I Became a Crazy Swordsmanship Instructor in the Game

Chapter 12:

Chapter 12:

‘Ugh… Master, wake up.’


Philip stirred from his slumber at Neria’s voice.

Despite being in a villa where nobles resided, the bed unfortunately lacked the technological marvels of this world.

“Having to go to work on a weekend, it’s quite dreadful.”

‘It’s inevitable for someone with limited experience. Even Neria’s previous masters felt the same way. Especially the sixth owner, she found it terrible when she first joined the mercenary corps.’

“… Ah, I see.”

Philip rose from his bed and opened the window.

As the fresh morning air of spring permeated his lungs, drowsiness dissipated on its own.

“On a day like this, it’s best to lazily soak up the sun in a park-like setting.”

The weather was too beautiful to spend it working, but there was no choice. He changed his clothes and made his way out of his room.

It had been about a week since he relocated from the faculty dormitory to this mansion.

“A change in the living environment often leads to a change in mood.”

The mind was more influenced by the physical surroundings than one might think. There was a reason why altering the interior design was recommended as a treatment for depression.

Suddenly, his gaze fell upon a sword resting next to his desk.

“… When should I give that to her?”

To an unknowing person, it would merely appear as a slightly beautiful and sharp weapon, but to Philip, it was nothing short of a cheat item.

He just couldn’t wield it himself.

He had to find the right moment to hand it over to Felicia. At least she wouldn’t betray him.

Philip proceeded down the corridor and promptly knocked on Lua’s neighboring door.

“Is it the instructor?”

“Yes. May I come in?”

“Of course!”

During the week, the vibrant energy and playfulness that he first felt when he encountered Lua returned to some extent.

As he opened the door, Lua’s room greeted him, painted entirely in shades of pink. The overall decor, including the curtains, bedding, and furniture, had a charming and whimsical touch.

Having never had a room of her own before, Lua simply followed Philip’s decision without hesitation.

Philip, who had always been keen on interior design, had poured his heart and soul into personally decorating the room.

‘… It must have cost a small fortune to adorn this space.’

Pink dye happened to be one of the most expensive ones available.

Although Philip had sourced some suitable items from Joseph’s Trading Association’s warehouse, if he had bought them with money, it would have taken him twenty years of service as an instructor to earn that much.

Luan was still in her pajamas, and remained lying on the bed. She only raised her head to look at Philip when he arrived.

He didn’t mind if it seemed somewhat uncouth; after all, compared to the upper secondary students on Earth, it was inconsequential.

“Where are you off to?”

Lua inquired, to which Philip nodded in response.

“To the academy. I can’t say when I’ll be back, so make the most of your time and enjoy yourself. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask the butler or maids.”


The girl seemed on the verge of saying something but ultimately held her tongue. Philip settled onto the bed, which was reminiscent of a princess in a fairy tale.

“Why do you do all this?”

After asking, Lua pressed her lips together.

“Just… I’m curious why you’re so kind to me. I feel like I don’t deserve any of this. I don’t know much, and the only thing I can do is climb trees.”

“Climb trees? How skilled are you at it?”

“Quicker than a squirrel.”

Phillip said in awe, “That is… really impressive.” 

It was difficult to imagine a girl who had no knowledge of magic being better at tree climbing than a squirrel.

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After exchanging a few more words with Lua, Phillip left the cottage and headed towards the academy. It was an urgent summons from the senior professor, and he couldn’t afford to be late.

* * *

The only classroom assigned to the swordsmanship department was smaller and more worn out than its counterpart in the magic department.

Phillip arrived first and slouched in a chair, killing time.


When he started contemplating the Moonlight Sword, time seemed to slip away quickly. Phillip still struggled to fully comprehend the contents of the visionary book.

Nevertheless, each time he delved into it during his spare moments, he made some progress. He had a vague sense of the direction he needed to pursue in his training.

‘In the end, I have to alter the nature of magic,’ Phillip thought to himself.

Anyone with even a modicum of understanding about the power of magic would dismiss his dilemma as unfounded.

Even the renowned Aura Masters, often referred to as Masters, never considered manipulating the fundamental properties of magic. They simply harnessed its existing nature.

However, Phillip had approached magic in a distinct manner from the outset, enabling him to entertain such unconventional ideas.

‘I’m bored, Master,’ the voice of Chatterbox Sword, Neria, interrupted his thoughts.

“Yeah. What should we do for fun? Want to play hide-and-seek? I’ll hide really well, so close your eyes and count to three thousand, and then come find me.”

‘That’s just mean.’

Neria replied, her voice tinged with sharpness.

As the classroom door swung open, someone entered. Phillip already knew who it was. It was Professor Fraser Campbell, responsible for teaching the third and fourth years in the swordsmanship department.

“And who might you be?” he asked.

He was a middle-aged man in his late 40s, a skilled veteran from the renowned “Aurum Knights,” often referred to as the best knight order on the continent.

With a naturally sharp countenance and numerous battle scars on his face, presumably from combating demons, he instilled fear in many of the students.

Philip stood up from his seat and respectfully lowered his head.

“Good day, Professor.”

“Indeed, you’ve arrived early.”

An incredibly awkward tension permeated the air between them.

He was known for his stern demeanor so Phillip felt uneasy, while Professor Campbell wasn’t particularly fond of the somewhat ill-reputed Philip.

“I haven’t heard anything specific about why I was summoned by the head professor. Do you happen to know?”

Unable to overcome the unease, Philip inquired, causing Professor Campbell to tilt his head.

“I, too, am unaware.”

