughter anymore. He was about to open his mouth to say his piece when Aldrick beat him.

"Strip her of her share, and I promise you, I'll have my sister replace her position. Free of charge. It is not hard to do, right? I'm sure you can see that my little sister has the advantage over Evangeline. Evangeline can design, true. But she lacks other aspects. A lot of it. She lacks the proper education, the technical know-how of things."

". . ."

Robert clamped his lips in a silent scream of his inner turmoil. Aldrick even knew that Evangeline was the real head designer. And he came prepared. For a time, he didn't know how to respond. True, he could remove Evangeline from the board. He has the power to do it being the founder of Frozen. All he had to do was rally the board members and have them vote to strip her of her shares by repurchasing. It had been going in his head in the past, but he couldn't bring himself to do so because one, he still needed her. And two, the other board members wouldn't kick her out knowing it was her designs behind Frozen's success.

Aldrick really came prepared and solved all those problems. Aldrick's little sister's designs share similarities with Evangeline's. Not only that, but she also had an advantage over Evangeline by a considerable margin knowing she graduated at a Design school. She was equipped with the knowledge and technical know-how, while Evangeline relied purely on her visual aesthetics.

. . . But . . .


Snowfalls glided smoothly, freely across the sky, blanketing the streets and pathways in a comforting embrace.

Inside a restaurant on top of a skyscraper, Angel watched as the snow fell while a smirk never disappeared from her face. Sitting comfortably on a chair, she gently swirled the wine glass in her hand. She lazily tilted her head, waiting for someone to bring her the good news. And when she spotted the approaching man, her smirking face turned into one of panic and worry, and she stood when Aldrick approached her table.

"Aldrick! What happened? How did your meeting go with uncle Robert? Don't you know how worried and guilty I am? I shouldn't have told you . . . I shouldn't have told you about Evangeline and the company. If I knew you're going to storm my uncle, I shouldn't have––"

"Angel, calm down," Aldrick said, soothing the distressed woman before he sat on the chair opposite Angel.

But as soon as Angel planted herself on her chair, she attacked without pause.

"How do you expect me to calm down? Aldrick, how could you? If Evangeline lost her position in the company, it would be all my fault. Please tell me my uncle didn't agree with your proposal. If he did, what will happen to Eva––"

"You don't have to worry about that. Your uncle didn't agree."

"I knew it! It's all my fault! Now Evangeline's shares are strip from her! What should I do? What should I . . . Wait. . ."

Angel stopped, the words stuck in her throat. The concern and worry on her face lessened, transforming to one of utter disbelief as she gaped at Aldrick.

"What did you say?" she asked voice high pitched.

Aldrick sighed, brushing his hands through his hair before answering, tone didn't hide his discontent and irritation. Irritation for Robert Krisnov for rejecting his proposal. "Your uncle rejected the proposal. Apparently, he still cared about his disowned daughter."

Angel momentarily lost her ability to hear as the words 'Robert Krisnov rejected the proposal' kept ringing in her ear.


She shrieked. She utterly lost her composure when the reality sunk in, and her palms meet against the table in a resounding SLAM! Her shrill voice mixed with the slamming sound bounced along the room, garnering eyes toward their direction.

Angel quickly recovered her wits, and she added when Aldrick was looking at her with wide eyes and gaping mouth.

"I . . . I mean . . . that's great! I know uncle would make the right choice . . ." She sighed in fake relief, and a gentle smile replaced the downward curved of her lips.

After recovering from Angel's sudden outburst, Aldrick was preoccupied once more with plans to teach Evangeline a lesson now that his proposal was rejected. He couldn't believe his perfect plan didn't work. He was even willing to bargain his little sister. His belly was stuffed with irritation while his mouth rant nonstop, trying to unleash some of the stuffy feeling boiling inside him.

"I can't believe that man. I mean no offense to Aunt Cherry. But this time, your uncle passed a good opportunity. I mean, it's not like Evangeline would live poorly. Though she would lose her means of income, she would be compensated with money. I think it is a win-win situation. Your uncle can finally get that forty percent while maintaining his company's overall performance with my little sister as the head designer. I believe she can bring Frozen to a new height with her skills, unlike Evangeline. And besides that. . ."

While Aldrick rant, Angel's brain was on the verge of shutting down from overthinking her next plan. She was having a hard time believing that Robert Krisnov would refuse such an excellent proposal. He was a greedy and ambitious man. There was no way he would reject such an offer.

Unless . . .

Aldrick was right. He still somehow cared about his daughter.

Angel bit her thumbnail, chewing on her chopped nail. Her initial plan was to steal the shares from Evangeline, but she was also okay if she couldn't have her hands on it as long as Evangeline was stripped of her primary line of defense, which was the protection of that forty percent. And everything after that was easy.

But unfortunately, that plan was thwarted by Robert Krisnov no less. And she thought he was her ticket in trampling Evangeline to dust.

I guess I have no other choice.

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