I Am The Young Master

Chapter 132 - The candle is lit again!

Chapter 132: The candle is lit again!

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——(POV third person)——

Li Huang and Han Junhui kept talking about the test space and Han Junxiong on the side just kept looking at them. Like this, a minute passed.

"I see. It was unfortunate that at that year, we were not using the bird eye artifact or else I might have come out of there without the need to resort to this method." Han Junhui said and shook his head. As the trial's rules were not something that anybody knew for sure, the sects had to conduct tests and find the boundaries little by little so it was not shocking that in Han Junhui's time, they didn't know that they can map the place without getting thrown out of the trial space.

Li Huang didn't say anything as he knew that he was not the only one in the world that could come out of that test and from what he understood from Han Junhui's personality in this short time he was sure that he too could finish the trial given the appropriate tools.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Han Junhui was thinking about his time in the soul cage and the things that he probably lost because he was in there. Li Huang who saw the gloomy expression on Han Junhui's face tried to change the subject.

"I have also given your storage rings to your brother." Li Huang said. In the minute that they talked Han Junhui too asked him to set aside the formalities as they could be considered in the same age from their appearance.

"Oh, this brother of mine wouldn't give them back if you wouldn't tell me…" Han Junhui said as he shook his head over-dramatically. He understood that Li Huang was trying to change the subject but he didn't have anything against it as thinking about the past could only cause him problems in the future. The fact that he didn't develop a heart demon after all these years shows that he has a firm foundation that wouldn't shake with even the strongest of winds.

"*tsk* Why would I—" Han Junxiong wanted to say that now he is the patriarch and doesn't need such a storage ring but couldn't finish his sentence as someone teleported to the room that they were in.

This room was the meeting room in their Sky Pillar sect so only someone at the level of patriarch or the grand elders could teleport here without restriction so they were shocked to see someone enter unceremoniously.

"His candle is lit! We have to start—" The figure who entered the room was none other than Peng Borong who now had the position of the grand elder in the sect. She was always considered a bright star of the sky pillar sect but after what happened to Han Junhui and his 'death' she shone even brighter as she dedicated herself to training as she wanted to get into the trial again even if it is by force and find him. She would be content to even find his body so it wasn't like she was hoping for a miracle.

After years of training, she was strong enough to lead the sect but she didn't accept this position and decided to continue her training to reach the highest heights possible to free her beloved.

When Han Junhui's soul candle went out, the sect moved the candle out of the room that held soul candles for every disciple of the sect. She pleaded to her master to let her keep it and she would train without a stop. Her master who could see the earnestness in her tone accepted her request and gave the candle to her.

She put this candle in her cultivation room to remind herself why she trained this much. Today too was nothing new as she kept on training and meditating but something made her lose focus when she was meditating. It was the chill of the soul candle.

A soul candle has a chill to it when it is lit, unlike an ordinary candle. Peng Borong was all too familiar with this chill and what could have caused it but she didn't open her eyes for a minute as she was afraid that this would be all an illusion, a mistake.

When she finally opened her eyes and looked at the lit candle, she couldn't stop the tears from gathering in her eyes. She didn't waste any time as she stormed toward their sect's teleport formation that would teleport them to any location that belonged to their sect as they all were connected to this central point.

She didn't even hear her master calling for her as she couldn't think of anything else other than her Junhui.

Before her master could stop her she stepped onto the teleportation formation and teleported to the tent. When her master saw Peng Borong's fading figure, she turned around and saw that Peng Borong's door was open so she decided to enter her room and maybe understand what caused her disciple that much distress.

When she looked at the room she didn't find anything as everything was like it was years ago. Peng Borong wasn't one to decorate her room as she was too invested in her training.

"Heavens!" As her master thought that nothing was out of the ordinary, she saw the soul candle that was now lit and she exclaimed. After all these years, to see this candle lit again even she was shocked beyond her cognition so it was well within the expectation that Peng Borong would react like that.

She soon collected herself and went to talk to other grand elders as what happened to Han Junhui was a mystery and now the soul candle is lit again and that is something unprecedented.

On the other hand, Peng Borong teleported into the meeting room of the Sky Pillar sect's tent. She wanted to tell Han Junxiong that Han Junhui is still alive and they have to do anything they can to save him as now they have an assurance that he is alive but he might not be well.

She saw Han Junxiong but she soon saw Han Junhui from the corner of her eyes and she couldn't continue talking as she couldn't believe her eyes. Han Junhui, not much older than when they were in the trial together, was on a bed that was placed in the middle of the meeting room.

She didn't say a word more as she start walking toward Han Junhui as she was fixated on his face. She was worried that if she looked away even for a moment, he wouldn't be there anymore. She didn't even question the absurdness of this bed's placement in the middle of the room.

Han Junhui on the other hand was also equally surprised as he thought that Peng Borong must have forgotten about him after all these years and moved past him in her life but the way she entered the room proved him otherwise. The way that she looked at him was as lovingly as when they last were together.

Han Junhui smiled at her as he couldn't think how hard it must have been for her all these years. His situation was hard and almost unbearable but he had hope that he could see them again but Peng Borong was waiting for a dead man to come back.

When Peng Borong saw his smile she didn't walk anymore and ran so fast that to Li Huang's eyes it looked like teleportation. She slowly put a hand on Han Junhui's face and then moved her hand with care as if Han Junhui was as fragile as glass. She couldn't control her tears anymore and cried with joy. Han Junhui wiped the tears which stained her face with his fingers as he too had tears in his eyes.

"I'm back rong'er." Han Junhui said with the brightest smile he could muster.

"…I won't let you leave again." Peng Borong said as she didn't want to be in this situation again. She then embraced him as hard as she could without harming him, explanations could wait but this couldn't. She didn't even care about other occupants of the room but no one could blame her for it.

Li Huang was touched by this reunion and tried to even breathe with the smallest amount of noise so that he won't be the one ruining this moment but Han Junxiong was not enjoying this like him. Sure, he was glad his brother and Peng Borong had their reunion but now he had to explain to Peng Borong why he didn't send her a message about this immediately or she would beat him black and blue. So he thought that it is wiser to say something before she decides to ask him herself.

"Grand elder P—" Han Junxiong tried to say but he couldn't finish as he was hit with a series of attacks that came from Peng Borong's open palm as she was still embracing Han Junhui.

Li Huang now understood that he did a good job by being silent as he could and now, he even actively breathed less to attract less attention.

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