It was a relief that there wasn’t blatant animosity. Professor Campbell found a suitable vacant seat and took it, while another person entered the lecture hall soon after.

“Greetings, Professor Campbell, and Instructor Philip.”

It was Instructor Diana Farenhall with her long blue hair elegantly tied up.

“Yes, Instructor. You’re early.”

Gratefully, she took the seat next to Philip.

“Have you had breakfast?”

Philip asked, to which she nodded in response.

“Yes, I have. And what about you, Instructor?”

“I usually don’t have breakfast.”

Engaging in casual small talk with colleagues was one of the pleasures of professional life.

Philip hadn’t anticipated getting along so well with her, but for some reason, after the induction ceremony, Instructor Diana had been rather warm towards him.

As they engaged in small talk, Professor Campbell was accompanied by three other instructors, and Professor Felicia Oswald took the seat beside Philip.

Professor Campbell appeared unfazed by the fact that the instructors had arrived later than him.

‘He doesn’t seem particularly authoritarian.’

Philip couldn’t help but wonder if this was an opportunity to become closer to him.

Felicia glanced at Diana, who was seated next to Philip, and let out a sigh.

‘Why is she sticking to him?’

Although Diana discreetly gestured for the vacant seat, Felicia swiftly turned her head and moved away.

Just then, the host of the gathering, Senior Professor Emil Phanoy, entered the lecture hall.

“It seems all the salary bandits who feast on the Academy’s budget have gathered here.”

Campbell and Felicia seemed unaffected, but the expressions of the other instructors, except for Philip, became uncomfortable.

Emil, the senior professor, looked at Philip and Felicia, who had distanced themselves, and spoke.

“Professor Oswald, haven’t you reconciled with your sister yet? How old are you? Isn’t that a bit childish?”

Felicia pursed her lips.

“… It’s disruptive, professor.”

“You’re quite sharp today. Anyway, don’t regret it later and try to get along. Blood ties are stronger than you think. And Professor Campbell, try to lighten up a bit. Your face already appears burdened, so why strain your eyes as well?”

Professor Campbell managed an awkward smile in response.

“I’ll… do my best.”

“Alright. I suppose you’re curious as to why I called you all during a weekend when you should be frolicking in bed with your lover. It’s nothing too significant, just a request for a duel from the ‘Silver Knights’.”

As soon as the mention of the ‘Silver Knights’ came up, the professor and the instructors wore expressions of astonishment.

They were the order immediately following the ‘Aurum Knights.’ They were a unit that engaged in direct combat with demons, just like the Aurum Knights, and their skills were nothing to scoff at.

Serving in this unit alone was enough to catch the attention of the central nobility.

‘Ah, it seems the time has come.’

Philip nodded his head in agreement. It was because, during this period, there was usually an exchange dueling event between the ‘Silver Knights’ and the Academy’s Swordsmanship Department faculty.

He recalled that he had to be a bit cautious during this time when playing the role of the protagonist, as the faculty members were quite sharp-minded.

“Professor Campbell, as well as Professor Oswald, both of you must participate without fail. I’m also thinking of sending two instructors. Is there anyone willing to volunteer?”

In response to the senior professor’s question, all the instructors affiliated with Professor Campbell, except for Philip and Diana, raised their hands.

“Instructor Farenhall, why didn’t you raise your hand?”

“I’m not particularly interested, Senior Professor. This period is the most critical time for the lower-level students as their bodies are still developing. If I were to focus on the duel, it’s highly likely that I would neglect my classes.”

Upon hearing Diana’s composed response, the senior professor nodded approvingly.

“Very well. I’ll exclude you from the list of participants. Then, Instructor Oswald, what about you?”

“I feel the same way. I can’t afford to divert my attention elsewhere during such an important period.”

Although he gave that response, Philip felt that he wouldn’t be able to emerge victorious. He was assessing his own abilities quite objectively.

‘I don’t think I’ll be able to win at this moment.’

If they were the ‘Silver Knights,’ they were skilled swordsmen who knew how to wield their blades. Moreover, they were individuals who had fiercely battled against demons on the northern frontlines, which undoubtedly sharpened their practical sense.

His swordsmanship skills were still lacking to face them. If he could turn it into a close-quarters fight, he might stand a chance, but it seemed likely that he would be intercepted before he even had a chance to try.

“… Is that so?”

Professor Emil Phanoy glanced at Philip and Diana with a wicked smile playing on his lips.

“Well then, both of you can leave,” he said.

The three instructors who had raised their hands were even more taken aback by his words.

“W-Why, Professor?” one of them mustered the courage to ask.

“Why, you ask? It’s rather obvious,” Professor Phanoy replied. “When you raised your hands, did you consider the well-being of the students? I assume you were solely focused on impressing the Silver Knights and advancing your careers. But let me remind you, this is not a launching pad for personal success; it is an institution for educating children.”

His gaze turned into a glare as he shot a look of annoyance at Professor Campbell.

“Teach with dedication, Professor Campbell. Do you honestly believe you can educate these children with such a mindset?”

“I… I apologize. I have no excuses,” Professor Campbell responded, bowing his head in remorse. The faces of the instructors turned pale, realizing the gravity of their actions.

“Professor Oswald, accompany the cadets,” Professor Phanoy commanded.

“Yes, sir,” Professor Oswald acknowledged.

Following the senior professor’s orders, Felicia rose from her seat. With an affectionate look in her eyes, she directed her gaze towards Diana. 

Diana responded with a warm smile.

“And what about me?” Philip wondered, hoping for Felicia’s attention. Unfortunately, he was left disappointed as she didn’t spare him a glance.


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I Became a Crazy Swordsmanship Instructor in the Game

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